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File metadata and controls

383 lines (278 loc) · 11.5 KB

Firebase Bolt Security and Modeling Language

This language is meant to be used as a convenient front-end to the existing Firebase JSON-based rules language.

File Structure

A bolt file consists of 3 types of statements:

  • Types: Definition of an object schema.
  • Paths: Definition of storage locations, and what type of accesses are allowed there.
  • Functions: Global function expressions which can be called from other expressions to be used as helpers.

A bolt file can also contain JavaScript-style comments:

// Single line comment

/* Multi


A (user-defined) type statement describes a value that can be stored in the Firebase database.

type MyType [extends BaseType] {
  property1: Type,
  property2: Type,

  validate() { <validation expression> }

If the validate expression is false, then the value is deemed to be invalid and cannot be saved to the database (an error will be returned to the Firebase client).

Within the validate expression, the special value this references the object of type, MyType. Properties of MyType can be referenced in expressions like this.property1.

Types can extend other types by using the extends clause. If not given, Object is assumed when MyType has child properties (or Any if it does not). Types which extend an Object, can add additional properties to the Object, in addition to a validate expression.

Property names in type statements should be valid Identifiers (see below). If you need to use any other character in a property name, you can enclose them in quotes (note that Firebase allows any character in a path except for ., $, #, [, [, /, or control characters).

Built-in base types are also similar to JavaScript types:

String            - Character strings
Number            - Integer or floating point
Boolean           - Values `true` or `false`
Object            - A structured object containing named properties.
Any               - Every non-null value is of type Any.
Null              - Value `null` (same as absence of a value, or deleted)
Map<Key, Value>   - A generic type - maps string valued keys to corresponding
                    values (similar to an Object type).
Type[]            - An "array-like" type (actually same as Map<String, Type>
                    where Type can be any other built-in or user-defined type.

Any of the built-in scalar types can be extended by adding a validation expression, e.g.:

type ShortString extends String {
  validate() { this.length < 32 }

type Percentage extends Number {
  validate() { this >=0 && this <= 100 }


  • Object types are required to have at least one property when present.
  • Map types can be empty collections (they need not contain any child keys).

Type Expressions

Any place a Type can be used, it can be replaced with a Type expression. We support three types of type expressions:

Union Types

Type1 | Type2    - Value can be either of two types.
Type | Null      - An optional `Type` value (value can be deleted or missing).

Map Types (Collections)

A Map type is a built-in Generic Type (see below). It is used to specify collections within a model:

type Model {
  users: Map<String, User>,
  products: Map<ProductID, Product>

type ProductID extends String {
  validate() { this.length <= 20 }

As a shortcut for the common Map<String, Type>, "array-like" notation can be used:

type Model {
  users: User[],
  products: Product[]

Generic Types

A generic type is like a "type macro" - it is used to specify a type generically, but then make it specific to a particular use case:

type Pair<X, Y> {
  first: X,
  second: Y

Note that the types of the first and second properties uses the placeholder types, X and Y. Using a generic type is much like a function call - except using <...> instead of (...):

type Model {
  name: String,
  prop: Pair<Number, String>;


A path statement provides access and validation rules for data stored at a given path.

path /path/to/data [is Type] {
  read() { <true-iff-reading-this-path-is-allowed> }

  write() { <true-iff-writing-this-path-is-allowed> }

  validate() { <additional-validation-rules> }

If a Type is not given, Any is assumed.

In read expressions, the value of this is the value stored at the path of type, Type. In write and validate expressions this is the value to be stored at the path (use the prior(this) function to reference the previously stored value of this).

The read and write expressions are used to determine when users are allowed to read or modify the data at the given path. These rules typically test the value of the global auth variable and possibly reference other locations of the database to determine these permissions.

The validate expression can be used to check for additional constraints (beyond the Type validate rules) required to store a value at the given path, and especially perform constraints that are path-dependent. Path templates can include captured parts whose values can then be used within an expression as a variable parameter:

path /users/{uid} is User {
  // Anyone can read a User's information.
  read() { true }

  // Only an authenticated user can write their information.
  write() { auth != null && auth.uid == uid }

If a path needs no expressions, the following abbreviated form (without a body) can be used:

path /users/{uid} is User;

and the path keyword can also be omitted.

/users/{uid} is User;

Paths statments can be nested:

path /users {
  // Anyone can read the list of users and read a their information.
  read() { true }

  /{uid} is User {
      // Authenticated user can write their own information.
      write() { auth != null && auth.uid == uid }

Write Aliases

A common pattern is to have distinct rules for allowing writes to a location that represent, new object creation (create), modification of existing data (update), or deleting data (delete). Bolt allows you to use these methods in lieu of the write() method in any path or type statement.

