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Computing Cluster Process Management Simulation


This project consists of simulating a process management system of a computing cluster, as part of the work of the Programming II subject of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. The wiki and the commands/functionalities are written in Spanish. The project is written in C++. The system is composed of a master node and worker nodes, which can have subnodes. There's a list of processes to be executed, which are defined by memory usage, time and priority. These are distributed afterwards to all the nodes, taking into account the best way to distribute them.

How to compile

To compile the project, you need to have the following dependencies installed:

  • C++ compiler (g++)
  • Make


  1. Clone the repository
   $~ git clone
  1. Navigate to the project directory
   $~ cd Cluster-Compute
  1. Compile the project
   $~ make
  1. Run the project
   $~ ./program.exe

How to use

When you first execute the program, it'll ask for how the cpu's are distributed in the cluster. To simplify the process, this program it will only take a binary tree as input in a DFS order. Each entry is composed by the name of the processor and it's available memory. An example input is shown below:

proc1 10 proc11 100 proc111 500 * * proc112 500 * * proc12 100 proc121
500 * * proc122 500 * *

This input will create a binary tree with the following structure:

          /         \
    proc11          proc12
    /    \          /     \
proc111 proc112  proc121 proc122

The asterisks represent an empty leaf node. Inputting two asterisks will mean that the node is a leaf node and has no children, so it will go back to the parent node, according to a DFS order.

Afterward, the program will ask for the list of priorities. This will help classify the processes according to their priority. The priorities will be ordered alphanumerically, so the first priority will be the one with the lowest value. An example input is shown below:


So, a process with priority 10 will have a higher priority than a process with priority 11, and so on.

After this, the program will wait commands. The list of commands is shown below:

Command Alias Description Usage
configurar_cluster cc Configures the cluster with a new binary tree `cc proc1 10 proc11 100 * * proc12 100 * *``
modificar_cluster mc Modifies the cluster by replacing a leaf node with another tree `mc proc11 proc111 500 * * proc112 500 * *``
alta_prioridad ap Adds a new priority to the list of priorities ap 10
baja_prioridad bp Removes a priority from the list of priorities bp 10
alta_proceso_espera ape Adds a new process to the waiting list, with the following format: priority process_ID memory time ` ape 10C 10 98 100
alta_proceso_procesador Reads a process and tries to allocate it in the specified processor. Format: procID process_ID memory time app proc11 10 98 100
baja_proceso_procesador bpp Removes a process from the specified processor. Format: procID process_ID bpp proc11 10
enviar_procesos_cluster epc Sends n possible processes to the cluster, following their priority and age epc 10
avanzar_tiempo at Advances the time of the processes in the cluster (simulating jobs getting done) at 10
imprimir_prioridad ipri Reads a priority and prints the processes in the waiting list with that priority ipri 10
imprimir_area_espera iae Prints the waiting list iae
imprimir_procesador ipro Prints the processes in the specified processor ip proc11
imprimir_procesadores_cluster ipc Prints the nodes in the cluster and for each print the processes, if there is any. ipc
imprimir_estructura_cluster iec Prints the structure of the cluster iec
compactar_memoria_procesador cmp Compacts the memory of the specified, to have as much free contiguous memory as possible cmp proc11
compactar_memoria_cluster cmc Compacts the memory of all the processors in the cluster cmc
fin - Ends the program fin


You can find a wiki with the classes and methods of the project here. Docs generated with Doxygen


As mentioned previously, the wiki is written in Spanish.


You can contact me via email here or via Issues in this repository.


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