Following up the exercise proposed I will write here a bit about what was done and why.
The structure of the sample application is such:
- A Sample Blog/News portal with the provided posts displaying in grid
- I added a simple details page for each post, this detail page uses an additional MirageJS route
- The posts can be filtered by category (I can add other types of filter, if needed) using the 'react-select' component with some custom styles and animation on.
- The posts and the detail page are fetched as usual with useEffect and then useState. I like using react-query but for the purpose of this exercise I went without that.
- I used axios for fetching the results instead of fetch or appsauce
- I decided to go for styled components as a CSS IN JS option
- I added Storybook and added some sample stories to a few components, due to time constrain, I couldn't add all.
- I chose to make a folder for each component (to hold specific things, stories, etc) and ended up using a 'index.ts{x}' to make imports easier. It does make a bit harder to switch tabs in vscode though.
- I tried to keep the commit structure as simple as possible. It will be easy to follow my development story through my commits.
- I didn't know the comment level expected at this example project, so I just wrote things that I thought critical, warnings and todos, and things that might have been difficult to grasp at first sight. But I am very open to other comment strategies, and am happy to scan the code adding some helpful explanations, with a balance between typescript self explaining things (like argument and return types) and insights into what a functions does and why some specific piece of code is there for.
- I added support for using the mocked api for having in components that don't have a pure (container/component) proper separation. Check Initial Page/Detail Page differences. This is useful when you don't have time/motivation in separating those.
You can see the sample project live in this and the storybook here.
Please note that the storybook it is still in a very crude state.
Besides some easy to spot things, like proper handling different (loading, error) component states. I didn't persist the filter queries to the URI. I will do so if I manage to find some time.
Create React App
to version @4.0.2 (actually only @4.0.1 was needed) to fix#9869 Fix react-jsx error (@benneq)
- Note: In a real production situation, where I would be working with a team, I would not do something like that before discussing with them. I would do this to prevent possible breaking changes in the project I could not be aware of.
[Git] I would usually push the commits much more frequently, but due to the nature of the exercise I decided to keep them local as much as possible.
I imported more then one font to try some styles out during dev.
- There is still lots of improvements and possibilities regarding mobile css and versions of the website (like dark/light, etc)
- Due to some tricks (like the post carousel) there are some hanging scrolls in project that I don't like.