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Fab Huang edited this page Jul 22, 2022 · 1 revision


The iNeedHelp project is the development of a web-based information system for managing threads of questions and their respective answers, users, and their information. This is a tool that can be used by anyone, but it is focused on students, teachers, investigators as well as all types of academics. A team of administrators is predefined, being them the maintainers and responsible persons for the system, ensuring it runs smoothly.

This application allows users to manage all their questions, answers as well as their personal information and awards for answering questions. A user can search a question by its title, topic, or tag questions, answers, and user information will be available worldwide virtually, except the personal information of a user, which only the user and administrators will have access to. Questions are accessible to unregistered users, but to answer and post a question the user needs to be registered.

Users will be separated into groups with different permissions. These groups include the above-mentioned administrators, with complete access and modification privileges, and the registered users, with privileges to ask, answer, comment, vote, and report a question, view and edit their profile and highlight their awards. By answering questions users can receive an award for their answer and the most upvoted answer will be highlighted on the question thread.

The platform will have an adaptive and responsive design, allowing users to have a clear browsing experience, regardless of the device (desktop, tablet, or smartphone). The product will also provide easy navigation and a joyful overall user experience.

Project Components

Artefacts Checklist

The artefacts checklist is available at: SPREADSHEET LINK
