P1 Project - Comtek 154 - C2-207 - 2022
- Add button (Scan for drones)
- Add emergency when drones are too close
A project which attempts to control multiple Tello EDU drones by tracking their location and plotting it in a GUI
In order to contribute with git
- Pick a branch or create a new one
- Update from main
- Write your change
- Commit
- Push to remote branch
- Create a pull request and merge it with main
- main.py (Combines the entire thing, run this for execution)
- Drone.py (Contains the class Drone() used to communicate with the drones)
- Swarm.py (Contains the class Swarm() used to keep track of the individual drones and plan routes for them)
- Wifisetup.py (Configures every nearby drone to your hotspot)
- GUI.py (Renders the 2D map of the drones with PyGame)
- /Interface (All files related to the GUI)
- /TestingFiles (Random files used for testing and trying stuff out)
Your hotspot must be enabled on 2.4 GHz only
python >= 3.10
pygame >= 2.0.0
pygame_widgets >= 1.1.0
- 'pip install -r requirements.txt'
If PyGame gives errors, try
pip install pygame --pre
If you want to try the class using TelloPy, install 'version 0.7.0' from github, not pip
- Add your drones
- (name, mac, type)
- Connect your drones
- Either one by one, or everyone at the same time
- Start a mission
- Current it is to navigate all the drones to a random space