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How to create access token for Gitako?

Enix edited this page Aug 24, 2019 · 7 revisions

In what case would you need an access token?

When you see warnings like above, you might need Gitako to help you explore private repositories, or get rid of API rate limiting. An access token is essential.

Steps to create

There are 2 ways to create token for Gitako

  1. OAuth - much easier to proceed. Strongly recommended!
  2. manually - fallback method, in rare cases OAuth doesn't work


  1. Click on Create with OAuth, You'll be redirected to GitHub OAuth page for Gitako.

  2. Click on Request or Grant for the organizations you'd like Gitako to access, then confirm with Authorize GitakoExtension.

  3. You'll be redirect back and see file tree working properly.

  4. If above steps do not work, or you had trouble in requesting access to some organizations, please try the manual way below.


  1. Head to , click Generate new token
  2. Input the token name (any random string is ok), and click on repo checkbox:

  3. You'll see your access token after clicking Generate token at bottom. Copy it immediately (otherwise you won't be able to see it anymore), paste into Gitako settings, save and reload page.


Gitako stores your token locally at Chrome local storage (not HTML5 LocalStorage API), thus your token will not be exposed to any other extensions or website scripts except Gitako itself. Also, Gitako will NOT upload your token to anywhere, it will only be used when accessing GitHub API.

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