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Font Awesome 6 Official WordPress Plugin DEVELOPMENT


This repo provides a multi-dimensional Docker-based development environment to help developers work with the font-awesome plugin under a variety of conditions: WordPress version tags 4.9 and latest, crossed with development and integration.

The development option mounts this plugin code as a read-write volume inside a container and sets up composer to install any development dependencies inside the container.

The integration option does not mount this plugin code in the container. Instead, it expects you to install the plugin. You could do so by uploading a zip file on the Add New Plugin page in WordPress admin: build a zip using composer dist or by downloading one from the plugin's WordPress plugin directory entry. Or you could install directly from the WordPress plugin directory by searching for plugins by author "fontawesome".

Both options mount the test integrations found under integrations/ so those themes or plugins can be activated to help with testing and exploring interaction with the plugin at run time.

Development Setup


First time:


Each time, leave running in one terminal, and CTRL-C to stop:


First time, after bin/dev is running, in a separate terminal:


When modifying JavaScript/CSS assets under admin/

First time:

cd admin
npm install

Each time:

cd admin
npm run start

Leave that running in a separate terminal.

1. Make sure Docker is installed

2. Install Node.js

Preferably your host environment will run the version of Node.js that's indicated in the .tool-versions file in this repo.

That's the version that we'd normally install via asdf.

You can install it however you'd normally install node.

Installing via asdf Font Awesome development normally uses [`asdf`]( for managing versions of various environments like Node.js.

ASDF Get Started Guide

If you don't already have the version of nodejs mentioned in .tool-versions, and you've already installed asdf, then from this repo's directory, do:

asdf plugin-add nodejs
asdf install nodejs

2. Build any number of docker images for the environments you want

Run bin/build-docker-images with one or more version tags corresponding to Dockerfiles in docker/.

For example, to build two images:

$ bin/build-docker-images 4.9 latest

Once you build these, you won't need to rebuild them unless something changes in the underlying image dependencies.

Each image is a pre-requisite for its corresponding container environment. So if you want to be able to run bin/dev latest, you have to first make sure you've built the underlying docker image with bin/build-docker-images latest.

Which versions are available in containers? Look in the `docker/` subdirectory for any `Dockerfile-*`. Each corresponds to an image that can be build with the `bin/build-docker-images` script. And the `docker-compose.yml` file will define one or two containers using each image: `dev`, and sometimes also `integration`.
What actual WordPress version is latest? For `latest`, this could happen if you see that the [`wordpress:latest` tag on Docker Hub]( is updated. When a new version of WordPress is released, it can take a little while before a new Docker image is available for it. So in this development environment, `latest` refers primarily to the the `wordpress:latest` image on DockerHub, not always as current as the latest WordPress release.
Heads Up: version of WordPress vs. version of WordPress test suite _BEWARE_: there's one place where this difference in "latest" might shoot us in the foot: The `docker/` script runs during the image build process to install the core WordPress testing files that are important for our `phpunit` test run to work. It takes a _WordPress_ version tag as an argument. So when the WordPress "latest" version (say `5.0.1`) and the DockerHub "latest" version are temporarily out of sync, you could be in a state where the WordPress `5.0.0` (in our example) is running, but with tests tagged for WordPress `5.0.1` are installed. Probably this won't cause a real problem, but beware.

3. Set up .env.local

In the top-level of this repo, create a plain text file called .env.local that has at least the following in it:

Replace with a real email address where you can receive admin messages from this local install of WordPress, if it sends any (it tends not to).

This file is not checked into git. It's listed in .gitignore.

4. Add the wp.test host name

On Unix-like OSes, such as macOS, you do this by editing your /etc/hosts file and adding a line like this: wp.test

5. Run an environment (one at a time)

latest is the default, so these two are equivalent:

$ bin/dev latest
$ bin/dev

This table shows some of the available containers and environments, for example. There are several more:

version tag development integration
latest $ bin/dev latest $ bin/integration latest
4.9 $ bin/dev 4.9 $ bin/integration 4.9
php7.2 $ bin/dev php7.2 -
php8.0 $ bin/dev php8.0 -
About container version numbers When the container has just a version number like "4.9", that's the WordPress version. To see what php version is running in there, check `php --version` within that container. When the container version has a php version like `php7.2`, this is a container intended especially for running the phpunit test suite against that version of php. You can see what version of WordPress is used in that container usually by looking at the `FROM` directive on the top line of the corresponding `Dockerfile`.

There are Docker image and container versions set up for most minor point releases of php and key milestone releases of WordPress for local testing. Not all of these appear in the GitHub Actions test matrix.

Run one of these from the top-level directory that contains the docker-compose.yml config file.

Leave it running in one terminal window and do the rest of the workflow in some other terminal windows.

Setup Required

At this point, everything is running, but when it's the first time you've run it (or since you cleared the docker data volume), WordPress has not yet been set up. See the bin/setup script for that below.

Stopping the Environment

When you're ready to stop this environment, use CTRL-C in that terminal window where it's running.


