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Several changes in the scons stdout/err filter.
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
1. Moved the filter functionality from to a new file
2. Merged the handling of stdout and stderr lines to a single method.
3. Added the concept of range detector which identify a range of lines of interest.
4. Implemented a range detector for nextpnr verbose log.
5. Added a TODO to implement similar range detectors for fumo, iceprog, tinyprog.
6. Now removing the 'Info:' prefix of nextpnr verbose lines and coloring the speed lines.
7. Now preserving blank lines for better readability of nextpnr and yosys verbose logs.

I could not test the filter functionality for fumo, tinyprog and iceprog,
for the lack of compatible hardware.
  • Loading branch information
zapta committed Oct 7, 2024
1 parent 35cc41b commit 93fc9bc
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Showing 2 changed files with 259 additions and 74 deletions.
80 changes: 6 additions & 74 deletions apio/managers/
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Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
from apio.profile import Profile
from apio.resources import Resources
from apio.managers.project import Project
from apio.managers.scons_filter import SconsFilter

# -- Constant for the dictionary PROG, which contains
# -- the programming configuration
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1009,14 +1010,15 @@ def _execute_scons(self, command: str, variables: list, board: str) -> int:
["scons"] + ["-Q", command] + variables + ["force_colors=True"]

# -- For debugging.
# print(f"scons_command = {' '.join(scons_command)}")
# -- An output filter that manupulates the scons stdout/err lines as
# -- needed and write them to stdout.
scons_filter = SconsFilter()

# -- Execute the scons builder!
result = util.exec_command(

# -- Is there an error? True/False
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1046,73 +1048,3 @@ def _execute_scons(self, command: str, variables: list, board: str) -> int:

# -- Return the exit code
return result.exit_code

def _on_stdout(line):

# ---- Fomu output processing BEGIN
# pattern_fomu = r"^Download\s*\[=*\]\s\d{1,3}%"
pattern_fomu = r"^Download\s*\[=*"
match =, line)
if match:
# -- Delete the previous line
print(CURSOR_UP + ERASE_LINE, end="", flush=True)
# ---- Fomu output processing END

fgcol = "green" if "is up to date" in line else None
fgcol = "green" if match else fgcol
click.secho(line, fg=fgcol)

def _on_stderr(line: str):
"""Callback function. It is called when the running command
has printed something on the console

# -- Ignore blank lines ('')
if not line:

# ------- tinyprog output processing BEGIN
# -- Check if the line correspond to an output of
# -- the tinyprog programmer (TinyFPGA board)
# -- Match outputs like these " 97%|█████████▋| "
# -- Regular expression remainder:
# -- \s --> Match one blank space
# -- \d{1,3} one, two or three decimal digits
pattern_tinyprog = r"\s\d{1,3}%\|█*"

# -- Calculate if there is a match
match_tinyprog =, line)

# -- Math all the progress bar lines except the
# -- initial one (when it is 0%)
if match_tinyprog and " 0%|" not in line:
# -- Delete the previous line
print(CURSOR_UP + ERASE_LINE, end="", flush=True)
# ------- tinyprog output processing END

# ------- iceprog output processing BEGIN
# -- Match outputs like these "addr 0x001400 3%"
# -- Regular expression remainder:
# -- ^ --> Match the begining of the line
# -- \s --> Match one blank space
# -- [0-9A-F]+ one or more hexadecimal digit
# -- \d{1,2} one or two decimal digits
pattern = r"^addr\s0x[0-9A-F]+\s+\d{1,2}%"

# -- Calculate if there is a match!
match =, line)

# -- It is a match! (iceprog is running!)
# -- (or if it is the end of the writing!)
# -- (or if it is the end of verifying!)
if match or "done." in line or "VERIFY OK" in line:
# -- Delete the previous line
print(CURSOR_UP + ERASE_LINE, end="", flush=True)
# ------- Iceprog output processing END

# -- Print the line (In YELLOW)
# -- In case of error print it in RED
fgcol = "red" if "error" in line.lower() else None
click.secho(line, fg=fgcol)
253 changes: 253 additions & 0 deletions apio/managers/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
"""DOC: TODO"""

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -- This file is part of the Apio project
# -- (C) 2016-2019 FPGAwars
# -- Author Jesús Arroyo
# -- Licence GPLv2

# pylint: disable=fixme
# TODO: Implement range detectors for Fumo, Tinyprog, and Iceprog, similar to
# the pnr detector. This will avoid matching of output from other programs.

# TODO: Use util.get_terminal_config() to determine if the output goes to a
# terminal or a pipe and have an alternative handling for the cursor commands
# when writing to a pipe.

import re
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
import click

# -- Terminal cursor commands.
CURSOR_UP = "\033[F"
ERASE_LINE = "\033[K"

class PipeId(Enum):
"""Represent the two output streams from the scons subprocess."""


class RangeEvents(Enum):
"""An stdout/err line can trigger one of these events, when detecting a
range of lines."""

