function result = glmnetPredict(object,s) %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % glmnetPredict.m: make predictions from a "glmnet" object. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % DESCRIPTION: % Similar to other predict methods, this functions predicts fitted % values, logits, coefficients and more from a fitted "glmnet" object. % % USAGE: % glmnetPredict(object) % glmnetPredict(object, type) % glmnetPredict(object, type, newx) % glmnetPredict(object, type, newx, s) % % INPUT ARGUMENTS: % fit Fitted "glmnet" model object. % type Type of prediction required. Type "link" gives the linear % predictors for "binomial" or "multinomial" models; for % "gaussian" models it gives the fitted values. Type "response" % gives the fitted probabilities for "binomial" or % "multinomial"; for "gaussian" type "response" is equivalent % to type "link". Type "coefficients" computes the coefficients % at the requested values for s. Note that for "binomial" % models, results are returned only for the class corresponding % to the second level of the factor response. Type "class" % applies only to "binomial" or "multinomial" models, and % produces the class label corresponding to the maximum % probability. Type "nonzero" returns a list of the indices of % the nonzero coefficients for each value of s. % newx Matrix of new values for x at which predictions are to be % made. Must be a matrix; This argument is not used for % type=c("coefficients","nonzero") % s Value(s) of the penalty parameter lambda at which predictions % are required. Default is the entire sequence used to create % the model. % % DETAILS: % The shape of the objects returned are different for "multinomial" % objects. glmnetCoef(fit, ...) is equivalent to glmnetPredict(fit, "coefficients", ...) % % LICENSE: GPL-2 % % DATE: 14 Jul 2009 % % AUTHORS: % Algorithm was designed by Jerome Friedman, Trevor Hastie and Rob Tibshirani % Fortran code was written by Jerome Friedman % R wrapper (from which the MATLAB wrapper was adapted) was written by Trevor Hasite % MATLAB wrapper was written and maintained by Hui Jiang, % Department of Statistics, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA. % % REFERENCES: % Friedman, J., Hastie, T. and Tibshirani, R. (2009) % Regularization Paths for Generalized Linear Models via Coordinate Descent. % Journal of Statistical Software, 33(1), 2010 % % SEE ALSO: % glmnet, glmnetSet, glmnetPrint, glmnetPlot and glmnetCoef methods. % % EXAMPLES: % x=randn(100,20); % y=randn(100,1); % g2=randsample(2,100,true); % g4=randsample(4,100,true); % fit1=glmnet(x,y); % glmnetPredict(fit1,'link',x(1:5,:),[0.01,0.005]') % make predictions % glmnetPredict(fit1,'coefficients') % fit2=glmnet(x,g2,'binomial'); % glmnetPredict(fit2, 'response', x(2:5,:)) % glmnetPredict(fit2, 'nonzero') % fit3=glmnet(x,g4,'multinomial'); % glmnetPredict(fit3, 'response', x(1:3,:), 0.01) % % DEVELOPMENT: % 14 Jul 2009: Original version of glmnet.m written. % 20 Oct 2009: Fixed a bug in bionomial response, pointed out by Ramon % Casanov from Wake Forest University. % 26 Jan 2010: Fixed a bug in multinomial link and class, pointed out by % Peter Rijnbeek from Erasmus University. % 23 Jun 2010: Fixed a bug in multinomial with s, pointed out by % Robert Jacobsen from Aalborg University. % if nargin < 2 % type = 'link'; % end % % if nargin < 3 % newx = []; % end % % if nargin < 4 % s = object.lambda; % end % if strcmp(object.class, 'elnet') a0=transpose(object.a0); nbeta=[a0; object.beta]; % if nargin == 4 lambda=object.lambda; lamlist=lambda_interp(lambda,s); nbeta=nbeta(:,lamlist.left).*repmat(lamlist.frac',size(nbeta,1),1) +nbeta(:,lamlist.right).*(1-repmat(lamlist.frac',size(nbeta,1),1)); % end % if strcmp(type, 'coefficients') result = nbeta; % elseif strcmp(type, 'link') % result = [ones(size(newx,1),1), newx] * nbeta; % elseif strcmp(type, 'response') % result = [ones(size(newx,1),1), newx] * nbeta; % elseif strcmp(type, 'nonzero') % result = nonzeroCoef(nbeta(2:size(nbeta,1),:), true); % else % error('Unrecognized type'); % end % elseif strcmp(object.class, 'lognet') % % a0=transpose(object.a0); % nbeta=[object.a0; object.beta]; % if nargin == 4 % lambda=object.lambda; % lamlist=lambda_interp(lambda,s); % nbeta=nbeta(:,lamlist.left).