To bring back up the same environment later, just run the same bin/dev or bin/integration command.

Start a Different Environment

To run a different environment, you'll need to first make sure the containers from one environment are stopped, before starting a new environment. This because the port numbers used for web and db are the same regardless of environment, so you can only have one running at a time.

Stop an Environment's Containers

You can make sure all containers are stopped like this:

$ docker-compose down

You could also be a little more ninja-ish and use docker ps to find the running containers you know you want to stop, find the container ID for each, and then for each one do docker container stop <container_id>.

6. Run bin/setup

After starting a fresh container, WordPress needs to be set up. This setup is not required when stopping and restarting a container that's already been set up.

If you're running the default latest dev container, just do this in a separate terminal window:


Once it succeeds, WordPress is up and running and ready to start doing stuff.

connecting to the running WordPress instance After setup completes, WordPress is ready and initialized in the docker container and reachable at [http://wp.test:8765](http://wp.test:8765).

You can login to the admin dashboard at http://wp.test:8765/wp-admin with admin username and password as found in .env.

what is this set up? This does the initial WordPress admin setup that happens first on any freshly installed WordPress site. We're just doing it from the command line with the script to be quick and convenient.
setting up non-default containers By default, it will use the container named `com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-dev`, which will be the container made from the `latest` image.

You can use a -c <container_id> argument to connect to run the command against a different container. This pattern is consistent across most of the scripts under bin/, such as bin/wp and bin/php.

7. Start the admin React app's development build (in development)

If you're doing development and making changes to JavaScript or CSS assets that are in the React admin app, you should keep webpack running while you're working:

In a separate terminal window, cd admin, and then:

(a) npm install

(b) npm run start to fire up webpack.

What is webpack doing? And how do I refresh to see my changes? This uses `wp-scripts` (webpack under the hood) to build the static assets under `admin/build`. There's no webpack dev server. Webpack will watch the JavaScript and CSS source files, notice changes to them, and rebuild those static assets on the fly. However, it won't trigger a reload in the browser automatically. Just refresh your browser page to load the re-built assets after making a change.

Optional Development Setup Steps

Multisite Setup

Maybe this whole development environment should be adjusted to work with multisite "out of the box". But for now, you have to bend over backwards.

We still have phpunit tests that can run locally and are configured to run in CI. So there will still be test coverage of the important multisite cases, even if you don't do this setup. But if you want to manually explore how the plugin works within the multisite context, then here's how you'd do it. (And this is only for the latest container.)

Here's a guide for how to set up a WordPress network (aka multisite). The following summarizes.

  1. add some subdomain hosts like alpha.wp.test and beta.wp.test to your /etc/hosts

  2. change the WP_DOMAIN env var in .env temporarily to be wp.test:80

    (because WordPress multisite won't access ports like wp.test:8765)

  3. change the docker-compose.yml configuration for the service you intend to run, like wordpress-latest-dev to override the default ports, making it use port 80 both inside and outside the container.

       - "80:80"
  4. After running the service in the normal way, shell into it and modify /var/www/html/wp-config.php to define WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE as true

  5. Go the wp-admin dashboard, look for Tools->Network Setup

  6. Set it up for subdomain use

  7. copy the new defines it gives you into wp-config.php

  8. update the /var/www/html/.htaccess inside the running container with the configuration stuff that WordPress admin console tells you to use.

  9. Reload the wp-admin dashboard and find that you now go to "My Sites" from the top nav bar.

    Under "My Sites", go to Network Admin -> Sites. Create the sub-sites, like alpha.wp.test and beta.wp.test

That's it.

Now, if you're using a -dev container, you've already got the Font Awesome plugin mounted (i.e. installed) under Plugins and you can activate it network-wide from the Network Admin plugins page. Or you could activate site-by-site within each of their site-specific Plugins pages.

Redis Cache Extra Steps

If you know that you'll be installing the WP Redis plugin to test behavior with caching, then you'll need to add at least the following environment variable to .env.local as well:


This assumes that your version of Docker supports the host.docker.internal special host name to route from the container to the host. If you have some other configuration, you should set it accordingly here.

The following are optional:

CACHE_PORT=1111 # default: 6379
CACHE_AUTH=1111 # default: 12345
CACHE_DB=1111 # default: 0
Font Awesome Internal Extra steps

Designers and developers internal to Font Awesome can also run local instances of the Font Awesome, Font Awesome API, and kit edge apps.

  1. make sure the devenv is up-to-date

  2. in the devenv repo, run bin/dev-wordpress

  3. add entries for the following to your .env.local (replacing the URLs with the appropriate ones if they change)


    Heads Up! make sure to use host.docker.internal in that API URL, because the WordPress server needs to be able to reach the API server from inside the docker container. That KIT_LOADER_BASE one needs to be fa.test because this is a URL that the browser (running in the host) will need to reach.

  4. run bin/dev in the fontawesome repo if you need to do things with kit configs or API Tokens

Install PHP in Your Host Environment You normally will not need to install PHP in your host environment, because the container system is designed to run specific versions php within each container.

