Zappy is a multiplayer game played by teams of IA-controlled players. The world is viewed using a graphic client. The goal for each team is to collect as many resources as possible to level up and get enough resources to win the game.
This project uses CMake to compile. To compile, run the following commands:
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build
To run the server, run the following command with the desired arguments:
USAGE: ./zappy_server [OPTIONS]
OPTIONS: (R)equired (O)ptional
R -p --port <port> Port number
R -x --width <width> World width
R -y --height <height> World height
R -n --name [<name>,...] Team names
R -c --clientsNb <number> Number of authorized clients per team
R -f --freq <frequency> Frequency of the server
O -h --help Display this help
To run the client, run the following command with the desired arguments:
USAGE: ./zappy_ai [OPTIONS]
OPTIONS: (R)equired (O)ptional
R -p --port <port> Port number
R -n --name <name> Team name
O -h --help Display this help
To run the graphic client, run the following command with the desired arguments:
USAGE: ./zappy_gui