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Flank Build Status codecov pullreminders

Flank is a massively parallel Android and iOS test runner for Firebase Test Lab.


  • Install Oracle JDK 8
    • JDK 9 or later will not work
  • Use JetBrains Toolbox to install IntelliJ IDEA Community
  • Clone the repo git clone --recursive
    • git submodule update --init --recursive updates the submodules
  • Open test_runner/build.gradle.kts with IntelliJ IDEA Community


Available now 2019
Test sharding Client/Server refactor
Cost reporting
Stability testing
HTML report
JUnit XML report
Smart Flank

Exit Codes

Exit code Description
0 All tests passed
1 At least one test failed or inconclusive and all matrices finished.
2 At least one matrix not finished, usually a FTL error.

Flank configuration

app, test, and xctestrun-file support ~, environment variables, and globs (*, **) when resolving paths

iOS example

Run test_runner/flank.ios.yml with flank to verify iOS execution is working.

  • cd test_runner/
  • ./gradlew clean build fatJar
  • java -jar ./build/libs/flank-*.jar firebase test ios run
# gcloud args match the official gcloud cli
  # -- GcloudYml --

  ## The name of a Google Cloud Storage bucket where raw test results will be stored
  # results-bucket: tmp_flank

  ## The name of a unique Google Cloud Storage object within the results bucket where raw test results will be stored
  ## (default: a timestamp with a random suffix).
  # results-dir: tmp

  ## Enable video recording during the test. Enabled by default, use --no-record-video to disable.
  # record-video: true

  ## The max time this test execution can run before it is cancelled (default: 15m).
  ## It does not include any time necessary to prepare and clean up the target device.
  ## The maximum possible testing time is 30m on physical devices and 60m on virtual devices.
  ## The TIMEOUT units can be h, m, or s. If no unit is given, seconds are assumed.
  # timeout: 30m

  ## Invoke a test asynchronously without waiting for test results.
  # async: false

  ## The billing enabled Google Cloud Platform project name to use
  # project: delta-essence-114723

  ## The history name for your test results (an arbitrary string label; default: the application's label from the APK manifest).
  ## All tests which use the same history name will have their results grouped together in the Firebase console in a time-ordered test history list.
  # results-history-name: android-history

  ## Experimental!
  ## The number of times a TestExecution should be re-attempted if one or more\nof its test cases fail for any reason.
  ## The maximum number of reruns allowed is 10. Default is 0, which implies no reruns.
  # flaky-test-attempts: 0

  # -- IosGcloudYml --

  ## The path to the test package (a zip file containing the iOS app and XCTest files).
  ## The given path may be in the local filesystem or in Google Cloud Storage using a URL beginning with gs://.
  ## Note: any .xctestrun file in this zip file will be ignored if --xctestrun-file is specified.
  test: ./src/test/kotlin/ftl/fixtures/tmp/

  ## The path to an .xctestrun file that will override any .xctestrun file contained in the --test package.
  ## Because the .xctestrun file contains environment variables along with test methods to run and/or ignore,
  ## this can be useful for customizing or sharding test suites. The given path should be in the local filesystem.
  ## Note: this path should usually be pointing to the xctestrun file within the derived data folder
  xctestrun-file: ./src/test/kotlin/ftl/fixtures/tmp/EarlGreyExampleSwiftTests_iphoneos12.1-arm64e.xctestrun

  ## The version of Xcode that should be used to run an XCTest.
  ## Defaults to the latest Xcode version supported in Firebase Test Lab.
  ## This Xcode version must be supported by all iOS versions selected in the test matrix.
  # xcode-version: 10.1

  ## A list of DIMENSION=VALUE pairs which specify a target device to test against.
  ## This flag may be repeated to specify multiple devices.
  ## The four device dimensions are: model, version, locale, and orientation.
  # device:
  #  - model: iphone8
  #   version: 12.0
  #   locale: en
  #   orientation: portrait
  # - model: iphonex
  #   version: 12.0
  #   locale: es_ES
  #   orientation: landscape

