Paperclip is intended as an easy file attachment library for Active Record. The intent behind it was to keep setup as easy as possible and to treat files as much like other attributes as possible. This means they aren't saved to their final locations on disk, nor are they deleted if set to nil, until ActiveRecord::Base#save is called. It manages validations based on size and presence, if required. It can transform its assigned image into thumbnails if needed, and the prerequisites are as simple as installing ImageMagick (which, for most modern Unix-based systems, is as easy as installing the right packages). Attached files are saved to the filesystem and referenced in the browser by an easily understandable specification, which has sensible and useful defaults.
See the documentation for has_attached_file
in Paperclip::ClassMethods
more detailed options.
The complete RDoc is online.
Paperclip now requires Ruby version >= 1.9.2 and Rails version >= 3.0 (Only if you're going to use Paperclip with Ruby on Rails.)
If you're still on Ruby 1.8.7 or Ruby on Rails 2.3.x, you can still use Paperclip 2.7.x with your project. Also, everything in this README might not apply to your version of Paperclip, and you should read the README for version 2.7 instead.
ImageMagick must be installed and Paperclip must have access to it. To ensure
that it does, on your command line, run which convert
(one of the ImageMagick
utilities). This will give you the path where that utility is installed. For
example, it might return /usr/local/bin/convert
Then, in your environment config file, let Paperclip know to look there by adding that directory to its path.
In development mode, you might add this line to config/environments/development.rb)
Paperclip.options[:command_path] = "/usr/local/bin/"
If you're on Mac OS X, you'll want to run the following with Homebrew:
brew install imagemagick
If you are dealing with pdf uploads or running the test suite, you'll also need GhostScript to be installed. On Mac OS X, you can also install that using Homebrew:
brew install gs
Paperclip is distributed as a gem, which is how it should be used in your app.
Include the gem in your Gemfile:
gem "paperclip", "~> 3.0"
If you're still using Rails 2.3.x, you should do this instead:
gem "paperclip", "~> 2.7"
Or, if you want to get the latest, you can get master from the main paperclip repository:
gem "paperclip", :git => "git://"
If you're trying to use features that don't seem to be in the latest released gem, but are mentioned in this README, then you probably need to specify the master branch if you want to use them. This README is probably ahead of the latest released version, if you're reading it on GitHub.
For Non-Rails usage:
class ModuleName < ActiveRecord::Base
include Paperclip::Glue
Rails 3
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :avatar
has_attached_file :avatar, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x100>" }, :default_url => "/images/:style/missing.png"
Rails 4
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :avatar, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x100>" }, :default_url => "/images/:style/missing.png"
class AddAvatarColumnsToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
add_attachment :users, :avatar
def self.down
remove_attachment :users, :avatar
(Or you can use migration generator: rails generate paperclip user avatar
<%= form_for @user, :url => users_path, :html => { :multipart => true } do |form| %>
<%= form.file_field :avatar %>
<% end %>
Rails 3
def create
@user = User.create( params[:user] )
Rails 4
def create
@user = User.create( user_params )
# Use strong_parameters for attribute whitelisting
# Be sure to update your create() and update() controller methods.
def user_params
<%= image_tag @user.avatar.url %>
<%= image_tag @user.avatar.url(:medium) %>
<%= image_tag @user.avatar.url(:thumb) %>
Set the attribute to nil
and save.
@user.avatar = nil
The basics of paperclip are quite simple: Declare that your model has an
attachment with the has_attached_file
method, and give it a name.
Paperclip will wrap up up to four attributes (all prefixed with that attachment's name, so you can have multiple attachments per model if you wish) and give them a friendly front end. These attributes are:
By default, only <attachment>_file_name
is required for paperclip to operate.
