diff --git a/MainModule/Server/Commands/Players.lua b/MainModule/Server/Commands/Players.lua
index fa35dc4f6e..b4fe15fa31 100644
--- a/MainModule/Server/Commands/Players.lua
+++ b/MainModule/Server/Commands/Players.lua
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ return function(Vargs, env)
Desc = "["..cStr.."] "..v.Description,
Filter = cStr
- cmdCount = cmdCount + 1
+ cmdCount += 1
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ return function(Vargs, env)
Paint = {
Prefix = Settings.PlayerPrefix;
Commands = {"paint","canvas","draw"};
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ return function(Vargs, env)
NotifyMe = {
Prefix = Settings.PlayerPrefix;
Commands = {"notifyme"};
@@ -168,6 +168,96 @@ return function(Vargs, env)
+ RandomNum = {
+ Prefix = Settings.PlayerPrefix;
+ Commands = {"rand","random","randnum","dice"};
+ Args = {"num m";"num n"};
+ Description = "Generates a number using Lua's math.random";
+ AdminLevel = "Players";
+ Function = function(plr,args)
+ assert((not args[1]) or tonumber(args[1]), "Argument(s) provided must be numbers")
+ assert((not args[2]) or tonumber(args[2]), "Arguments provided must be numbers")
+ if args[2] then
+ assert(args[2] >= args[1], "Second argument n cannot be smaller than first")
+ Functions.Hint(math.random(args[1], args[2]), {plr})
+ elseif args[1] then
+ Functions.Hint(math.random(args[1]), {plr})
+ else
+ Functions.Hint(math.random(), {plr})
+ end
+ end
+ };
+ BrickColorList = {
+ Prefix = Settings.PlayerPrefix;
+ Commands = {"brickcolors";"colors";"colorlist"};
+ Args = {};
+ Description = "Shows you a list of Roblox BrickColors for reference";
+ AdminLevel = "Players";
+ Function = function(plr,args)
+ local children = {
+ Core.Bytecode([[Object:ResizeCanvas(false, true, false, false, 5, 5)]]);
+ }
+ local brickColorNames = {}
+ for i = 1, 127 do
+ table.insert(brickColorNames, BrickColor.palette(i).Name)
+ end
+ table.sort(brickColorNames)
+ for i, bc in ipairs(brickColorNames) do
+ bc = BrickColor.new(bc)
+ table.insert(children, {
+ Class = "TextLabel";
+ Size = UDim2.new(1, -10, 0, 30);
+ Position = UDim2.new(0, 5, 0, 30*(i-1));
+ BackgroundTransparency = 1;
+ TextXAlignment = "Left";
+ Text = " "..bc.Name;
+ ToolTip = ("RGB: %d, %d, %d | Num: %d"):format(bc.r*255, bc.g*255, bc.b*255, bc.Number);
+ ZIndex = 1;
+ Children = {
+ {
+ Class = "Frame";
+ BackgroundColor3 = bc.Color;
+ Size = UDim2.new(0, 80, 1, -4);
+ Position = UDim2.new(1, -82, 0, 2);
+ ZIndex = 2;
+ }
+ };
+ })
+ end
+ Remote.MakeGui(plr, "Window", {
+ Name = "BrickColorList";
+ Title = "BrickColors";
+ Size = {270, 300};
+ MinSize = {150, 100};
+ Content = children;
+ Ready = true;
+ })
+ end
+ };
+ MaterialList = {
+ Prefix = Settings.PlayerPrefix;
+ Commands = {"materials";"materiallist","mats"};
+ Args = {};
+ Description = "Shows you a list of Roblox materials for reference";
+ AdminLevel = "Players";
+ Function = function(plr,args)
+ local mats = {
+ "Brick", "Cobblestone", "Concrete", "CorrodedMetal", "DiamondPlate", "Fabric", "Foil", "ForceField", "Glass", "Granite",
+ "Grass", "Ice", "Marble", "Metal", "Neon", "Pebble", "Plastic", "Slate", "Sand", "SmoothPlastic", "Wood", "WoodPlanks"