  # -- FlankYml --

  ## test shards - the maxmimum amount of groups to split the test suite into
  ## set to -1 to use one shard per test. default: 1
  # testShards: 1

  ## shard time - the amount of time tests within a shard should take
  ## when set to > 0, the shard count is dynamically set based on time up to the maxmimum limit defined by testShards
  ## 2 minutes (120) is recommended.
  ## default: -1 (unlimited)
  # shardTime: -1

  ## repeat tests - the amount of times to run the tests.
  ## 1 runs the tests once. 10 runs all the tests 10x
  # repeatTests: 1

  ## Google cloud storage path to store the JUnit XML results from the last run.
  # smartFlankGcsPath: gs://tmp_flank/flank/test_app_ios.xml

  ## Disables sharding. Useful for parameterized tests.
  # disableSharding: false

  ## always run - these tests are inserted at the beginning of every shard
  ## useful if you need to grant permissions or login before other tests run
  # test-targets-always-run:
  #   - className/testName

  ## regex is matched against bucket paths, for example: 2019-01-09_00:18:07.314000_hCMY/shard_0/EarlGreyExampleSwiftTests_iphoneos12.1-arm64e.xctestrun
  # files-to-download:
  #   - .*\.mp4$

  # -- IosFlankYml --

  ## test targets - a list of tests to run. omit to run all tests.
  # test-targets:
  #   - className/testName

Android example

Run test_runner/flank.yml with flank to verify Android execution is working.

  • cd test_runner/
  • ./gradlew clean build fatJar
  • java -jar ./build/libs/flank-*.jar firebase test android run
# gcloud args match the official gcloud cli
# See the docs for full gcloud details
  # -- GcloudYml --

  ## The name of a Google Cloud Storage bucket where raw test results will be stored
  # results-bucket: tmp_flank

  ## The name of a unique Google Cloud Storage object within the results bucket where raw test results will be stored
  ## (default: a timestamp with a random suffix).
  # results-dir: tmp

  ## Enable video recording during the test. Enabled by default, use --no-record-video to disable.
  # record-video: true

  ## The max time this test execution can run before it is cancelled (default: 15m).
  ## It does not include any time necessary to prepare and clean up the target device.
  ## The maximum possible testing time is 30m on physical devices and 60m on virtual devices.
  ## The TIMEOUT units can be h, m, or s. If no unit is given, seconds are assumed.
  # timeout: 30m

  ## Invoke a test asynchronously without waiting for test results.
  # async: false

  ## The billing enabled Google Cloud Platform project name to use
  # project: delta-essence-114723

  ## The history name for your test results (an arbitrary string label; default: the application's label from the APK manifest).
  ## All tests which use the same history name will have their results grouped together in the Firebase console in a time-ordered test history list.
  # results-history-name: android-history

  ## Experimental!
  ## The number of times a TestExecution should be re-attempted if one or more\nof its test cases fail for any reason.
  ## The maximum number of reruns allowed is 10. Default is 0, which implies no reruns.
  # flaky-test-attempts: 0

  # -- AndroidGcloudYml --

  ## The path to the application binary file.
  ## The path may be in the local filesystem or in Google Cloud Storage using gs:// notation.
  ## Android App Bundles are specified as .aab, all other files are assumed to be APKs.
  app: ../test_app/apks/app-debug.apk

  ## The path to the binary file containing instrumentation tests.
  ## The given path may be in the local filesystem or in Google Cloud Storage using a URL beginning with gs://.
  test: ../test_app/apks/app-debug-androidTest.apk

  ## Automatically log into the test device using a preconfigured Google account before beginning the test.
  ## Enabled by default, use --no-auto-google-login to disable.
  # auto-google-login: true

  ## Whether each test runs in its own Instrumentation instance with the Android Test Orchestrator
  ## (default: Orchestrator is used). Disable with --no-use-orchestrator.
  ## See
  # use-orchestrator: true

