Automated bash script that performs several automated scans for web pentestingAutomatic Script in bash to automatice directory listing.
Actions performed:
- Live URL analysis
- WhatWeb Scan
- FFUF Directory Scan Whit Fuzz.txt
- Nuclei Scan
- Optional wapiti Scan
- Test SSL Scan
To run the following script you need the following resources:
# Install nuclei and git commands
sudo apt install git nuclei whatweb ffuf curl -y
# Install repo
git clone --depth 1 /opt/testssl
# Install Fuzz.txt wordlist in /usr/share/wordlists
sudo wget -O /usr/share/wordlists/fuzz.txt
Download the repository:
git clone
For the only time you have to give execution permissions with
sudo chmod +x ./autoWebPentest/
./autoWebPentest/ -o ProyectName -u https://Target
./autoWebPentest/ -o ProyectName -L FileListTargets
# ./autoWebPentest/ -h
[i] Usage: [-u | -L] <URL Single | URLs File> -o <output_name>
-u <URL> For single URL scan
-L <URLs file> For muliples URL in file scan
-o <output_name> For File name Output dir
-h For Help
Made with love by:
[✓] @Fatake