So for most of your dev workflows, it doesn't matter what version of php, if any, you have installed in your local host environment. There are no workflows that require you to have php installed in your host environment. So this is only if you know you why you want to run some stuff--maybe phpcs code sniffing--from within the host environment.

Install the same PHP as the WordPress image

If you don't have any other reason to prefer what version of php is installed and active on your host system, it may be easiest to install the same version that's used inside the WordPress docker container.

For the wordpress:latest image (which you're probably doing to be using mostly), you could determine that version of php like this:

$ docker run --rm wordpress:latest php --version

As of WordPress 5.8.3, the wordpress:latest image uses php 7.4.27, even though the latest available PHP is currently 8.1.1.

To install PHP 7.4 via brew:

$ brew install php@7.4

Dealing with managing multiple versions of php via homebrew is an exercise left to the reader ;-)

asdf is a nightmare for PHP

While Font Awesome's development environments normally use asdf to help standardize runtime configurations, getting the PHP plugin for asdf to work successfully on macOS is probably not worth it at this time. The original plugin has apparently been abandoned, and the maintainer of the current plugin doesn't use it any longer, and thinks that it's "near to a nightmare" on macOS.

Multiple Versions of PHP and version-specific composer.json files

There are multiple variations of composer.json files in this repo, each corresponding to different versions of php. Our GitHub Actions configuration runs the automated tests across a matrix of different versions of php that that this plugin should support. Some of the dependencies in composer.json are sensitive to the version of php in use. So when we run tests against, say, php 5.6, we run with the php 5.6 specific composer.json, like this:

$ COMPOSER=composer-php5.6.json composer install

That's how you can specify a particular composer config file, instead of the default one called composer.json.

The default composer.json and composer.lock files are intended to match the environment of the wordpress:latest docker image at any given point in time. As of WordPress 5.8.3 being latest, the image has php 7.4.

So if you have installed php 8.1 on your host system and you just run composer install or composer update, you may see various compatibility problems, since it will use composer.json by default. Only do that with a version of php that matches what's in the wordpress:latest image.

Thefore, when executing composer commands in your local host development environment, or in GitHub Actions, make sure that composer is using the version of composer.json that corresponds to the active version of php in that environment.

The containers for each version of php have the COMPOSER environment variable appropriately so that, within a given container, you can just run composer and it will inherit that env var and use the appropriate composer config file. (These are set in the .env and docker-compose.yml declarations.)

Install composer (PHP package manager) Again, just as you would normally never need to install PHP in your host environment, you probably don't need to install `composer` in your host environment. For normal workflows in this repo, running composer--using the configuration set up within each php-version-specific container--is preferable.

But if you know why you need, and you're on macOS, it can be installed via homebrew:

brew install composer
The WordPress 4 compat bundle For older versions of WordPress, we build and load this separate "compat-js" bundle. It includes some WordPress dependencies that are available at runtime on newer versions of WordPress, but which this plugin provides itself when it detects that it's being loaded on older versions of WordPress.

This bundle will probably not change very much, so it may not be necessary to rebuild at all. If you're doing development work only in WordPress 5, you can skip this altogether.

If you do need to update what's in this bundle, though, then you just build another static production build like this:

$ cd compat-js
$ npm install
$ npm run build

This will create compat-js/build/compat.js, which the plugin looks for and enqueues automatically when it detects that it's running under WordPress 4.

If you have an older version of Docker or one that doesn't support host.docker.internal

The local dev environment here is configured to use host.docker.internal, which will work with Docker for Mac Desktop and some other versions of Docker.

It's what allows processes running inside the container to access services running on ports in the host environment.

If you don't have host.docker.internal support for some reason, you could set up a loopback address with the following IP from your host OS. On macOS the command might look like this:

sudo ifconfig lo0 alias

The docker-compose.yml adds a hostname called dockerhost that resolves to that IP address.

Now search through the various config and source files in this repo where host.docker.internal appears and change them to dockerhost. Don't commit that change, since it's just a temporary change for your local development environment.

Here are some of the operations that require the container to talk back to the host:

  • PHP debugging port via remote xdebug
  • Webpack dev server port for React hot module reloading
  • Font Awesome GraphQL API (when running that service locally)
configure debugging

This will set up debugging configuration in wp-config.php inside the container and will also install several plugins to power the debug bar available from the upper right-hand nav bar when logged into WordPress as admin.

Install and/or Activate the Font Awesome plugin (only in integration environment)

If you're running the bin/dev environment, you'll find in the admin dashboard that the Font Awesome is already installed, because the source code in this repo is mounted as a volume inside the container. You can activate or deactivate the plugin, but you'll find that if you try to uninstall it, it seems to wipe out the plugin's code from the working directory of this repo. So, probably don't do that.

If you're running the bin/integration environment, install via zip archive upload or directly from the WordPress plugins directory. See above for more details.

After activating the plugin you can access the Font Awesome admin page here: http://wp.test:8765/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=font-awesome

Or you'll find it linked on the left sidebar under Settings.