  ## A comma-separated, key=value map of environment variables and their desired values. This flag is repeatable.
  ## The environment variables are mirrored as extra options to the am instrument -e KEY1 VALUE1 … command and
  ## passed to your test runner (typically AndroidJUnitRunner)
  # environment-variables:
  #  coverage: true
  #  coverageFilePath: /sdcard/
  #  clearPackageData: true

  ## A list of paths that will be copied from the device's storage to the designated results bucket after the test
  ## is complete. These must be absolute paths under /sdcard or /data/local/tmp
  # directories-to-pull:
  #   - /sdcard/

  ## Monitor and record performance metrics: CPU, memory, network usage, and FPS (game-loop only).
  ## Enabled by default, use --no-performance-metrics to disable.
  # performance-metrics: true

  ## A list of one or more test target filters to apply (default: run all test targets).
  ## Each target filter must be fully qualified with the package name, class name, or test annotation desired.
  ## Supported test filters by am instrument -e … include:
  ## class, notClass, size, annotation, notAnnotation, package, notPackage, testFile, notTestFile
  ## See for more information.
  # test-targets:
  #  - class

  ## A list of DIMENSION=VALUE pairs which specify a target device to test against.
  ## This flag may be repeated to specify multiple devices.
  ## The four device dimensions are: model, version, locale, and orientation.
  # device:
  # - model: NexusLowRes
  #   version: 28
  #   locale: en
  #   orientation: portrait
  # - model: NexusLowRes
  #   version: 27

  # -- FlankYml --

  ## test shards - the amount of groups to split the test suite into
  ## set to -1 to use one shard per test. default: 1
  # testShards: 1

  ## shard time - the amount of time tests within a shard should take
  ## when set to > 0, the shard count is dynamically set based on time up to the maxmimum limit defined by testShards
  ## 2 minutes (120) is recommended.
  ## default: -1 (unlimited)
  # shardTime: -1

  ## repeat tests - the amount of times to run the tests.
  ## 1 runs the tests once. 10 runs all the tests 10x
  # repeatTests: 1

  ## Google cloud storage path to store the JUnit XML results from the last run.
  # smartFlankGcsPath: gs://tmp_flank/flank/test_app_android.xml

  ## Disables sharding. Useful for parameterized tests.
  # disableSharding: false

  ## always run - these tests are inserted at the beginning of every shard
  ## useful if you need to grant permissions or login before other tests run
  # test-targets-always-run:
  #   - class

  ## regex is matched against bucket paths, for example: 2019-01-09_00:13:06.106000_YCKl/shard_0/NexusLowRes-28-en-portrait/bugreport.txt
  # files-to-download:
  #   - .*\.mp4$

Android code coverage

Update your app's build.gradle to build with coverage and use orchestrator. A custom gradle task is defined to generate the coverage report.
def coverageEnabled = project.hasProperty('coverage')

android {

  defaultConfig {
    testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
    // runs pm clear after each test invocation
    testInstrumentationRunnerArguments clearPackageData: 'true'

  buildTypes {
    debug {
      testCoverageEnabled true
  testOptions {
        animationsDisabled = true

dependencies {
  androidTestUtil 'androidx.test:orchestrator:1.1.1'


if (coverageEnabled) {
    // gradle -Pcoverage firebaseJacoco
    task firebaseJacoco(type: JacocoReport) {
        group = "Reporting"
        description = "Generate Jacoco coverage reports for Firebase test lab."

        def excludes = [
        def javaClasses = fileTree(dir: "${project.buildDir}/intermediates/javac/debug/compileDebugJavaWithJavac/classes", excludes: excludes)
        def kotlinClasses = fileTree(dir: "${project.buildDir}/tmp/kotlin-classes/debug", excludes: excludes)
        getClassDirectories().setFrom(files([javaClasses, kotlinClasses]))