You'll need to add <attachment>_content_type
in case you want to use content type
More information about the options to has_attached_file
is available in the
documentation of Paperclip::ClassMethods
For validations, Paperclip introduces several validators to validate your attachment:
Example Usage:
validates :avatar, :attachment_presence => true
validates_with AttachmentPresenceValidator, :attributes => :avatar
Validators can also be defined using the old helper style:
Example Usage:
validates_attachment_presence :avatar
Lastly, you can also define multiple validations on a single attachment using validates_attachment
validates_attachment :avatar, :presence => true,
:content_type => { :content_type => "image/jpg" },
:size => { :in => 0..10.kilobytes }
NOTE: Post processing will not even start if the attachment is not valid according to the validations. Your callbacks and processors will only be called with valid attachments.
class Message < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :asset, styles: {thumb: "100x100#"}
before_post_process :skip_for_audio
def skip_for_audio
! %w(audio/ogg application/ogg).include?(asset_content_type)
If you have other validations that depend on assignment order, the recommended course of action is to prevent the assignment of the attachment until afterwards, then assign manually:
class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :document, styles: {thumbnail: "60x60#"}
validates_attachment :document, content_type: { content_type: "application/pdf" }
validates_something_else # Other validations that conflict with Paperclip's
class BooksController < ApplicationController
def create
@book =
@book.document = params[:book][:document]
respond_with @book
def book_params
params.require(:book).permit(:title, :author)
A note on content_type validations and security
You should ensure that you validate files to be only those MIME types you explicitly want to support. If you don't, you could be open to XSS attacks if a user uploads a file with a malicious HTML payload.
If you're only interested in images, restrict your allowed content_types to image-y ones:
validates_attachment :avatar,
:content_type => { :content_type => ["image/jpg", "image/gif", "image/png"] }
will attempt to match a file's extension to an
inferred content_type, regardless of the actual contents of the file.
Global defaults for all your paperclip attachments can be defined by changing the Paperclip::Attachment.default_options Hash, this can be useful for setting your default storage settings per example so you won't have to define them in every has_attached_file definition.
If you're using Rails you can define a Hash with default options in config/application.rb or in any of the config/environments/*.rb files on config.paperclip_defaults, these will get merged into Paperclip::Attachment.default_options as your Rails app boots. An example:
module YourApp
class Application < Rails::Application
# Other code...
config.paperclip_defaults = {:storage => :fog, :fog_credentials => {:provider => "Local", :local_root => "#{Rails.root}/public"}, :fog_directory => "", :fog_host => "localhost"}
Another option is to directly modify the Paperclip::Attachment.default_options Hash, this method works for non-Rails applications or is an option if you prefer to place the Paperclip default settings in an initializer.
An example Rails initializer would look something like this:
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:storage] = :fog
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:fog_credentials] = {:provider => "Local", :local_root => "#{Rails.root}/public"}
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:fog_directory] = ""
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:fog_host] = "http://localhost:3000"
Paperclip defines several migration methods which can be used to create necessary columns in your model. There are two types of method:
class AddAttachmentToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :users do |t|
t.attachment :avatar
If you're using Rails 3.2 or newer, this method works in change
method as well:
class AddAttachmentToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :users do |t|
t.attachment :avatar
class AddAttachmentToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
add_attachment :users, :avatar
def self.down
remove_attachment :users, :avatar
If you're using Rails 3.2 or newer, you only need add_attachment
in your change
class AddAttachmentToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_attachment :users, :avatar
Vintage syntax (such as t.has_attached_file
and drop_attached_file
) are still supported in
Paperclip 3.x, but you're advised to update those migration files to use this new syntax.
Paperclip ships with 3 storage adapters:
- File Storage
- S3 Storage (via
) - Fog Storage
If you would like to use Paperclip with another storage, you can install these gems along side with Paperclip:
The files that are assigned as attachments are, by default, placed in the
directory specified by the :path
option to has_attached_file
. By default, this
location is :rails_root/public/system/:class/:attachment/:id_partition/:style/:filename
This location was chosen because on standard Capistrano deployments, the
directory is symlinked to the app's shared directory, meaning it
will survive between deployments. For example, using that :path
, you may have a
file at
NOTE: This is a change from previous versions of Paperclip, but is overall a safer choice for the default file store.