START_BEFORE = 1 # Range starts before the current line.
START_AFTER = 2 # Range starts after the current line.
END_BEFORE = 3 # Range ends before the current line.
END_AFTER = 4 # Range ends, after the current line.

class SectionDetector:
"""Base classifier of a range of lines within the sequence of stdout/err
lines recieves from the scons subprocess."""

def __init__(self):
self._in_range = False

def update(self, pipe_id: PipeId, line: str) -> bool:
"""Updates the section classifier with the next stdout/err line.
return True iff detector classified this line to be within a range."""

prev_state = self._in_range
event = self.classify_line(pipe_id, line)

if event == RangeEvents.START_BEFORE:
self._in_range = True
return self._in_range

if event == RangeEvents.START_AFTER:
self._in_range = True
return prev_state

if event == RangeEvents.END_BEFORE:
self._in_range = False
return self._in_range

if event == RangeEvents.END_AFTER:
self._in_range = False
return prev_state

assert event is None, event
return self._in_range

def classify_line(
self, pipe_id: PipeId, line: str
) -> Optional[RangeEvents]:
"""Tests if the next stdout/err line affects the range begin/end.
Subclasses should implement this with the necessary logic for the
range that is being detected.
Returns the event of None if no event."""
raise NotImplementedError("Should be implemented by a subclass")

class PnrSectionDetector(SectionDetector):
"""Implements a RangeDetector for the nextpnr command verbose log lines."""

def classify_line(self, pipe_id: PipeId, line: str) -> RangeEvents:
# -- Brek line into words.
tokens = line.split()

# -- Range start: A nextpnr command on stdout without
# -- the -q (quiet) flag.
if (
pipe_id == PipeId.STDOUT
and line.startswith("nextpnr")
and "-q" not in tokens
return RangeEvents.START_AFTER

# Range end: The end message of nextnpr.
if pipe_id == PipeId.STDERR and "Program finished normally." in line:
return RangeEvents.END_AFTER

return None

class SconsFilter:
"""Implements the filtering and printing of the stdout/err streams of the
scons subprocess. Accepts a line one at a time, detects lines ranges of
intereset, mutates and colors the lines where applicable, and print to

def __init__(self):
self._pnr_detector = PnrSectionDetector()

def on_stdout_line(self, line: str) -> None:
"""Stdout pipe calls this on each line."""
self.on_line(PipeId.STDOUT, line)

def on_stderr_line(self, line: str) -> None:
"""Stderr pipe calls this on each line."""
self.on_line(PipeId.STDERR, line)

def _assign_line_color(
line: str, patterns: List[Tuple[str, str]], default_color: str = None
) -> Optional[str]:
"""Assigns a color for a given line using a list of (regex, color)
pairs. Returns the color of the first matching regex or default_color
if none match.
for regex, color in patterns:
if, line):
return color
return default_color

def on_line(self, pipe_id: PipeId, line: str) -> None:
"""A shared handler for stdout/err lines from the scons sub process.
The handler writes both stdout and stderr lines to stdout, possibly
with modifications such as text deletion, coloring, and cursor
NOTE: Ideally, the program specific patterns such as for Fumo and
Iceprog should should be condition by a range detector for lines that
came from that program. That is to minimize the risk of matching lines
from other programs. See the PNR detector for an example.

# -- Update the classifiers
in_pnr_verbose_range = self._pnr_detector.update(pipe_id, line)

# -- Handle the line while in the nextpnr verbose log range.
if pipe_id == PipeId.STDERR and in_pnr_verbose_range:

# -- Remove the 'Info: ' prefix. Nextpnr write a long log where
# -- each line starts with "Info: "
if line.startswith("Info: "):
line = line[6:]

# -- Assign line color.
line_color = self._assign_line_color(
(r"^max frequency for clock", "blue"),
(r"^max delay", "blue"),
(r"^warning:", "yellow"),
(r"^error:", "red"),
click.secho(f"{line}", fg=line_color)

# -- Special handling for Fumo lines.
if pipe_id == PipeId.STDOUT:
pattern_fomu = r"^Download\s*\[=*"
match =, line)
if match:
# -- Delete the previous line
print(CURSOR_UP + ERASE_LINE, end="", flush=True)
click.secho(f"{line}", fg="green")

# -- Special handling for tinyprog lines.
if pipe_id == PipeId.STDERR:
# -- Check if the line correspond to an output of
# -- the tinyprog programmer (TinyFPGA board)
# -- Match outputs like these " 97%|█████████▋| "
# -- Regular expression remainder:
# -- \s --> Match one blank space
# -- \d{1,3} one, two or three decimal digits
pattern_tinyprog = r"\s\d{1,3}%\|█*"

# -- Calculate if there is a match
match_tinyprog =, line)

# -- Match all the progress bar lines except the
# -- initial one (when it is 0%)
if match_tinyprog and " 0%|" not in line:
# -- Delete the previous line
print(CURSOR_UP + ERASE_LINE, end="", flush=True)

# -- Special handling for iceprog lines.
if pipe_id == PipeId.STDERR:
# -- Match outputs like these "addr 0x001400 3%"
# -- Regular expression remainder:
# -- ^ --> Match the begining of the line
# -- \s --> Match one blank space
# -- [0-9A-F]+ one or more hexadecimal digit
# -- \d{1,2} one or two decimal digits
pattern = r"^addr\s0x[0-9A-F]+\s+\d{1,2}%"

# -- Calculate if there is a match!
match =, line)

# -- It is a match! (iceprog is running!)
# -- (or if it is the end of the writing!)
# -- (or if it is the end of verifying!)
if match or "done." in line or "VERIFY OK" in line:
# -- Delete the previous line
print(CURSOR_UP + ERASE_LINE, end="", flush=True)

# Handling the rest of the stdout lines.
if pipe_id == PipeId.STDOUT:
# Default stdout line coloring.
line_color = self._assign_line_color(
(r"is up to date", "green"),
(r"^warning:", "yellow"),
(r"^error:", "red"),
click.secho(f"{line}", fg=line_color)

# Handling the rest of stderr the lines.
line_color = self._assign_line_color(
(r"^info:", "yellow"),
(r"^warning:", "yellow"),
(r"^error:", "red"),
click.secho(f"{line}", fg=line_color)

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