Here is a semi-formal BNF of Logica program.
// Program is a sequence of entries separated by semicolon.
program ::= program_entry (';' program_entry)* [;]
// Each entry is an import, a rule, or a functor application.
program_entry ::= import | rule | functor_application
// Example of an import -- import as AnotherPredicate
import ::=
'import' dot_separated_path '.' logica_predicate ['as' logica_predicate]
dot_separated_path ::= [^<newline>]+
// Predicate defined by the program is alphanumeric starting with an
// uppercase letter, or '@' if it is an imperative predicate.
logica_predicate ::= ordinary_logica_predicate | imperative_predicate
// Ordinary predicates is what Logica is mostly about, example -- Grandparent
ordinary_logica_predicate ::= [A-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*
// Imperative predicates are used for annotations, example -- @Ground
imperative_predicate ::= '@' [0-9a-zA-Z_]*
// You can also use database tables as predicates.
predicate ::= logica_predicate | '`'[^`]+'`' | [A-Za-z_0-9.]+
// Variable must be lowercase numeric.
variable ::= [a-z0-9_]
// Rule is a head with an optional body.
rule ::= rule_head [ ':-' rule_body ]
// Body of the rule is a proposition.
rule_body ::= proposition
// Head of a rule is a call with an optional assignment and
// an optional 'distinct' denotation.
rule_head ::= head_call [assignment] ['distinct']
// Example of a simple assignment is -- = 2 * x
// and example of an aggregating assignment is -- List= 2 * x.
assignment ::= simple_assignment | aggregating_assignment
simple_assignment ::= '=' expression
aggregating_operator ::= ('+' | logica_predicate) '='
aggregating_assignment ::= aggregating_operator expression
// No space is allowed between predicate name and the opening
// parenthesis.
call ::= predicate '(' record_internal ')'
head_call ::= logica_predicate '(' aggregating_record_internal ')'
// Example of record_internal -- a: 5, b: 2 * x
record_field_value ::= field ':' expression
record_internal ::=
[record_field_value (',' record_field_value)* [',' '..' variable]] |
('..' variable)
// Example of aggregating_field_value -- x? += 5
aggregating_field_value ::= field '?' aggregating_assignment
aggregating_record_internal ::=
[record_field_value | aggregating_field_value]
[',' (record_field_value | aggregating_field_value)]*
// Expression is a predicate call, operation, combine,
// list inclusion, implication or an object description.
expression ::=
call |
unary_operator_call |
binary_operator_call |
combine |
inclusion |
implication |
string_literal |
number_literal |
boolean_literal |
null_literal |
list |
record |
('(' expression ')')
operator ::= '+'|'-'|'/'|'>'|'<'|'<='|'>='|'=='|'->'|'&&'|'||'
unary_operator ::= '!'|'-'
unary_operator_call ::= unary_operator expression
binary_operator_call ::= expression operator expression
// Example of inclusion -- x in [1,2,3,4]
inclusion ::= expression 'in' expression
// Example of an implication -- if a == b then 7 else 9
implication ::=
'(' 'if' expression then expression
['else if' expression 'then' expression]*
'else' expression ')'
// If combine has a body then it must be enclosed in parenthesis.
combine ::= 'combine' aggregating_assignment [':-' rule_body]
// Concrete object specification.
string_literal ::= '"'[^"<newline>]'"'
number_literal ::= [0-9]+ [ '.'[0-9]+ ]
boolean_literal ::= 'true'|'false'
null_literal ::= 'null'
list ::= '[' [expression [','expression]*] ']'
record ::= '{' record_internal '}'
// Proposition is a conjunction, disjunction, negation,
// a predicate call, operation, or list inclusion.
proposition ::=
conjunction |
disjunction |
negation |
call |
binary_operator_call |
unary_operator_call |
assign_combination |
inclusion |
('(' proposition ')')
conjunction ::= proposition (',' proposition)*
disjunction ::= proposition ('|' proposition)*
negation ::= '~' proposition
// Example of assign combination -- l List= (2 * x :- x in [1,2,3])
assign_combination ::= variable
aggregating_assignment |
(aggregating_operator '(' expression ':-' proposition ')')
// Example of a functor application -- F := G(A: B)
functor_application ::= logica_predicate ':=' logica_predicate '(' functor_record_internal ')'
functor_record_internal ::=
[logica_predicate ':' logica_predicate]
(',' logica_predicate ':' logica_predicate )*
Comments: A symbol #
occurring outside of a string starts a comment that
goes to the end of the line. A combination /*
occurring anywhere outside a string
starts a comment that goes to the first occurrence of /*