+ }
+ for i, mat in ipairs(mats) do
+ mats[i] = {Text = mat; Desc = "Enum value: "..Enum.Material[mat].Value}
+ end
+ Remote.MakeGui(plr,"List",{Title = "Materials"; Tab = mats})
+ end
+ };
ClientTab = {
Prefix = Settings.PlayerPrefix;
Commands = {"client";"clientsettings","playersettings"};
@@ -294,7 +384,7 @@ return function(Vargs, env)
OnIgnore = Core.Bytecode("return false");
- num = num+1
+ num += 1
if ret then
if not answered then
answered = true
@@ -406,39 +496,45 @@ return function(Vargs, env)
AdminLevel = "Players";
Function = function(plr,args)
local usage={
- 'NOTE: This info is temporary.';
- 'A revamped user manual is being made.';
'Mouse over things in lists to expand them';
'You can also resize windows by dragging the edges';
- 'Commands:';
- 'Timeban, Works with non-ingame players, '.. Settings.Prefix ..'tban Player time(d/h/m/s) | Example: '.. Settings.Prefix ..'timeban Sceleratis 10h (10 hours ban), d = days, h = hour, m = minutes, s = seconds';
- 'Special Functions:';
- 'Ex: '..Settings.Prefix..'kill FUNCTION, so like '..Settings.Prefix..'kill '..Settings.SpecialPrefix..'all';
- 'Put /e in front to silence it (/e '..Settings.Prefix..'kill scel) or enable chat command hiding in client settings';
- ''..Settings.SpecialPrefix..'me - Runs a command on you';
- ''..Settings.SpecialPrefix..'all - Runs a command on everyone';
- ''..Settings.SpecialPrefix..'admins - Runs a command on all admins in the game';
- ''..Settings.SpecialPrefix..'nonadmins - Same as !admins but for people who are not an admin';
- ''..Settings.SpecialPrefix..'others - Runs command on everyone BUT you';
- ''..Settings.SpecialPrefix..'random - Runs command on a random person';
- ''..Settings.SpecialPrefix..'friends - Runs command on anyone on your friends list';
- '%TEAMNAME - Runs command on everyone in the team TEAMNAME Ex: '..Settings.Prefix..'kill %raiders';
- '$GROUPID - Run a command on everyone in the group GROUPID, Will default to the GroupId setting if no id is given';
+ 'Put /e in front to silence commands in chat (/e '..Settings.Prefix..'kill scel) or enable chat command hiding in client settings';
+ 'Player commands can be used by anyone, these commands have '..Settings.PlayerPrefix..' infront, such as '..Settings.PlayerPrefix..'info and '..Settings.PlayerPrefix..'rejoin';
+ '';
+ '――――― Player Selectors ―――――';
+ 'Usage example: '..Settings.Prefix..'kill '..Settings.SpecialPrefix..'all (where '..Settings.SpecialPrefix..'all is the selector)';
+ ''..Settings.SpecialPrefix..'me - Yourself';
+ ''..Settings.SpecialPrefix..'all - Everyone in the server';
+ ''..Settings.SpecialPrefix..'admins - Admin in the server';
+ ''..Settings.SpecialPrefix..'nonadmins - Non-admins (normal players) in the server';
+ ''..Settings.SpecialPrefix..'others - Everyone except yourself';
+ ''..Settings.SpecialPrefix..'random - A random person in the server';
+ '#NUM - NUM random players in the server '..Settings.Prefix..'ff #5 will ff 5 random players.';
+ ''..Settings.SpecialPrefix..'friends - Your friends who are in the server';
+ '%TEAMNAME - Members of the team TEAMNAME Ex: '..Settings.Prefix..'kill %raiders';
+ '$GROUPID - Members of the group with ID GROUPID (number in the Roblox group webpage URL)';