You may also choose to store your files using Amazon's S3 service. To do so, include
the aws-sdk
gem in your Gemfile:
gem 'aws-sdk', '~> 1.5.7'
And then you can specify using S3 from has_attached_file
You can find more information about configuring and using S3 storage in
the Paperclip::Storage::S3
Files on the local filesystem (and in the Rails app's public directory) will be
available to the internet at large. If you require access control, it's
possible to place your files in a different location. You will need to change
both the :path
and :url
options in order to make sure the files are unavailable
to the public. Both :path
and :url
allow the same set of interpolated
Paperclip supports an extensible selection of post-processors. When you define
a set of styles for an attachment, by default it is expected that those
"styles" are actually "thumbnails". However, you can do much more than just
thumbnail images. By defining a subclass of Paperclip::Processor, you can
perform any processing you want on the files that are attached. Any file in
your Rails app's lib/paperclip_processors directory is automatically loaded by
paperclip, allowing you to easily define custom processors. You can specify a
processor with the :processors option to has_attached_file
has_attached_file :scan, :styles => { :text => { :quality => :better } },
:processors => [:ocr]
This would load the hypothetical class Paperclip::Ocr, which would have the hash "{ :quality => :better }" passed to it along with the uploaded file. For more information about defining processors, see Paperclip::Processor.
The default processor is Paperclip::Thumbnail. For backwards compatibility reasons, you can pass a single geometry string or an array containing a geometry and a format, which the file will be converted to, like so:
has_attached_file :avatar, :styles => { :thumb => ["32x32#", :png] }
This will convert the "thumb" style to a 32x32 square in png format, regardless of what was uploaded. If the format is not specified, it is kept the same (i.e. jpgs will remain jpgs). For more information on the accepted style formats, see here.
Multiple processors can be specified, and they will be invoked in the order they are defined in the :processors array. Each successive processor will be given the result of the previous processor's execution. All processors will receive the same parameters, which are what you define in the :styles hash. For example, assuming we had this definition:
has_attached_file :scan, :styles => { :text => { :quality => :better } },
:processors => [:rotator, :ocr]
then both the :rotator processor and the :ocr processor would receive the options "{ :quality => :better }". This parameter may not mean anything to one or more or the processors, and they are expected to ignore it.
NOTE: Because processors operate by turning the original attachment into the styles, no processors will be run if there are no styles defined.
If you're interested in caching your thumbnail's width, height and size in the database, take a look at the paperclip-meta gem.
Also, if you're interested in generating the thumbnail on-the-fly, you might want to look into the attachment_on_the_fly gem.
Before and after the Post Processing step, Paperclip calls back to the model
with a few callbacks, allowing the model to change or cancel the processing
step. The callbacks are before_post_process
and after_post_process
are called before and after the processing of each attachment), and the
attachment-specific before_<attachment>_post_process
. The callbacks are intended to be as close to
normal ActiveRecord callbacks as possible, so if you return false (specifically
- returning nil is not the same) in a before_filter
, the post processing step
will halt. Returning false in an after_filter
will not halt anything, but you
can access the model and the attachment if necessary.
NOTE: Post processing will not even start if the attachment is not valid according to the validations. Your callbacks and processors will only be called with valid attachments.
class Message < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :asset, styles: {thumb: "100x100#"}
before_post_process :skip_for_audio
def skip_for_audio
! %w(audio/ogg application/ogg).include?(asset_content_type)
Paperclip has an interpolation called :hash
for obfuscating filenames of
publicly-available files.
Example Usage:
has_attached_file :avatar, {
:url => "/system/:hash.:extension",
:hash_secret => "longSecretString"
The :hash
interpolation will be replaced with a unique hash made up of whatever
is specified in :hash_data
. The default value for :hash_data
is ":class/:attachment/:id/:style/:updated_at"
is required, an exception will be raised if :hash
is used without :hash_secret
For more on this feature read the author's own explanation. thoughtbot#416
A MD5 checksum of the original file assigned will be placed in the model if it has an attribute named fingerprint. Following the user model migration example above, the migration would look like the following.
class AddAvatarFingerprintColumnToUser < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
add_column :users, :avatar_fingerprint, :string
def self.down
remove_column :users, :avatar_fingerprint
Custom attachment processors can be implemented and their only requirement is
to inherit from Paperclip::Processor
(see lib/paperclip/processor.rb
For example, when :styles
are specified for an image attachment, the
thumbnail processor (see lib/paperclip/thumbnail.rb
) is loaded without having
to specify it as a :processor
parameter to has_attached_file
. When any
other processor is defined it must be called out in the :processors
parameter if it is to be applied to the attachment. The thumbnail processor
uses the imagemagick convert
command to do the work of resizing image
thumbnails. It would be easy to create a custom processor that watermarks
an image using imagemagick's composite
command. Following the
implementation pattern of the thumbnail processor would be a way to implement a
watermark processor. All kinds of attachment processors can be created;
a few utility examples would be compression and encryption processors.
