sitemap is a high-level streaming sitemap-generating library/CLI that makes creating sitemap XML files easy. What is a sitemap?
- Installation
- Generate a one time sitemap from a list of urls
- Example of using sitemap.js with express
- Generating more than one sitemap
- Options you can pass
- Examples
- Maintainers
- License
npm install --save sitemap
If you are just looking to take a giant list of URLs and turn it into some sitemaps, try out our CLI. The cli can also parse, update and validate existing sitemaps.
npx sitemap < listofurls.txt # `npx sitemap -h` for more examples and a list of options.
For programmatic one time generation of a sitemap try:
const { SitemapStream, streamToPromise } = require( 'sitemap' )
const { Readable } = require( 'stream' )
// An array with your links
const links = [{ url: '/page-1/', changefreq: 'daily', priority: 0.3 }]
// Create a stream to write to
const stream = new SitemapStream( { hostname: 'https://...' } )
// Return a promise that resolves with your XML string
return streamToPromise(Readable.from(links).pipe(stream)).then((data) =>
Use this if you have less than 50 thousand urls. See SitemapAndIndexStream for if you have more.
const express = require('express')
const { SitemapStream, streamToPromise } = require('sitemap')
const { createGzip } = require('zlib')
const { Readable } = require('stream')
const app = express()
let sitemap
app.get('/sitemap.xml', function(req, res) {
res.header('Content-Type', 'application/xml');
res.header('Content-Encoding', 'gzip');
// if we have a cached entry send it
if (sitemap) {
try {
const smStream = new SitemapStream({ hostname: '' })
const pipeline = smStream.pipe(createGzip())
// pipe your entries or directly write them.
smStream.write({ url: '/page-1/', changefreq: 'daily', priority: 0.3 })
smStream.write({ url: '/page-2/', changefreq: 'monthly', priority: 0.7 })
smStream.write({ url: '/page-3/'}) // changefreq: 'weekly', priority: 0.5
smStream.write({ url: '/page-4/', img: "" })
/* or use
Readable.from([{url: '/page-1'}...]).pipe(smStream)
if you are looking to avoid writing your own loop.
// cache the response
streamToPromise(pipeline).then(sm => sitemap = sm)
// make sure to attach a write stream such as streamToPromise before ending
// stream write the response
pipeline.pipe(res).on('error', (e) => {throw e})
} catch (e) {
app.listen(3000, () => {
If you know you are definitely going to have more than 50,000 urls in your sitemap, you can use this slightly more complex interface to create a new sitemap every 45,000 entries and add that file to a sitemap index.
const { createReadStream, createWriteStream } = require('fs');
const { resolve } = require('path');
const { createGzip } = require('zlib')
const {
} = require('sitemap')
// writes sitemaps and index out to the destination you provide.
hostname: '',
destinationDir: './',
sourceData: lineSeparatedURLsToSitemapOptions(
// or (only works with node 10.17 and up)
sourceData: [{ url: '/page-1/', changefreq: 'daily'}, ...],
// or
sourceData: './your-data.json.txt',
}).then(() => {
// Do follow up actions
Want to customize that?
const { createReadStream, createWriteStream } = require('fs');
const { resolve } = require('path');
const { createGzip } = require('zlib')
const { Readable } = require('stream')
const {
} = require('sitemap')
const sms = new SitemapAndIndexStream({
limit: 50000, // defaults to 45k
// SitemapAndIndexStream will call this user provided function every time
// it needs to create a new sitemap file. You merely need to return a stream
// for it to write the sitemap urls to and the expected url where that sitemap will be hosted
getSitemapStream: (i) => {
const sitemapStream = new SitemapStream({ hostname: '' });
// if your server automatically serves sitemap.xml.gz when requesting sitemap.xml leave this line be
// otherwise you will need to add .gz here and remove it a couple lines below so that both the index
// and the actual file have a .gz extension
const path = `./sitemap-${i}.xml`;
.pipe(createGzip()) // compress the output of the sitemap
.pipe(createWriteStream(resolve(path + '.gz'))); // write it to sitemap-NUMBER.xml
return [new URL(path, '').toString(), sitemapStream];
// when reading from a file
// or reading straight from an in-memory array
const arrayOfSitemapItems = [{ url: '/page-1/', changefreq: 'daily'}, ...]
Readable.from(arrayOfSitemapItems).pipe(sms) // available as of node 10.17.0
// or
arrayOfSitemapItems.forEach(item => sms.write(item))
sms.end() // necessary to let it know you've got nothing else to write
const { SitemapStream, streamToPromise } = require('sitemap');
const smStream = new SitemapStream({
hostname: '',
xslUrl: "",
lastmodDateOnly: false, // print date not time
xmlns: { // trim the xml namespace
news: true, // flip to false to omit the xml namespace for news
xhtml: true,
image: true,
video: true,
custom: [
// coalesce stream to value
// alternatively you can pipe to another stream
url: '/page1',
changefreq: 'weekly',
priority: 0.8, // A hint to the crawler that it should prioritize this over items less than 0.8
// each sitemap entry supports many options
// See [Sitemap Item Options](./ below for details
url: '',
img: [
url: '',
caption: 'An image',
title: 'The Title of Image One',
geoLocation: 'London, United Kingdom',
license: ''
url: '',
caption: 'Another image',
title: 'The Title of Image Two',
geoLocation: 'London, United Kingdom',
license: ''
video: [
thumbnail_loc: '',
title: 'A video title',
description: 'This is a video'
thumbnail_loc: '',
title: 'A video with an attribute',
description: 'This is another video',
'player_loc': '',
'player_loc:autoplay': 'ap=1',
'player_loc:allow_embed': 'yes'
links: [
{ lang: 'en', url: '' },
{ lang: 'ja', url: '' }
androidLink: 'android-app://',
news: {
publication: {
name: 'The Example Times',
language: 'en'
genres: 'PressRelease, Blog',
publication_date: '2008-12-23',
title: 'Companies A, B in Merger Talks',
keywords: 'business, merger, acquisition, A, B',
stock_tickers: 'NASDAQ:A, NASDAQ:B'
// indicate there is nothing left to write
For more examples see the examples directory
Full API docs can be found here
See LICENSE file.