Simple library facilitating integration of Artificial Intelligence models into mobile applications.
- Overview
- Design
- Requirements
- Setup
- Features
- Usage
- Extending data input and output providers
- Call for contribution
AI gets more and more into the mobile world. This library is designed to help those who want to embed an ML model into their mobile application but don't have much background in the AI field. Are you confused which ML model to use? Tensorflow, TensorflowLite or maybe CoreML? You don't quite know how to go about them? We know your pain. We went through documentation, samples, and StackOverflow to help you with your AI tasks.
There exists also an iOS implementation of Macaque which can be found here.
Macaque is based on 4 main components:
- Macaque object - that handle communication betwean InputDataProvide, OutputDataProvider, Predictor
- InputDataProvider - converts arbitrary data into data compatible with model's input
- OutputDataProvider - converts model's output into data format compatible with the rest of the application
- Predictor - collects data from an InputDataProvider, handles prediction and sends data to OutputDataProvider
The schema below presents the main use case of Macaque
- UIImageToRGBDataProvider - converts
object to image data format accepted by ML models - VideoStreamInputDataProvider - converts
to the format accepted by models operating on images (Only BGRA colourspace is supported)
- Detection4OutputsBoundingBoxesDataProvider - converts detection results from 4 model outputs (Locations, Classes, Scores, # of detections) into a list of DetectionResult objects
Minimum version of iOS supported is 9.0, Swift 5
Curently Macaque has to be build from sources
Clone repository and go to
folder -
Open terminal and navigate to Macaqe project folder
pod install
Archive framework: Top menu -> Product -> Archive
In a popup window click
Distribute Content
Build Product
and clickNext
select folder to export and hit
Add Macaque.framework to your project
- Support TenforflowLite
- Support Tensorflow 1.x.x
- CocoaPods build
- Implementations of input and output data providers for base detection and classification models, quantized and not quantized, available out of the box
- Implementation of output data provider for PoseNet models
- Implementation of output data provider for detection models returning locations relative to anchor boxes
- Support of models not based on images.
Instantiate input and output data provider:
//Standard provider that UIImage to data
let inputDataProvider = UIImageToRGBDataProvider<UInt8>()
// Standard provider that transform data from prediction to BoundingBoxes
let outputDataProvider = Detection4OutputsBoundingBoxesDataProvider()
Instantiate predictor:
let predictor = try? Predictor(modelName: "detector", //Model name
modelExtension: "tflite", //Model extension
inputDataProvider: inputDataProvider,
outputDataProvider: outputDataProvider)
Pass data to input data provider:
inputDataProvider.image = UIImage(named:"ImageForDetection")
Run prediction:
try? self.predictor?.predict()
Get results from output data provider:
let results = outputDataProvider.getResults()
Unfortunately, it is impossible to cover all possible data conversion to and from model prediction.
We tried to design Macaque as modular as it is possible to use custom models.
To provide any data to your model write class that will implement OutputDataProvider
or InputDataProvider
The rest will be handled by the predictor.
Our Macaque is new on the market. There is still a lot to be done before it is mature. But the base is there and it is also for you to take your part in its development! We encourage everyone to tell their thoughts, request changes or features (e.g. via GitHub issues system) and of course by improving our codebase with pull requests. Let’s make Macaque better together!