Openprice system backend code.
Install Java8 JDK from Oracle
Install Apache Maven 3.3.3
Install Java IDE Eclipse from Spring Tool Suite 3.7.2.RELEASE
Also download Project Lombok and run the lombok.jar to add it into Spring Tool Suite.
Install Git
Install Docker
Install MySQL 5.6
Install MySQL Workbench
Create free account in Github:
Ask admin to add your account to groundtruth (opgt).
Setup SSH key for Github
Fork the project from Open Price Backend Project to your personal account through Web UI at Github.
Create a local folder for ~/groundtruth/git
, and check out the code from Github your private repository for op-backend to this folder.
Try to run mvn clean install
inside ~/groundtruth/git/op-backend
to see if you can build the system locally.
When your change is done, do a pull request, and team lead will merge the changes into release branch. See Software Development Life Cycle document for detail process.
Create a local image storage folder at ~/groundtruth/images/
, and add subfolder receipts
Create a local log folder at ~/groundtruth/logs/
Assume you alreadt have Docker installed. If docker VM is not created for the project, run this script to create
docker-machine create --virtualbox-disk-size "20000" --virtualbox-cpu-count "2" --virtualbox-memory "4096" -d virtualbox opgt
Copy op-backend/scripts/local/* to your local folder, such as ~/groundtruth/local
, and make sure the bash script files are executable. Or run chmod +x *
For first time in a Terminor window to run docker, setup the env by running
eval "$(docker-machine env opgt)"
Then run ./init-start
to build and run the servers in Docker.