Run tests with phpunit

PHPUnit will be run within a given container, specific to some version of php.

This also means that the composer bundle must be built within that container first:

bin/composer install

This runs phpunit in the default docker container. It's just a docker wrapper around the normal phpunit command, so you can pass any normal phpunit command line arguments you might like.

You can skip compose install for subsequent composer or phpunit unit commands within that particular container, unless the corresponding composer config changes.

Example in a non-default container Suppose you want to run the tests against php 7.1, and you've build the corresponding `php7.1` image and started its dev container:
bin/composer -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-php7.1-dev install
bin/phpunit -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-php7.1-dev
Run loader tests To run the loader tests, use this alternate test config. And because of how they run, each should be run separately, for example, using a `--filter`:
bin/phpunit --config phpunit-loader.xml.dist --filter FontAwesomeLoaderTestLifecycle
Run multisite tests without network admin This would simulate the multisite environment, but where actions like activation or deactivation of the plugin are initiated from within a particular site's dashboard, rather than from the network dashboard.
bin/phpunit --config phpunit-multisite.xml.dist
Run multisite tests as network admin This would simulate the multisite environment where actions like activation or deactivation of the plugin are initiated from the network admin dashboard.
bin/phpunit --config phpunit-multisite-network-admin.xml.dist
filter which tests to run The `bin/phpunit` script will pass through command-line arguments to `phpunit` within the container. So you can do something this:
bin/phpunit --filter EnqueueTest

When specifying a container with -c, to add additional command-line arguments, you also need to add -- like this:

bin/phpunit -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-php7.1-dev -- --filter EnqueueTest

Everything before the -- are the options do the bin/phpunit script, and everything after the -- are what get passed through to the phpunit command inside the container.

Run end-to-end tests with playwright

Add tokens to .env.local


To run the end-to-end tests, you must have the WordPress environment running. For example, from the top-level directory, run this:


Leave that running in one terminal and do the following in a separate terminal.

Playwright must be also installed when initializing a local dev environment:

cd admin
npx playwright install --with-deps

Then, still in the admin directory, run tests on the terminal:

npx playwright test

Or run the tests in the Playwright UI:

npx playwright test --ui

Or in debug mode:

npx playwright test --debug

See also Playwright docs.

WordPress Version Caveat

The end-to-end tests may use features of WordPress that are not present in older versions, so their use on older versions may be limited. But within those limits, at least some of them are useful for running against older versions of WordPress to ensure compatibility.

Use WP-CLI within your Docker environment

For example,

$ bin/wp plugin list

This will run wp inside the default container and list plugins.

To run this under a different container, provide the container's name or id with -c:

$ bin/wp -c 193d46dcb77b plugin list

Everything about the command line is the same as you'd normally use for wp, except the first option must be -c <container_id_name>

Run anything else within your Docker environment

$ bin/env <command_line>

This is a wrapper that just executes <command_line> inside the specified running container.

Again, use -c <container_id_name> to specify a non-default docker container.

Run a shell inside your Docker environment

$ bin/env bash

Set a boolean config in wp-config.php

bin/set-wp-config WP_DEBUG true

(Though this particular config is already set automatically in bin/setup.)

Reset WordPress Docker Environment and Remove Data Volumes

$ bin/clean

This will kill and remove docker containers and delete their data volumes.

It will also try to clean up helper containers created by PhpStorm, if you're using that IDE.

If you do something accidentally to modify the Wordpress container and put it into a weird state somehow, or even if you just want to re-initialize the whole WordPress environment (i.e. the app and the mysql db), this is how you can do it.

This doesn't remove the docker images, just the containers and their data volumes. So you won't have to rebuild images after a clean. But also, if what you're trying to do is remove those images, you'll need to use docker image rm <image_id>.

After a bin/clean, you'll need to run a new environment again, such as bin/dev and also re-run setup, like bin/setup.

Inspecting and Re-setting Plugin States

This plugin's behavior depends upon a few different states that are stored in the WordPress database.

Main Options

The main state is stored under an options key: font-awesome.

Inspect it:

$ bin/wp option get font-awesome

Remove it:

$ bin/wp option delete font-awesome

Releases Metadata Transient

When the plugin retrieves releases metadata from it caches the results as a long-lived WordPress transient: font-awesome-releases.

(We use set_site_transient() for these, to support multi-site mode, so you have to use the --network switch on the following commands. Otherwise, it's like they aren't there at all.)

Inspect it:

$ bin/wp transient get font-awesome-releases --network

Remove it:

$ bin/wp transient delete font-awesome-releases --network

V3 Deprecation Warning

Temporarily, this plugin supports Font Awesome version 3 icon names, but also warns that their use is deprecated. Finally, it allows the site owner to "snooze" the deprecation warning. The state of that detection or snoozing is stored in an expiring transient: font-awesome-v3-deprecation-data.

