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OTNS Guide

This guide covers the installation of OTNS, installation of OpenThread nodes used in simulations, use of the OTNS Web UI and the OTNS CLI.

Prerequisites / OS

OTNS supports Linux and MacOS. Windows is supported only through the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2) running Ubuntu 22.04, though this is tested less frequently. If Ubuntu Linux is used, the minimum version and tested version is 22.04. For MacOS, currently version 13 is best supported. Version 14 is supported but currently without the Thread legacy node versions (Thread 1.1, 1.2, 1.3). MacOS also requires the Homebrew package manager (brew command) already installed.

OTNS requires Go 1.18 or higher and Python 3.9 or higher. These will be installed (if needed) by following the rest of this guide. Also Git is required to get the code and for building OpenThread nodes. If not already available, this needs to be installed using e.g. a package manager (sudo apt install git).

Install Go

OTNS requires Go 1.18 or higher to build. You can check your installed Go version using the go version command. If Go is not found, it needs to be installed in one of these ways:

  1. Install Go from and select your version or
  2. Install Go via a package manager (in this case check the Go version is high enough).
  3. Install Go automatically (uses APT or Brew package manager) by the installation script called later in this guide. In Ubuntu 22.04, this approach should work to get Go 1.18.

After installation, manually check that the directory $(go env GOPATH)/bin (normally $HOME/go/bin) is in the user's $PATH. This directory is where the otns binary will be installed into. If needed, add this directory to the user's $PATH by configuring the user's ~/.bashrc file.

Get OTNS code using Git

git clone ./otns
cd otns

Installation of OTNS

An automated way to install dependencies, OTNS and all OT nodes, and test the result, is the following command:


This will set up (if not yet done) a Python 3 virtual environment locally in the .venv-otns directory. This virtual environment must also be active when manually running any OTNS Python scripts, as shown later in this guide.

Manual step-by-step installation of OTNS (Alternative)

As alternative to above automated installation, scripts can also be run for the individual phases of the installation. This is shown in the below subsections. Here, also some more explanation is given of the result of each phase. This approach is also useful for troubleshooting.

Install Dependencies


Running this script will also set up a Python 3 virtual environment (venv) in .venv-otns in the project directory.

Install OTNS


This installs otns in the Go binary directory of the user (typically ~/go/bin) and makes the command available in the path. Also, it installs the pyOTNS library in the local Python virtual environment .venv-otns. The OT nodes required for running a simulation are not yet installed at this point: this is the next step.

Install OT Nodes


This checks for availability of prebuilt OT nodes, and builds any OT nodes not yet present. This includes a standard set of nodes like FTD, MTD, Border Router (BR) and different Thread versions (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4). This build can take a long time. During the build specific openthread* Git repo submodules will be checked out in order to access older/different OpenThread codebases. In case of a build error, the script is stopped and remaining node builds are not even attempted.

These nodes of specific versions can be added to a simulation using specific flags in the add command that adds a node. Type help add later on in the OTNS CLI to see the syntax.

Run OTNS Interactively

Preferably run OTNS from the working directory (i.e. the root of this repo):

$ cd ~/otns
$ otns

Running from this directory ensures that OTNS can find the standard binaries (version latest, v11, v12, v13, etc - these are stored in ./ot-rfsim/ot-versions). OTNS can be run also from any directory in which the node executable(s) such as ot-cli-ftd (and optionally ot-cli-mtd) are placed. In this case, it will use the executable from the current directory if it can find the right executable type/name there.

If started successfully, OTNS by default opens a web browser for network visualization and management. To see what command-line parameters are supported for OTNS, use -h:

$ otns -h

Use OTNS-Web

Use a web browser to manage the simulated Thread network:

  • Add, delete, and move various types of OpenThread nodes
  • Disable and recover node radios
  • Adjust simulation speed
  • Pause/start the simulation
  • Inspect properties and state of nodes
  • Open a graph showing node type/status statistics over time
  • See some logged events
  • See nodes' energy usage (Beta feature - pending validation)

A detailed CodeLab guide for this is still under development.


See OTNS CLI Reference.

Running OTNS Tests

The command ./script/test can be used to run selected test suites.