'-PLAYERNAME - Will remove PLAYERNAME from list of players to run command on. '..Settings.Prefix..'kill all,-scel will kill everyone except scel';
- '#NUMBER - Will run command on NUMBER of random players. '..Settings.Prefix..'ff #5 will ff 5 random players.';
- 'radius-NUMBER -- Lets you run a command on anyone within a NUMBER stud radius of you. '..Settings.Prefix..'ff radius-5 will ff anyone within a 5 stud radius of you.';
+ 'radius-NUM -- Anyone within a NUM-stud radius of you. '..Settings.Prefix..'ff radius-5 will ff anyone within a 5-stud radius of you.';
- 'Certain commands can be used by anyone, these commands have '..Settings.PlayerPrefix..' infront, such as '..Settings.PlayerPrefix..'clean and '..Settings.PlayerPrefix..'rejoin';
- ''..Settings.Prefix..'kill me,noob1,noob2,'..Settings.SpecialPrefix..'random,%raiders,$123456,!nonadmins,-scel';
+ '――――― Repetition ―――――';
+ 'Multiple player selections - '..Settings.Prefix..'kill me,noob1,noob2,'..Settings.SpecialPrefix..'random,%raiders,$123456,'..Settings.SpecialPrefix..'nonadmins,-scel';
'Multiple Commands at a time - '..Settings.Prefix..'ff me '..Settings.BatchKey..' '..Settings.Prefix..'sparkles me '..Settings.BatchKey..' '..Settings.Prefix..'rocket jim';
- 'You can add a wait if you want; '..Settings.Prefix..'ff me '..Settings.BatchKey..' !wait 10 '..Settings.BatchKey..' '..Settings.Prefix..'m hi we waited 10 seconds';
+ 'You can add a delay if you want; '..Settings.Prefix..'ff me '..Settings.BatchKey..' !wait 10 '..Settings.BatchKey..' '..Settings.Prefix..'m hi we waited 10 seconds';
''..Settings.Prefix..'repeat 10(how many times to run the cmd) 1(how long in between runs) '..Settings.Prefix..'respawn jim';
- 'Place HeadAdmins can edit some settings in-game via the '..Settings.Prefix..'settings command';
- 'Please refer to the Tips and Tricks section under the settings in the script for more detailed explanations'
+ '';
+ '――――― Reference Info ―――――';
+ ''..Settings.Prefix..'cmds for a list of available commands';
+ ''..Settings.Prefix..'cmdinfo <command w/o prefix> for detailed info about a command';
+ ''..Settings.PlayerPrefix..'brickcolors for a list of BrickColors';
+ ''..Settings.PlayerPrefix..'materials for a list of materials';
+ '';
+ ''..Settings.Prefix..'capes for a list of preset admin capes';
+ ''..Settings.Prefix..'musiclist for a list of preset audios';
+ ''..Settings.Prefix..'insertlist for a list of insertable assets using '..Settings.Prefix..'insert';
- Remote.MakeGui(plr,"List",{Title = 'Usage', Tab = usage, Size = {280, 240}, RichText = true})
+ Remote.MakeGui(plr,"List",{Title = 'Usage', Tab = usage, Size = {300, 250}, RichText = true})
@@ -580,7 +676,7 @@ return function(Vargs, env)
InspectAvatar = {
Prefix = Settings.PlayerPrefix;
Commands = {"inspectavatar";"avatarinspect";"viewavatar";"examineavatar";};
@@ -608,7 +704,7 @@ return function(Vargs, env)
NumPlayers = {
Prefix = Settings.PlayerPrefix;
Commands = {"pnum","numplayers","playercount"};
@@ -633,7 +729,7 @@ return function(Vargs, env)
TimeDate = {
Prefix = Settings.Prefix;
Commands = {"timedate";"date";"datetime";};
@@ -681,3 +777,4 @@ return function(Vargs, env)