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File metadata and controls

248 lines (198 loc) · 7.51 KB


Mako theme for Hugo, a retro computing inspired theme built upon UI-Kit.

Mako Theme Preview


If your site is configured for Git already, add this repo to the themes/ directory as a submodule:

git submodule add themes/mako

Otherwise clone it:

git clone themes/mako

And set the theme in your site's config file:

theme = "mako"


Basic Configuration

The list below shows the theme's configurable settings along with their default values unless specified as optional, in which case they will be hidden when not set.

  author = "My Name"  # Put your name in here.
  pronouns = "He/Him"  # Optional pronouns that are displayed immediately below your avatar.
  profilePicture = "path/to.image"  # Optional path to your profile picture, e.g. "images/avatar.jpg"
  location = "New York City, USA" # Optional location indiciator, shows below your profile picture.
  description = "Something About This Site" # Appears under your profile picture.
  sections = ["projects"] # Optionally list any sections to be displayed in the sidebar.
  navigation_taxonomies = [ "series", "categories" ]  # Optionally list any taxonomies to be displayed in the sidebar.
  sidebar = "left"  # Allows moving the sidebar to the left. By default it is on the right.
  dateFormat = "02/Jan/2006 15:04 MST"  # How datetimes should be formatted. See the note below before changing this.
  google_analytics = False # Enable or disable Google Analytics.
  twitter_cards = False # Enable or disable Twitter Cards.
  opengraph = True # Enable or disable Opengraph.

  titleBackgroundImage = "images/bg.jpg" # Optional background image for the title bar
  font = "Jura" # Optional Google font, defaults to [Jura]( See notes below.

  # Theme custom colours; see below for more information
  primary = "#fc0"
  secondary = "#960"
  background = "#090909"

Date Formats

The values you enter here must be very specific. Use the exact date and time values as in the following example, rearranged as you need them:

02/Jan/2006 15:04 MST

For example, to have a simple date in the American style, set this to:


Note that in both cases the date is the 2nd of January 2006. Check out Hugo's Documentation for more information.


The taxonomies series and categories are treated as special cases and are given special icons. Why? Because I wanted them to! You can muck about with taxonomies and their corresponding icons by getting yoru hands dirty with the theme. Look at the get_icon.html partial view, and refer to UI-Kit's Documentation for help with icons.

Custom Font

Take a look at the Google Fonts site and find a font you like. Copy the name as-is and paste it into your config under [params.theme] as above. Too easy!


The footer of the site summary panel (where your profile picture appears) will contain the description as specified in config params by default, but can be set to a random entry from a list by adding a taglines array to your config params.

  taglines = [
    "A cool website",
    "A really neat website",
    "Your new favourite blog"

Of course, Hugo is a static site generator so the tagline will not change on each refresh but it will change for each page whenever the site is regenerated. Fill this up with silly quotes and see how it affects different pages around your site.


Front Matter


The images property in front matter expects an array if paths to images. The first image in this list will be used as the preview for summaries and when sharing links to Twitter, Facebook, RSS etc. For the images to show up correctly for the latter bunch, this needs to be a full path from root. For example:

  - posts/my-first-post/header-image.jpg

Other Properties

  • Use description to add a quick summary for shared links.
  • Use categories to group pages by category. Categories will show up in the side bar.
  • Use series to group pages into series. Series will show up in the side bar.
  • Use tags to add tags to pages. Tags will show up in the side bar.
description: "A breakdown of my favourite albums."
  - Music
  - music
  - albums
  - favourites
  - Favourites

Custom Colours

It is possible to set a primary, secondary and background colour to set up your own colour scheme. Secondary is optional and if not set will default to halfway between the primary and background colours. Have a look at the following example for inspiration. I'm sure you can come up with better schemes than I can.

Mako (default)

Mako Colour Scheme

primary = "#0f9"
secondary = "#099"
background = "#090909"


Toothpaste Colour Scheme

primary = "#0fc"
secondary = "#099"
background = "#f7f7f7"


Mustard Colour Scheme

primary = "#fc0"
secondary = "#960"
background = "#090909"


Bronze Colour Scheme

primary = "#aa9e6b"
background = "#111"

Grey Light

Grey Light Colour Scheme

primary = "#000"
background = "#fff"

Grey Dark

Grey Dark Colour Scheme

primary = "#fff"
background = "#000"


Nier Colour Scheme

primary = "#4e4b42"
background = "#dad4bb"


Ragnarok Colour Scheme

primary = "#f90"
secondary = "#c00"
background = "#000"


Hacker Colour Scheme

primary = "#0f0"
secondary = "#033"
background = "#000"


Cyberpunk Colour Scheme

primary = "#f09"
secondary = "#036"
background = "#000"

Navigation Lists

Pages and other sections

Pages in the pages directory will be listed in the site summary panel under your profile picture. Add a page with:

hugo new pages/

Add the front matter parameter order (integer) to set the order of pages in the list. The order is smallest at the top to largest at the bottom.

Specify other sections in config.toml as an array, e.g.

sections = ["projects"]


All tags are shown by default at the bottom of the navigation bar. Other taxonomies can be shown above them by specifying them in the navigation_taxonomies array in config.toml, for example:

navigation_taxonomies = [ "series", "categories" ]



Easily put text into an alert like so:

{{< alert >}}
Alert! Alert!
{{< /alert >}}

Pass in an alert style as an argument:

{{< alert danger >}}
Danger! Danger!
{{< /alert >}}

Possible values are:

  • primary (default)
  • success
  • warning
  • danger


Contributions are welcome by way of pull requests.

Please let me know if there are any gaps in the theme's coverage by raising an issue.


This theme is released under the MIT License.