Alias Write Equivalent
create() { exp } write() { prior(this) == null && exp }
update() { exp } write() { prior(this) != null && this != null && exp }
delete() { exp } write() { prior(this) != null && this == null && exp }

If you use any of create(), update(), or delete(), you may not use a write() method in your path or type statement.

String methods

The following methods can be used on string (static valued or strings stored in the database):

s.length            - Number of characters in the string.
s.includes(sub)     - Returns true iff sub is a substring of s.
s.startsWith(sub)   - Returns true iff sub is a prefix of s.
s.endsWith(sub)     - Returns true iff sub is a suffix of s.
s.replace(old, new) - Returns a string where all occurances of string, `old`, are
                      replaced by `new`.
s.toLowerCase()     - Returns an all lower case version of s.
s.toUpperCase()     - Returns an all upper case version of s.
s.test(regexp)      - Returns true iff the string matches the regular expression.

Regular Expression Syntax

Database references

References to data locations (starting with this or root) can be further qualified using the . and [] operators (just as in JavaScript Object references).

ref.child           - Returns the property `child` of the reference.
ref[s]              - Return property referenced by the string, variable, `s`.
ref.parent()        - Returns the parent of the given refererence
                      (e.g., ref.prop.parent() is the same as ref).

To reference the previous value of a property (in a write() or validate() rule), use the prior() function:

prior(this)         - Value of `this` before the write is completed.
prior(this.prop)    - Value of a property before the write is completed.

prior() can be used to wrap any expressions (including function calls) that use this.

The parent key of the current location can be read using the key() function.

key()               - The (text) value of the inner-most parent property of the current location.

This can be used to create a validation expression that relates the key used to store a value and one of its properties:

path /products is Product[];

type Product {
  validate() { == key() }

  id: String,
  name: String

Functions and Methods

Functions must be simple return expressions with zero or more parameters. All of the following examples are identical and can be used interchangably.

function isUser(uid) {
  return auth != null && auth.uid == uid;

function isUser(uid) { auth != null && auth.uid == uid }

isUser(uid) { auth != null && auth.uid == uid }

Similarly, methods in path and type statements can use the abbreviated functional form (all these are equivalent):

write() { return this.user == auth.uid; }
write() { this.user == auth.uid; }
write() { this.user == auth.uid }


Identifiers in expressions, property names, and path captured parts, must begin with one of alphabetic, _ or $ characters and can contain any alphabetic, numeric, _ or $.


Rule expressions are a subset of JavaScript expressions, and include:

  • Unary operators: - (minus), ! (boolean negation)
  • Binary operators: +, -, *, /, %
  • String constants can be expressed using single or double quotes and can include Hex escape characters (\xXX), Unicode escape characters (\uXXXX) or special escape characters \b, \f, \n, \r, or \t.

Global variables

These global variables are available in expressions:

root - The root location of a Firebase database.
auth - The current auth state (if auth != null the user is authenticated, and auth.uid
       is their user identifier string).
now -  The (Unix) timestamp of the current time (a Number).

Appendix A. Firebase Expressions and their Bolt equivalents.

The special Security and Rules API in Firebase is not identical in Bolt. This section demonstrates how equivalent behavior is achieved in Bolt.


API Bolt Equivalent
".read" : "exp" read() { exp }
".write" : "exp" write() { exp }
".validate": "exp" validate() { exp }
".indexOn": [ "prop", ...] index() { [ "prop", ... ] }


API Bolt Equivalent
auth auth
$location {location} (in path statement)
now now
data prior(this)
newData this (in validate() and write() rules)

RuleDataSnapshot Methods

API Bolt Equivalent
ref.val() Implicit. Just use ref in an expression (e.g., ref > 0).
ref.child('prop') ref.prop
ref.child(exp) ref[exp]
ref.parent() ref.parent()
ref.hasChild(prop) ref.prop != null
ref.hasChildren(props) implicit using "path is Type"
ref.exists() ref != null
ref.getPriority() Not Supported
ref.isNumber() prop: Number
ref.isString() prop: String
ref.isBoolean() prop: Boolean

String Methods

API Bolt Equivalent
s.length s.length
s.contains(sub) s.includes(sub)
s.beginsWith(sub) s.startsWith(sub)
s.endsWith(sub) s.endsWith(sub)
s.replace(old, new) s.replace(old, new)
s.matches(/reg/) s.test(/reg/)