Callable objects (lambdas, Procs) can be used in a number of places for dynamic configuration throughout Paperclip. This strategy exists in a number of components of the library but is most significant in the possibilities for allowing custom styles and processors to be applied for specific model instances, rather than applying defined styles and processors across all instances.
Imagine a user model that had different styles based on the role of the user.
Perhaps some users are bosses (e.g. a User model instance responds to #boss?)
and merit a bigger avatar thumbnail than regular users. The configuration to
determine what style parameters are to be used based on the user role might
look as follows where a boss will receive a 300x300
thumbnail otherwise a
thumbnail will be created.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :avatar, :styles => lambda { |attachment| { :thumb => (attachment.instance.boss? ? "300x300>" : "100x100>") } }
Another contrived example is a user model that is aware of which file processors
should be applied to it (beyond the implied thumbnail
processor invoked when
are defined). Perhaps we have a watermark processor available and it is
only used on the avatars of certain models. The configuration for this might be
where the instance is queried for which processors should be applied to it.
Presumably some users might return [:thumbnail, :watermark]
for its
processors, where a defined watermark
processor is invoked after the
processor already defined by Paperclip.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :avatar, :processors => lambda { |instance| instance.processors }
attr_accessor :watermark
By default Paperclip outputs logging according to your logger level. If you want to disable logging (e.g. during testing) add this in to your environment's configuration:
Your::Application.configure do
Paperclip.options[:log] = false
More information in the rdocs
Paperclip is aware of new attachment styles you have added in previous deploys. The only thing you should do after each deployment is to call
rake paperclip:refresh:missing_styles
. It will store current attachment styles in RAILS_ROOT/public/system/paperclip_attachments.yml
by default. You can change it by:
Paperclip.registered_attachments_styles_path = '/tmp/config/paperclip_attachments.yml'
Here is an example for Capistrano:
namespace :deploy do
desc "build missing paperclip styles"
task :build_missing_paperclip_styles, :roles => :app do
run "cd #{release_path}; RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake paperclip:refresh:missing_styles"
after("deploy:update_code", "deploy:build_missing_paperclip_styles")
Now you don't have to remember to refresh thumbnails in production every time you add a new style. Unfortunately it does not work with dynamic styles - it just ignores them.
If you already have a working app and don't want rake paperclip:refresh:missing_styles
to refresh old pictures, you need to tell
Paperclip about existing styles. Simply create a paperclip_attachments.yml
file by hand. For example:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :avatar, :styles => {:thumb => 'x100', :croppable => '600x600>', :big => '1000x1000>'}
class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :cover, :styles => {:small => 'x100', :large => '1000x1000>'}
has_attached_file :sample, :styles => {:thumb => 'x100'}
Then in RAILS_ROOT/public/system/paperclip_attachments.yml
- :thumb
- :croppable
- :big
- :small
- :large
- :thumb
Paperclip provides rspec-compatible matchers for testing attachments. See the documentation on Paperclip::Shoulda::Matchers for more information.
Parallel Tests
Because of the default path
for Paperclip storage, if you try to run tests in
parallel, you may find that files get overwritten because the same path is being
calculated for them in each test process. While this fix works for
parallel_tests, a similar concept should be used for any other mechanism for
running tests concurrently.
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:path] = ":rails_root/public/system/:rails_env/#{ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER'].to_i}/:class/:attachment/:id_partition/:filename"
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:path] = ":rails_root/public/system/:rails_env/:class/:attachment/:id_partition/:filename"
The important part here being the inclusion of ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER']
, or the
similar mechanism for whichever parallel testing library you use.
If you'd like to contribute a feature or bugfix: Thanks! To make sure your fix/feature has a high chance of being included, please read the following guidelines:
- Post a pull request.
- Make sure there are tests! We will not accept any patch that is not tested. It's a rare time when explicit tests aren't needed. If you have questions about writing tests for paperclip, please open a GitHub issue.
Please see
for more details on contributing and running test.
Paperclip is maintained and funded by thoughtbot, inc
Thank you to all the contributors!
The names and logos for thoughtbot are trademarks of thoughtbot, inc.
Paperclip is Copyright © 2008-2013 thoughtbot, inc. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the MIT-LICENSE file.