Data can be downloaded from .
The task consists of two steps: 1. construct database 2. index by the faiss package.
faiss package is :
In "", you need to set some parameters, such as "faq_data_path", "answer_save_path", "embedding_save_path".
- faq_data_path is the source data downloaded from .
- answer_save_path is the path to save the quesion-answer dictionary, we can index the answer by the question quickly.
- embeddings_save_path is the path to save the question-embeddings, we can index the similar questions by the faiss.
In "", we provide the search function to search the similar question quickly.
while True:
question = input("please input a question")
if question == "q":
question_embedding = predictor.predict_embedding(question, maxlen=maxlen), question_embedding, k=10)
K =10 means we want to find the 10 results that are closest to asking the question.