pre week home work: What is TDD?
- 10-11:30 Morning challenge write the functions to pass the tests in a environment set up with Qunit, see simpletests.html.
- questions start with easy questions and increase in difficulty (RUTH TO WRITE, CONOR TO INTRO)
* Study the QUnit assertions - which ones did you find most useful?
* Read documentation
* Synchronous and asynchronous testing
* build more complete tests
* What is this
* Build us an example test / tests
* TDD life cycle
* Red Green Refactor (Why is this useful)
* make sure your examples include real tests
* What are the differnces
* Continous integration
* What are the pros and cons
* show us examples of each
- 10-11:30 functional programming morning challenge, does not have to be related to testing. (MATT)
- 11:30-13 Roman Numerals workshop, code along. use ping pong (RUTH, CONOR)
- 14-18 Vending Machine, can you use ping pong ?. (RUTH, CONOR)
- time? add 8th light talk, on the broader importance of testing and paired programming, (dont use Numerals tutorials)
10-11:30 write tests for our functions (qunit or jasmine), to show the value of TDD, still need to write. (NAAZ, RUTH) 11:30 introduce the stopwatch. The idea is to follow the TDD cycle to create a stop watch, using ping pong. (NAAZ, RUTH) Split into your groups of 4. Then pair up within that group.
- Both pairs write tests which fail.
- pass them onto the other pair which makes them pass.
- follow tutorial with this ping/pong format.
- great project with TDD ingrained into there brain!!!!
- stretch goals, countdown timer, split timmer, any other functionality eg, translator.
- Add as much functionality as you like! you can go your own way
Carry On!!!
- Code Review
- Respond to Issues
- Stop Go Continue
- Presentations