Inspect it:

$ bin/wp transient get font-awesome-v3-deprecation-data

Remove it:

$ bin/wp transient delete font-awesome-v3-deprecation-data

Managing web security rules

For the latest docker image, the latest release of the OWASP core ruleset is installed by default, but not enabled by default. This simulates what are probably common Web Application Firewall configurations for WordPress hosting providers.

By default, it merely audits. See the log in /var/log/apache2/modsec_audit.log.

To enable filtering--actually rejecting requests that exceed the rules' tolerances--edit your .env.local:


Note that this env var setting must be present in the environment when the docker container is created. So if you've already started a container, you'll need to stop and remove it, then change this env var, then start it back up.

You can watch the terminal where apache2 is launched in the container. When mod_security is not enabled, it'll look like this:


When mod_security is enabled, it'll look like this:

'apache2 -D FOREGROUND -D DEVELOPMENT -D EnableModSecurity'

Cut a Release

Running composer commands for the release

  1. Update the Changelog at the end of readme.txt

  2. Update the plugin version in the header comments of index.php

  3. Update the plugin version const in includes/class-fontawesome.php

  4. Update the versions in admin/package.json and compat-js/package.json

  5. Wait on changing the "Stable Tag" in readme.txt until after we've made the changes in the svn repo below.

  6. Build the API docs

  • run composer cleandocs if you want to make sure that you're building from scratch

    (Notice: this runs composer in the host, not the container. It's going to clean up some directories that would not be mounted in the container. So you should make sure that you've got some reasonable version of composer installed in your host environment.)

  • run bin/phpdoc to build the docs into the docs/ directory

    See also: Run a Local Docs Server

    WARNING: look at the output from this docs command and make sure there are no instances of parse errors. Also, manually inspect the output in docs/ to ensure that the expected classes are documented there, especially the main class with API documentation: FontAwesome.

    For reasons not yet understood, sometimes the phpdocumentor parser chokes.

  • git add docs to stage them for commit (and eventually commit them)

  1. Build production admin app and WordPress distribution layout into wp-dist
bin/composer dist

(Notice, this is bin/composer, not just composer. So it's going to run inside the default dev latest container, which you should be running via bin/dev. This will cause everything to be built inside the container, which will hopefully keep the built assets more consistent, regardless of the host environment.)

This will delete the previous build assets and produce the following:

admin/build: production build of the admin UI React app. This needs to be committed, so that it can be included in the composer package (which is really just a pull of this repo)

compat-js/build: production build of the compatibility JS bundled. This also needs to be committed.

  1. Build the zip file

This builds the following:

wp-dist/: the contents of this directory contains everything that will be used in subsequent steps to both build an installable zip file, and to copy into the svg repo for publishing to the WordPress plugins directory. a zip file of the contents of wp-dist with path names fixed up.

This zip file is not normally distributed, but since it's just like what would be downloaded when installing the plugin from the WordPress plugins directory, it's convenient to use for acceptance testing, and could be used as an ad-hoc pre-release, such as a binary attached to a GitHub release.

  1. Run through some manual acceptance testing

WordPress 4.7, 4.8, 4.9

For each of these 4.x environments, run and setup the corresponding integration container, like:

bin/integration 4.7
bin/setup -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-4.7-integration

Install and activate the Font Awesome plugin from the admin dashboard by uploading the file that was created in the previous step.

Run through the following, with the JavaScript console open, looking for any warnings or errors:

  1. Load the plugin settings page.
  2. Change from Web Font to SVG and save.
  3. Create a new post (which will be in the Classic Editor)
  4. Click the "Add Font Awesome" button
  5. Search for something, and click to insert an icon from the results

WordPress 5.0

Setup the integration environment as above, but also do the following editor integration tests intead:

  1. Install the Classic Editor plugin
  2. Create a post with the Classic Editor
  3. Click the "Add Font Awesome" media button
  4. Search for something, and click to insert an icon from the results
  5. Create a new post, switching to the Gutenberg / Block Editor
  6. Expect to see a compatibility warning that the Icon Chooser is not enabled, but otherwise expect the Block Editor to function normally

WordPress 5.4

Setup the integration environment as above. Do the same tests as on 5.0, but also expect the Icon Chooser to be enabled within the Block Editor:

  1. Create a post with the Block Editor
  2. Activate the Icon Chooser
  3. Search for something, and click to insert an icon from the results

WordPress latest

Again, fire up and setup the integration container for latest:


...and install the plugin via the newly built file.

