This page is created to document the behaviour of CIS in CRD Mode.
- Custom resources are extensions of the Kubernetes API.
- A resource is an endpoint in the Kubernetes API that stores a collection of API objects of a certain kind; for example, the built-in pods resource contains a collection of Pod objects.
- A custom resource is an extension of the Kubernetes API that is not necessarily available in a default Kubernetes installation. It represents a customization of a particular Kubernetes installation. However, many core Kubernetes functions are now built using custom resources, making Kubernetes more modular.
- Custom resources can appear and disappear in a running cluster through dynamic registration, and cluster admins can update custom resources independently of the cluster itself. Once a custom resource is installed, users can create and access its objects using kubectl, just as they do for built-in resources like Pods.
- CIS registers to the kubernetes client-go using informers to retrieve Transport Server, Service, Endpoint and Node creation, updation and deletion events. Resources identified from such events will be pushed to a Resource Queue maintained by CIS.
- Resource Queue holds the resources to be processed.
- Transport Server is the Primary citizen. Any changes in Service, Endpoint, Node will process their affected Transport Servers. For Example, If svc-a is part of foo-TransportServer and bar-TransportServer, Any changes in svc-a will put foo-TransportServer and bar-TransportServer in resource queue.
- Worker fetches the affected Transport Servers from Resource Queue to populate a common structure which holds the configuration of all the Transport Servers such as Virtual Server IP, Pool Members etc.
- LTM Configuration(using AS3) will be created in CIS Managed Partition defined by the User.
- CIS will only process custom resources with f5cr Label as true.
f5cr: "true"
- CIS supports following Custom Resources at this point of time.
- TransportServer
- IngressLink
- TransportServer resource expose non-HTTP traffic configuration for a virtual server address in BIG-IP.
- Schema Validation
TransportServer Components
pool | pool | Required | NA | BIG-IP Pool member |
virtualServerAddress | String | Optional | NA | IPv4/IPv6 IP Address of BIG-IP Virtual Server. IP address can also be replaced by a reference to a Service_Address. |
ipamLabel | String | Optional | NA | IPAM label name for IP address management which is map to ip-range in IPAM controller deployment. |
hostGroup | String | Optional | NA | To leverage the IP from VS CR using the same VS HostGroup name and Vice-versa. |
policyName | String | Optional | NA | Name of Policy CRD to attach profiles/policies defined in it. |
serviceAddress | List of service address | Optional | NA | Service address definition allows you to add a number of properties to your (virtual) server address |
virtualServerPort | String | Required | NA | Port Address of BIG-IP Virtual Server |
virtualServerName | String | Optional | NA | Custom name of BIG-IP Virtual Server |
type | String | Optional | tcp | "tcp", "udp" or "sctp" L4 transport server type |
mode | String | Required | NA | "standard" or "performance". A Standard mode transport server processes connections using the full proxy architecture. A Performance mode transport server uses FastL4 packet-by-packet TCP behavior. |
snat | String | Optional | auto | |
host | String | Optional | NA | HostName of the Virtual Server |
partition | String | Optional | NA | bigip partition |
Pool Components
service | String | Required | NA | Service deployed in kubernetes cluster |
servicePort | Integer or String | Required | NA | Port to access Service.Could be service port, service port name or targetPort of the service |
monitor | monitor | Optional | NA | Health Monitor to check the health of Pool Members |
loadBalancingMethod | String | Optional | round-robin | Allowed values are existing BIG-IP Load Balancing methods for pools. |
nodeMemberLabel | String | Optional | NA | List of Nodes to consider in NodePort Mode as BIG-IP pool members. This Option is only applicable for NodePort Mode |
serviceNamespace | String | Optional | NA | Namespace of service, define it if service is present in a namespace other than the one where transport Server Custom Resource is present |
Health Monitor
type | String | Required | NA | http or https |
interval | Int | Required | 5 | Seconds between health queries |
timeout | Int | Optional | 16 | Seconds before query fails |
CIS can manage the virtual server address for VS and TS using the IPAM controller. The IPAM controller is a container provided by F5 for IP address management and it runs in parallel to the F5 ingress controller a pod in the Kubernetes/Openshift cluster. You can use the F5 IPAM controller to automatically allocate IP addresses to Virtual Servers, Transport Servers from a specified IP address range. You can specify this IP range in the IPAM Controller deployment file while deploying the IPAM controller.
Specify the IPAM label --ipamLabel
as an argument in VS and TS CRD.
Example: --ipamLabel="Prod"