                'src/main/java', 'src/main/kotlin',
                'src/androidTest/java', 'src/androidTest/kotlin']))

        def ecFiles = project.fileTree(dir: '..', include: 'results/coverage_ec/**/sdcard/*.ec')
        ecFiles.forEach { println("Reading in $it") }

        reports {
            html { enabled true }
            xml { enabled false }

Here's an example flank.yml. Note that coverage and coverageFilePath must be set when using orchestrator with coverage. coverageFile is not used. Orchestrator will generate one coverage file per test. coverageFilePath must be a directory, not a file.

  app: ./app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk
  test: ./app/build/outputs/apk/androidTest/debug/app-debug-androidTest.apk
    coverage: true
    coverageFilePath: /sdcard/
    clearPackageData: true
    - /sdcard/
  # use a named results dir that's used by the gradle task
  results-dir: coverage_ec

  disableSharding: true
    - .*/sdcard/[^/]+\.ec$
  • Build the app with coverage: ./gradlew -Pcoverage build
  • Run flank flank android run
  • Generate the report ./gradlew -Pcoverage firebaseJacoco
  • Open the report in ./build/reports/jacoco/firebaseJacoco/html/index.html

CI integration

Download Flank from GitHub releases.

Stable. Get the latest stable version number and replace the XXX with the version number.

wget --quiet -O ./flank.jar
java -jar ./flank.jar android run

Snapshot (published after every commit)

wget --quiet -O ./flank.jar
java -jar ./flank.jar android run

In CI, it may be useful to generate the file via a shell script:

cat << 'EOF' > ./flank.yml
  app: ../../test_app/apks/app-debug.apk
  test: ../../test_app/apks/app-debug-androidTest.apk

Gradle Plugin

Fladle is a Gradle plugin for Flank that provides DSL configuration and task based execution.

Authenticate with a Google account

Run flank auth login. Flank will save the credential to ~/.flank. Google account authentication allows each person to have a unique non-shared credential. A service account is still recommended for CI.

Authenticate with a service account

Follow the test lab docs to create a service account.

  • Save the credential to $HOME/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json or set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS when using a custom path.
  • Set the project id in flank.yml or set the GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT environment variable.

For continuous integration, base64 encode the credential as GCLOUD_KEY. Then write the file using a shell script. Note that gcloud CLI does not need to be installed. Flank works without any dependency on gcloud CLI.

Encode JSON locally.

base64 -i "$HOME/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json" | pbcopy

Then in CI decode the JSON.

mkdir -p "$GCLOUD_DIR"
echo "$GCLOUD_KEY" | base64 --decode > "$GCLOUD_DIR/application_default_credentials.json"

Running with gcloud directly

flank.yml is compatible with the gcloud CLI.

  • gcloud firebase test android run flank.yml:gcloud
  • gcloud alpha firebase test ios run flank.ios.yml:gcloud

NOTE: You will need to activate gcloud's service account for the above commands to work.


Use the doctor command to check for errors in the YAML.

  • flank firebase test android doctor
  • flank firebase test ios doctor

Check version

Flank supports printing the current version.

$ flank -v


Access Not Configured. Cloud Tool Results API has not been used in project 764086051850 before or it is disabled.

This error means authentication hasn't been setup properly. See Authenticate with a service account in this readme.

How do I use Flank without typing long commands?

Add Flank's bash helper folder to your $PATH environment variable. This will allow you to call the shell scripts in that helper folder from anywhere.

With the flank shell script, you can use flank instead of java -jar flank.jar. Examples:

  • flank android run
  • flank ios run

With the shell script, you can rebuild flank.jar.

Symbol is declared in module 'java.xml' which does not export package ''

Make sure you're using JDK 8 to compile Flank.

Test run failed to complete. Expected 786 tests, received 660

Try setting use-orchestrator: false. Parameterized tests are not compatible with orchestrator. Flank uses orchestrator by default on Android.