  • activate and deactivate the plugin: expect no errors
    • upon deactivation, site transients like font-awesome-last-used-release should be deleted
    • options like font-awesome or font-awesome-releases should remain upon deactivation
    • verify these via db query, such as, from within the container:
      $ wp --allow-root db query 'select option_id, option_name from wp_options where option_name like "%awesome%";'
  • delete/uninstall: expect no errors
    • use wp-cli or db query to ensure that the font-awesome option has been deleted
    • use wp-cli or db query to ensure that transients have been deleted
  • with Use CDN settings
    • activate theme-alpha, plugin-beta, plugin-delta, plugin-eta, plugin-gamma, and plugin-zeta
    • expect to see all of their preferences listed on the Troubleshoot page
      • Especially, look for plugin-gamma and plugin-delta outputs in all three contexts: front end, admin, login
    • run the conflict scanner and then expect to see the versions from plugin-gamma and plugin-delta to be listed on detected conflicts in the Troubleshoot tab
    • block plugin-gamma's version (css) and expect it to be blocked, but not plugin-delta's version (js)
    • delete the blocked plugin-gamma version. expect that to work, and then see its css load again after visiting another page.
    • change settings on the Use CDN settings tab to enable Pro. Theme alpha should show pro icon(s).
    • change change settings on the Use CDN settings table to use SVG technology. Expect to see a preference warning from plugin-beta.
      • switch to the Troublehsoot tab and expect to see the plugin-beta warning indicated on the table.
    • view the site: expect to see all of those integration plugins doing their thing with no missing icons
    • deactivate all of those integration testing plugins and activate plugin-epsilon
      • expect an error notice after the preference check when changing preferences in the Use CDN view.
      • expect to see an error object in the JSON response of the REST request to the config endpoint when saving changes.
      • it should not crash WordPress or throw an exception with stack trace in the browser
  • with Use a Kit
    • Add a real API Token from a real account
    • Select a kit that uses svg tech
    • Make sure you see a preference conflict with beta-plugin (it wants webfont)
    • Change the kit's settings on fontawesome.come (webfont to svg)
    • Refresh kit settings on the plugin settings page
      • expect to see the kit settings to be updated and the conflict with plugin-beta to be resolved
    • Remove all detected conflicts on the Troubleshoot tab
    • Re-run the conflict detector (plugin-gamma and plugin-delta should both be active)
    • make sure the conflict scanner detects the same conflicts now when using a kit as it did when we used CDN.
  • Use the Icon Chooser
    • Insert an icon into a post using the Icon Chooser from the block editor
    • Install the Classic Editor plugin and insert an icon into a post using the Icon Chooser from the classic editor
    • On a post editing page with the Classic Editor, open the JavaScript console and check the following:
      • !!wp.editor.mediaUpload should be false (because we should not be loading wp-editor, aka @wordpress/editor here. See forum topic.)
      • !!wp.blockEditor should be false for the same reason (wp-block-editor aka @wordpress/block-editor)
      • !!wp.blocks should be false for the same reason (wp-block aka @wordpress/blocks)
      • (TODO: we should add automated testing for these regression tests.)
    • Ideally, do each of the both under all of the following conditions:
      1. Use with CDN, Free
      2. Use with CDN, Pro (expect a UI message in the Icon Chooser notifying that Pro icons are only available in the Icon Chooser for Pro Kits)
      3. Use with Kit, Free
      4. Use with Kit, Pro (expect to see all styles and Pro icons)
    • Spin up a separate WordPress 4.7 container, install the plugin in that, and insert an icon into a post using the Icon Chooser in the classic editor
  • If you know how to properly test with plugin-sigma--it's more complicated--go for it.
  • Verify that we're not overriding window._ (lodash), window.React (or any other relevant globals).
    • This can be done in the block editor:

      1. create a new post in the block editor
      2. open the browser's JavaScript console
      3. look at the value of the globals: window._.VERSION and window.React.version. They should be the same as whatever this version of WordPress ships with--not the versions that may be used in our admin JS bundle, if different.
    • To be more comprehensive, check it also in each of the following scenarios:

      1. When running the Conflict Detector
      2. On the admin settings page
    • See also this forum topic. HEADS UP! This tricky issue has come up, been fixed, and regressed more than once. So this investigation is especially important any time the JavaScript build process is adjusted. Reason: if code splitting is being used in the JavaScript build, then any chunk that's loaded could possibly introduce this problem.

      Currently (as of plugin v4.0.2), the webpack config uses babel-plugin-lodash to rewrite lodash imports throughout the whole codebase (and we're including node_modules in that) in order to convert any thing like:

      import { get } from 'lodash'

      to something like:

      import get from 'lodash/get'

      which avoids the lodash.js module import that is responsible for the global assignment side effect (at least in the current version of lodash!)

      Other components in the WordPress ecosystem may depend on the particular, globally available version of lodash that ships in WordPress Core. So the impact of this bug regressing will be that this plugin causes some other plugin or theme to break. In the past, this has included Visual Composer, or themes based on the popular starter theme Underscores.

