C-Code developed for modeling stochastically the CheY-P molarity in the neighbourhood of flagella motors
Scientific background availabe in Preprint at bioRxiv [Stochastic model for the CheY-P molarity in the neighbourhood of E. coli flagella motors] (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/831990v1.full).
: File for initial setup of parameters for numerical simulations.definciones.h
: File for setting number of bacteria (nbac) and number of flagella (nfla)main.c
: File with code flow.export.c
: File where .dat files are created for saving data.RATtransition
: File where numerical simulations, flagella states and flagellar transitions are calculated.
The code is set to obtain RTD and TTD for non unstimulated scenarios (Tumble bias=0.15). Data is saved in the savefilesTimesDist.dat file where the first column saves the Runs time and the second column saves the Tumbles time.
Obtain steady state probability density function for molar Chey-P concentration, where the following changes must be done:
change:nfla=1; nbac=1;
change:double dtickshut = 15000.0;
:uncomment -> if(tiempo > 100.0 && fmod(dticks,100.0)==0.0){ savefilesCheypDist(tmpcheyp[0][0],meancheyp/(nfla*nbac*(dticks))); }; File savefilesCheypDist.dat will have two columns separated by comma (CSV) where the first column is Chey-P values obtained from numerical integration and the second one is the mean value obtained over time.