*repmat(lamlist.frac',size(nbeta,1),1) +nbeta(:,lamlist.right).*(1-repmat(lamlist.frac',size(nbeta,1),1)); % end % %%% remember that although the fortran lognet makes predictions % %%% for the first class, we make predictions for the second class % %%% to avoid confusion with 0/1 responses. % %%% glmnet flipped the signs of the coefficients % if strcmp(type,'coefficients') % result = nbeta; % elseif strcmp(type,'nonzero') % result = nonzeroCoef(nbeta(2:size(nbeta,1),:), true); % else % nfit = [ones(size(newx,1),1), newx] * nbeta; % % if strcmp(type,'response') % pp=exp(-nfit); % result = 1./(1+pp); % elseif strcmp(type,'link') % result = nfit; % elseif strcmp(type,'class') % result = (nfit > 0) * 2 + (nfit <= 0) * 1; % else % error('Unrecognized type'); % end % end % elseif strcmp(object.class, 'multnet') % a0=object.a0; % nbeta=object.beta; % nclass=size(a0,1); % nlambda=length(s); % if nargin == 4 % lambda=object.lambda; % lamlist=lambda_interp(lambda,s); % for i=1:nclass % kbeta=[a0(i,:); nbeta{i}]; % % kbeta=kbeta(:,lamlist.left)*lamlist.frac +kbeta(:,lamlist.right)*(1-lamlist.frac); % kbeta=kbeta(:,lamlist.left).*repmat(lamlist.frac',size(kbeta,1),1)+kbeta(:,lamlist.right).*(1-repmat(lamlist.frac',size(kbeta,1),1)); % nbeta{i}=kbeta; % end % else % for i=1:nclass % nbeta{i} = [a0(i,:);nbeta{i}]; % end % end % if strcmp(type, 'coefficients') % result = nbeta; % elseif strcmp(type, 'nonzero') % for i=1:nclass % result{i}=nonzeroCoef(nbeta{i}(2:size(nbeta{i},1),:),true); % end % else % npred=size(newx,1); % dp = zeros(nclass,nlambda,npred); % for i=1:nclass % fitk = [ones(size(newx,1),1), newx] * nbeta{i}; % dp(i,:,:)=dp(i,:,:)+reshape(transpose(fitk),1,nlambda,npred); % end % if strcmp(type, 'response') % pp=exp(dp); % psum=sum(pp,1); % result = permute(pp./repmat(psum,nclass,1),[3,1,2]); % elseif strcmp(type, 'link') % result=permute(dp,[3,1,2]); % elseif strcmp(type, 'class') % dp=permute(dp,[3,1,2]); % result = []; % for i=1:size(dp,3) % result = [result, softmax(dp(:,:,i))]; % end % else % error('Unrecognized type'); % end % end % else % error('Unrecognized class'); % end %------------------------------------------------------------- % End private function glmnetPredict %------------------------------------------------------------- function result = lambda_interp(lambda,s) % lambda is the index sequence that is produced by the model % s is the new vector at which evaluations are required. % the value is a vector of left and right indices, and a vector of fractions. % the new values are interpolated bewteen the two using the fraction % Note: lambda decreases. you take: % sfrac*left+(1-sfrac*right) if length(lambda)==1 % degenerate case of only one lambda nums=length(s); left=ones(nums,1); right=left; sfrac=ones(nums,1); else s(s > max(lambda)) = max(lambda); s(s < min(lambda)) = min(lambda); k=length(lambda); sfrac =(lambda(1)-s)/(lambda(1) - lambda(k)); lambda = (lambda(1) - lambda)/(lambda(1) - lambda(k)); coord = interp1(lambda, 1:length(lambda), sfrac); left = floor(coord); right = ceil(coord); sfrac=(sfrac-lambda(right))./(lambda(left) - lambda(right)); sfrac(left==right)=1; end result.left = left; result.right = right; result.frac = sfrac; %------------------------------------------------------------- % End private function lambda_interp %------------------------------------------------------------- % % function result = softmax(x, gap) % if nargin < 2 % gap = false; % end % d = size(x); % maxdist = x(:, 1); % pclass = repmat(1, d(1), 1); % for i =2:d(2) % l = x(:, i) > maxdist; % pclass(l) = i; % maxdist(l) = x(l, i); % end % if gap % x = abs(maxdist - x); % x(1:d(1), pclass) = x * repmat(1, d(2)); % gaps = pmin(x); % end % if gap % result = {pclass, gaps}; % else % result = pclass; % end %------------------------------------------------------------- % End private function softmax %-------------------------------------------------------------