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70 lines (48 loc) · 1.63 KB

File metadata and controls

70 lines (48 loc) · 1.63 KB

New Dev Setup

Current deployment process requires access to fhir-org-startr-project in the HL7 GCP org.

  1. Install kubectl
  2. Install gcloud
  3. Configure access to cluster
gcloud container clusters get-credentials fhir-k8s --zone us-east1-d
  1. Set up auto-ig-builder repo
git clone
cd auto-ig-builder/triggers/ig-commit-trigger

Recurring tasks

  1. Deploy updates to the ig-build image
cd images/ig-build
docker build -t  -f Dockerfile .
gcloud docker -- push
  1. Deploy updates to ci-build image
cd images/ci-build
docker build -t  -f Dockerfile .
gcloud docker -- push
  1. Deploy updates to IG commit trigger
cd triggers/ig-commit-trigger
gcloud functions deploy ig-commit-trigger --runtime nodejs18 --trigger-http

Testing locally with minikube

minikube config set memory 20000
minikube start
eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)

kubectl  create ns fhir

ssh-keygen -t rsa -f id
kubectl  -n fhir create secret generic ci-build-keys --from-file=id

echo "" > keyfile.ini
echo "{}" > fhir-settings.json
kubectl  -n fhir create secret generic fhir-settings --from-file=keyfile.ini --from-file=fhir-settings.json

kubectl  -n fhir create secret generic zulip-secrets --from-literal=email=bot@hsot --from-literal=api_key=zapi

Build the igbuild image as igbuild in minikube docker

kubectl apply -f example-job-for-minikube.yaml