$ ./script/test
Usage: test <test-group-name-1> [<test-group-name-N>]*

The following test-group-names can be provided as arguments:

Some test suites may take a long time (2-10 minutes). The stress-tests can have a selectable "stress level" that can be increased. The effect of this depends on the particular test. In most cases, the test simulation time is made longer. For example:

$ STRESS_LEVEL=3 ./script/test stress-tests commissioning

The default stress level is always 1.

OTNS Python Scripting

pyOTNS library provides utilities to create and manage simulations through OTNS CLI. It is installed in a Python 3 virtual environment .venv-otns by the installation process.

Python Scripting Documentation

To review the pyOTNS documentation:

  1. Start pydoc3 document server:
    $ source .venv-otns/bin/activate
    $ python3 -m pydoc -p 8080
    Server ready at http://localhost:8080/
  2. Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/otns.cli.html.

Alternatively, load in your IDE and look at the methods.

Example Python Scripts

For example test scripts, see pylibs/examples.

The scripts in the pylibs/unittests, pylibs/stress_tests and pylibs/case_studies directories provide even more versatile examples. The executable/runnable .py scripts in these directories can all be run directly from the command line, by typing ./pylibs/<directory>/<script>.py.

Note that the example explains how to set up a Python scripted simulation in combination with a user typing CLI commands interactively. The interaction part then typically happens at the end of a simulation, after a mesh network topology has been set up.

The example explains how to set up CLI interaction that runs in parallel with the Python script being executed.

Running a simulation from a Python script

To ensure that the pyOTNS library can be found, and the virtual environment is not yet active, enable it first:

$ source .venv-otns/bin/activate
(.venv-otns) $

The prompt will change to reflect the virtual environment has been entered. Then run a Python script:

(.venv-otns) $ ./pylibs/examples/

Once the virtual environment is active, any further Python scripts can be started requiring the source command first. Note that for a number of test suite scripts the command ./script/test is the recommended way to start these. The test script will also automatically install any required OT nodes, if needed.

Manually Build OpenThread Nodes for OTNS (Optional, for Advanced Use Only)

OTNS uses POSIX simulation to simulate Thread nodes, with a custom OpenThread platform ot-rfsim located in the ot-rfsim directory. The simulator uses node executables such as ot-cli-ftd. By default, the install-nodes script will build a common set of OpenThread nodes of different version (v1.1, v1.2, v1.3.0, and "latest" v1.4) that are used in the various examples and unit-tests of OTNS.

To build or rebuild yourself an executable with platform ot-rfsim for OTNS, see the example build below. It shows a build with default settings that builds an OpenThread node of version "latest". This version is the latest one that is bundled with the current checked out commit of OTNS. It gets bumped occassionally to the latest OpenThread main branch after verifying that it works.

$ cd ot-rfsim
$ ./script/build_latest
$ cd ..

After the build, the executable gets placed in ./ot-rfsim/ot-versions. This is the default location where OTNS will look for OpenThread node executables. (Other locations can be configured/selected also in OTNS.)

To build earlier OpenThread code versions for inclusion in the simulation, such as 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3, the following commands can be used:

$ cd ot-rfsim
$ ./script/build_v11
$ ./script/build_v12
$ ./script/build_v13
$ ./script/build_br
$ cd ..

NOTE: all of the above version-specific build scripts will check if the submodule 'openthread' is at the right specific commit that is expected. The ./script/build_all script provides the automated Git commit checkout and building for all versions.

The generic build script can be invoked as shown below. This will build whatever code is currently residing in the 'openthread' submodule without switching to a specific OT version and without clearing any previous build files. So, it can be used for (faster) incremental builds while developing code. This can also be used to test code for a particular 'openthread' PR/branch/fix in a simulation.

$ cd ot-rfsim
$ ./script/build
$ cd ..

The result of this build is in ./ot-rfsim/build/bin and is not copied to any other location. If the user wants to use the executable for simulations, it's easiest to copy the build result file (ot-cli-ftd) into ./ot-rfsim/ot-versions so that the new-built node will be used in simulations as the default node. Be careful: this overwrites the existing default node executable. If you want to use both the default node executable and the new-built node executable in simulations, then the new-built executable will need to get a new name such as ot-cli-ftd_myfix or so. With this new name, the OTNS add CLI command can be used with the exe argument to provide the name of the new executable.

Finally, the generic build script allows setting or overriding any OT build arguments. See an example below:

$ cd ot-rfsim
$ cd ..

In this example a node is built with debug logs off (for more speed in simulation), CoAP-observe enabled, and TCP enabled.