Docker integration
- Execute the command inside a running container (using attach)
- Create new container (using given image name) and then run the command inside it
Command execution credentials (unix only)
- Initial release
- Added support for multiple scheduler methods:
- Cron string (with seconds)
- Interval (duration)
- At (time)
- Tasks:
- Built-in http request methods (get,post)
- Can invoke external commands (same as cron)
- Supports setting environments variable
- Can be configured to use any terminal/shell you want such as sh,bash,nu,cmd,powershell,...
- Can have retries per task (on commands exit-code !=0 or http request errors)
- Support for hooks, for both when tasks fail or they finish successfully (structure is the same as a task)
- Multiple scheduler for each job
- Multiple task for each job
- Logging:
- File logging
- ansi/plain/json log formatter