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Changelog for package costmap_converter

0.0.7 (2017-09-20)

  • Fixed some compilation issues (C++11 compiler flags and opencv2 on indigo/jade).
  • Dynamic obstacle plugin: obstacle velocity is now published for both x and y coordinates rather than the absolute value

0.0.6 (2017-09-18)

  • This pull request adds the costmap to dynamic obstacles plugin (written by Franz Albers). It detects the dynamic foreground of the costmap (based on the temporal evolution of the costmap) including blobs representing the obstacles. Furthermore, Kalman-based tracking is applied to estimate the current velocity for each obstacle. Note, this plugin is still experimental.
  • New message types are introduced: costmap_converter::ObstacleMsg and costmap_converter::ObstacleArrayMsg. These types extend the previous polygon representation by additional velocity, orientation and id information.
  • The API has been extended to provide obstacles via the new ObstacleArrayMsg type instead of vector of polygons.
  • Contributors: Franz Albers, Christoph Rösmann

0.0.5 (2016-02-01)

  • Major changes regarding the line detection based on the convex hull (it should be much more robust now).
  • Concave hull plugin added.
  • The cluster size can now be limited from above using a specific parameter. This implicitly avoids large clusters forming a 'L' or 'U'.
  • All parameters can now be adjusted using dynamic_reconfigure (rqt_reconfigure).
  • Some parameter names changed.
  • Line plugin based on ransac: line inliers must now be placed inbetween the start and end of a line.

0.0.4 (2016-01-11)

  • Fixed conversion from map to world coordinates if the costmap is not quadratic.

0.0.3 (2015-12-23)

  • The argument list of the initialize method requires a nodehandle from now on. This facilitates the handling of parameter namespaces for multiple instantiations of the plugin.
  • This change is pushed immediately as a single release to avoid API breaks (since version 0.0.2 is not on the official repos up to now).

0.0.2 (2015-12-22)

  • Added a plugin for converting the costmap to lines using ransac

0.0.1 (2015-12-21)

  • First release of the package including a pluginlib interface, two plugins (costmap to polygons and costmap to lines) and a standalone conversion node.