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OneBill Interview Experience

First Round : 25 Questions (15 Java MCQ, 10 General questions related to telecom industry)

Tech HR :

  • Tell me about yourself
  • Walkthrough your resume
  • Explain about your best project in resume
  • Design a database tables for your projects
  • Given a two tables, employee table with emp_id, emp_name, joining_date, dept_id as fields, department table with dept_id and dept_name as fields.
    • Write a query to find out the name of the senior employee based upon the joining_date.
    • Write a query to find out the emp_name who is working in the Sales department.
    • Write a query to find out the deparment of the employee X.
    • Write a query to find out the age of the senior employee in the company.
    • Write a query to find out the age of the fresher in the HR department.
    • Write a query to find the counts of the employees of every departments.
    • Write a query to find out the department which is having lowest number of employees.
    • Write a query to order the table based upon the dept_id and joining date.
    • Write a query to do inner joins, outer joins.
    • Write a query to fetch the employee name who joined in the month of March.
    • Write a query to fetch the employee name who joined in the year of 2000 and order the result based upon the emp_name.
    • Write a query to find the average age of the employees of the company.
    • Write a query to remove all the employees who is belonging to the HR department.
  • Write a program to convert "This is java" to "java is This"
  • There are three sets, Write a program to create a set called D having even positioned element from set A, the number divisible by 3 or 9 from set B, the number divisible by 5 and 9. Note the final set D should not contains any duplicate elements.
   A= {1,3,5,7,9,11, ..... , 99} ?//Contains odd numbers upto 100,
   B = {2,4,6,8,10,12, ....... 100}// Contains even numbers upto 100,
   C= {5,10,15,20,25,30,40,....100}
  • Write a program to find the prime number in the set C= {4,8,12,16,20,24,28,...}
  • Explain my articles, Since I mentioned my articles in my resume.
  • What is meant by primary and foreign key
  • Why we needed normalization
  • One Puzzle : There is a circular cake, you need to cut the entire cake into 8 equal parts and you should use minimum number of cuttings(3).

General HR :

  • Why OneBill ?
  • Are you excited to join our company, if yes then why ?
  • Why you choose your starting point in Bangalore location ?
  • Discussion about the teams, Salary and joining date.