Denisse Fierro Arcos 2023-10-31
In this notebook, we will use shapefiles submitted by all FishMIP regional modelers to create a single file that can then be used to create maps or masks to extract Earth System Models (ESMs) outputs.
#Data manipulation
#Spatial data
#Plotting data
#Base maps
Due to the total size of regional shapefiles, it is not possible to share them in this repository. However, the merged file is available in the FishMIP THREDDS server. Click here to access this file.
If you need access to regional shapefiles, please email us.
The name of the folders containing regional shapefiles contain the ecosystem models developed for that particular region. We will use this information to create two new columns in the final FishMIP regional models shapefile.
#Shapefile folder
shp_reg <- "/rd/gem/private/shared_resources/Shapefiles_Regions/"
#Getting name of folders containing regional models
reg <- list.dirs(shp_reg, recursive = F, full.names = F)
#Creating a table with ecosystem models available per region
reg_info <- str_split(reg, "_", simplify = T) |>
data.frame() |>
#Renaming columns
rename(region = X1, model_all = X2) |>
#Replace "-" with a space in the region name
mutate(region = str_replace_all(region, "-", " "),
#Replace "-" with a comma in the ecosystem models column
models = str_replace_all(model_all, "-", ", ")) |>
#Counting the number of ecosystem models available per region
separate_longer_delim(model_all, delim = "-") |>
group_by(region, models) |>
count(name = "number_models") |>
#Change name of Hawaiian region
mutate(region = case_when(str_detect(region, "Hawaii based") ~
"Hawai'i based Longline",
T ~ region))
#Getting a list of shapefiles in the folder containing the regional model
region_paths <- list.files(shp_reg, pattern = ".shp$", recursive = T,
full.names = T)
#Remove any shapefiles included in "Support Info" folders
region_paths <- region_paths[!str_detect(region_paths, "SupportInfo")]
As of December 2023, there are 41 regional FishMIP models. We will use the boundaries for all these regions to create a single shapefile that includes all FishMIP regional models. Having a single file is useful to create maps showing all regional models easily. This file can also be used to create masks and extract data from Earth System Models (ESMs).
The regional shapefiles used here have been previously standardised, so they are easier to merge. All shapefiles now have the following characteristics:
- Longitudes range from
$-180^{\circ}$ to$180^{\circ}$ - If a shapefile crosses the international date line, it is split in two
- Any internal boundaries were removed
- All shapefiles have two columns only:
- The coordinate reference system (CRS) was set to WGS84 (EPSG:4326)
#Loading all files into a list and creating a single shapefile with all regions
regions <- region_paths |>
map(read_sf) |>
bind_rows() |>
#Cleaning up names - Replace "_" for spaces " "
mutate(region = str_replace_all(region, "_", " ")) |>
#Adding model names and number of ecosystem models available per region
left_join(reg_info, by = "region") |>
#Moving geometry to the end
relocate(geometry, .after = number_models)
Before we save the merged shapefile, we will create a simple map to
check that all regions are showing correctly. We will use a world
basemap from the rnaturalearth
#Loading basemap
world <- ne_countries(returnclass = "sf")
#Plotting regions and map of the world
geom_sf(data = world)+
geom_sf(data = regions, aes(fill = region, alpha = 0.5))+
theme(legend.position = "bottom", legend.title = element_blank())+
guides(fill = guide_legend(ncol = 4))
The merged shapefile includes 41 different regions, which matches the number of regional FishMIP models. We can now save this merged file.
#Location of folder for outputs
out_folder <- "/rd/gem/private/shared_resources/FishMIP_regional_models"
#If folder does not exist, create one
dir.create(out_folder, recursive = T)}
regions |>
write_sf(file.path(out_folder, "FishMIP_regional_models.shp"), append = F)
Remember, the final shapefile is also available in the FishMIP THREDDS server.