  • Test loader lifecycle scenarios involving composer packages
    • under integrations/plugins/plugin-sigma and integrations/themes/theme-mu, make sure the composer.json in each case points to a relevant version of this repo's composer package (a particular development branch on GitHub, for example)

    • make sure that composer update has been run recently to ensure that those components load the version of the package that you intend to be testing

    • use the bin/integration environment for these tests

    • copy the (resulting from composer dist) into the container:

      docker cp com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration:/tmp

    • Start with the Font Awesome plugin not installed or activated

      • make sure the following returns empty to start:
        • bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration option get font-awesome

          This retrieves the main font-awesome option from the wpdb, which would be created upon initialization and only removed upon uninstall

        • bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration option get font-awesome-releases

        • bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration transient get font-awesome-last-used-release --network

      • If there's stuff there and you haven't activated anything yet, then it's leftover from prior db container state. An easy way to start from scratch:
        1. kill the currently running container
        2. bin/clean will put you back into a clean state
        3. bin/integration, and once that's up, bin/setup -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration
    • Activate plugin-sigma and expect it to initialize the db settings (plugin-sigma uses the wordpress-fontawesome composer package)

      • bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration plugin activate plugin-sigma

      • bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration option get font-awesome

        This should now show the initial/default state of the main option

      • bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration option get font-awesome-releases

        This should now show a bunch of metadata about FA releases

      • bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration transient get font-awesome-last-used-release --network

        This should now just the slice of release metadata for the currently configured release

    • Activate theme-mu and expect no errors bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration theme activate theme-mu

      (theme-mu uses the wordpress-fontawesome composer package also)

    • Deactivate theme-mu by activating some other theme. In this case, we expect no db changes, because the loader should see that plugin-sigma is still active. Afterward, the querying the font-awesome option and font-awesome-releases transient should continue to show the same truthy, non-empty results as before.

      • bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration theme activate theme-alpha

      (or any other available theme)

      • bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration option get font-awesome
      • bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration transient get font-awesome-last-used-release --network
    • Deactivate plugin-sigma and expect that the font-awesome option remains, but the font-awesome-last-used-release transient is removed:

      • bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration plugin deactivate plugin-sigma

      • bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration option get font-awesome

        This should be non-empty/truthy.

      • bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration transient get font-awesome-last-used-release --network

        This should be empty/falsy.

    • Install and activate the plugin directly, using the zip file we copied into the container above:

      • docker exec -w /var/www/html com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration wp plugin install /tmp/ --activate --allow-root

        (Using a direct docker exec command here instead of the bin/wp so we can run it as the root user inside the container)

      • bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration transient get font-awesome-last-used-release --network This should again be non-empty/truthy. Of course the font-awesome option should still be truthy.

    • Deactivate and uninstall the Font Awesome plugin and expect that the font-awesome option is now gone as well:

      • bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration plugin deactivate font-awesome

      • bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration transient get font-awesome-last-used-release --network

        This should now be empty.

      • bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration plugin uninstall font-awesome

      • bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration option get font-awesome

      • bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration option get font-awesome-releases

        These should now be empty as well.

    • Activate theme-mu, expect all data to be initialized:

      • bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration theme activate theme-mu

      • bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration transient get font-awesome-last-used-release --network

        This should again be non-empty/truthy.

      • bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration option get font-awesome

        This should be non-empty/truthy.

    • Finally, deactivate theme-mu by activating another theme. This should cause both the deactivate and uninstall logic to be triggered, because it's the last client of Font Awesome, and it's a theme (apparently themes don't have separate deactivation and uninstall logic like plugins have).

      • bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration theme activate theme-alpha

      • bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration option get font-awesome

        This should be empty.

      • bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration transient get font-awesome-last-used-release --network

        This should be empty.

  1. Check out and update the plugin svn repo into wp-svn (the scripts expect to find a subdirectory with exactly that name in that location)

To check it out initially:

svn co wp-svn

If you've already checked it out, make sure it's up-to-date:

$ cd wp-svn
$ svn up
$ cd ..
  1. Copy plugin directory assets and wp-dist layout into wp-svn/trunk

This script will just rm * anything under wp-svn/trunk/* and wp-svn/assets/* to make sure that if the new dist layout changes the file list from the previous release, or if there are changes to the list of files in wp-svn/assets, they will show up as file changes when you do svn stat.

  1. Make sure the svn trunk makes sense with respect to added or removed files
cd wp-svn && svn stat

If there are files with ! status, that indicates they no longer exist and you should do svn delete on each of them.

You can do svn delete on lots of files with that status at once like this:

svn stat | grep '^\!' | sed 's/^\![\ ]*trunk/trunk/' | xargs svn delete

If there are files with ? status, that indicates they are being added and you should do svn add on each of them.

You can do svn add on lots of files with that status at once like this:

svn stat | grep '^\?' | sed 's/^\?[\ ]*trunk/trunk/' | xargs svn add

Pay attention to files under either wp-svn/assets or wp-svn/trunk.

For example, every time the admin client is rebuilt and the bundle content changes, the hashes on the bundle file names change. So you'll end up removing the old ones and adding the new ones.

If there's an editor dotfile or other directory that should be ignored by svn, you can do something like this:

svn propset svn:ignore .idea .
  1. Check in the new trunk

Make sure that the Stable Tag in wp-svn/trunk/readme.txt still reflects the previous release at this point. It should point to the previous release that has a subdirectory under tags/.

(Suppose 42.1.2 is the new version we're releasing. Change it in the examples to use real release version numbers.)

svn ci is what publishes the plugin code to the WordPress plugins directory, making it public.

svn ci -m 'Update trunk for release 42.1.2'

If you're not already authenticated to svn, add the --username option to svn ci and it will prompt you for your password. After the first svn ci caches the credentials, you probably won't need to include --username.

See also tips on using SVN with WordPress Plugins.

  1. OPTIONAL: Test Installation from WordPress Plugins Directory

Once the trunk has been committed above, this new version is available as the current "Development Version", available for download as a ZIP file from the plugin's Advanced View. (See the dropdown under the header: "Please select a specific version to download.")

To try it out, you could start up a clean integration environment from this repo, and then install the plugin using that downloaded ZIP file.

  1. Create the new svn release tag

First, make sure svn stat is clean. We want to make sure that the trunk is all committed and clean before we take a snapshot of it for the release tag.

This will snapshot trunk as a new release tag. Replace the example tag name with the real release tag name.

svn cp trunk tags/42.1.2
  1. Update Stable tag and Tested up to tags in readme.txt

We've now got three copies of readme.txt that should all be updated with new tag values:

  • wp-svn/trunk/readme.txt
  • wp-svn/tags/<new_tag_name>/readme.txt
  • readme.txt (in the git repo)
  1. Check in the latest changes to svn.

(Again, use the real version number)

From the wp-svn dir:

svn ci -m 'Release 42.1.2'
  1. git add and git commit all that would have been changed so far:
  • docs/
  • admin/build
  • index.php
  • includes/class-fontawesome.php
  • admin/package.json
  • readme.txt
  1. git push to GitHub remote

Single release commits can be pushed directly to master. If there are several commits, push to a topic branch and squash/merge them into master as a single commit.

  1. Create a GitHub release that tags that new release commit

Run a Local Docs Server

If you want to preview the built docs with a web server, first build the docs:


Then go into the docs directory and run:

npx serve

Special Notes on plugin-sigma

plugin-sigma demonstrates how a third-party plugin developer could include this Font Awesome plugin as a composer dependency. In this scenario, the WordPress site admin does not need to separately install the Font Awesome plugin.

In order to activate it you must first run composer install --prefer-dist from the integrations/plugins/plugin-sigma directory.

Remote Debugging with VSCode

(Only the "latest" WordPress docker image has the xdebug extension. Hack Dockerfile-4.9 if you need it in the 4.9 image as well.)

  1. Install the PHP Debug (Felix Becker) extension in VSCode
  2. Restart VSCode
  3. Click the debug tab (looks like a crossed-out bug icon)
  4. Add configuration...
  5. Select PHP
  6. It will show you a default launch.json file that includes a "Listen for XDebug. Our container is configured to run XDebug on port 9000, so double-check that this is the port set up there. It should be the default.
  7. Add to that "Listen for XDebug" section, the following:
    "pathMappings": {
      "/var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/font-awesome": "${workspaceRoot}"

Redis Cache Setup

  1. Make sure you've set the CACHE_HOST and CACHE_PORT environment variables in .env.local (see above).

  2. Run the bin/redis-setup script from the root of this repo:

    This example uses a non-default container option with -c.

    bin/redis-setup -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration

    If successful, it will show the results of wp redis info. The wp-redis plugin provides additional WP-CLI commands. You can run them like this:

    bin/wp -c com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-integration -- redis info

    Or if using the default dev container, just:

    bin/wp redis info
  3. The bin/cache-show script might help

  4. You're on your own (for now) to make sure the cache is flushed or otherwise doesn't interfere with your expectations when you switch environments.

Update WordPress to a Forthcoming Release

  1. Download the zip

For example, download the latest on the 5.4 branch:
  1. Copy it into the docker container
docker cp ~/Downloads/ com.fontawesome.wordpress-latest-dev:/tmp/
  1. Shell into the container as root
bin/env /bin/bash
  1. update with wp core update
wp --allow-root core update --version=5.4 /tmp/

Analyze Webpack Bundle

The webpack configs for both admin/ and compat-js/ include the BundleAnalyzerPlugin, which produces a corresponding webpack-stats.html file in the corresponding directory on each build.

Just open that html file in a web browser to see the analysis of what's actually in the bundle.

Setup Multisite

See guide here

  1. bin/wp config set WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE true

Hack for Running Network Uninstall in Development Mode

wp --allow-root eval 'require_once "wp-content/plugins/font-awesome/includes/class-fontawesome-deactivator.php"; use FortAwesome\FontAwesome_Deactivator; define("WP_NETWORK_ADMIN", true); FontAwesome_Deactivator::uninstall();'

Test Against a WordPress Release Candidate

Probably the easiest is to just use bin/dev to run the currently-latest release, and then use bin/env /bin/bash to shell into that container and use the WP CLI to update the release.

For example, when WordPress was at RC3 for version 6.3, this installed as expected:

wp --allow-root core update --version=6.3-RC3