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Deep Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Algorithm Selection: A Proof-of-Principle Study on Differential Evolution

This is the python implementation of our paper "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Algorithm Selection: A Proof-of-Principle Study on Differential Evolution", which is accepted on IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems. It is also integrated in our MetaBox.


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  • Platform preferences: Linux (for better parallelism).

The dependencies of this project are listed in requirements.txt. You can install them using the following command.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Quick Start


The tensorboard log will be stored in log/ (need manual creation) with a file name contains the used agent and runtime (e.g. PPO-YYYYMMDDTHHmmSS)

The saved models are in /save_policy_PPO or /save_policy_DQN with runtime file name (e.g. YYYYMMDDTHHmmSS).

For more adjustable configurations, please refer to Parameter setting.


If you are using RL-DAS, we would appreciate a citation. You can use the following bibtex:

  author={Guo, Hongshu and Ma, Yining and Ma, Zeyuan and Chen, Jiacheng and Zhang, Xinglin and Cao, Zhiguang and Zhang, Jun and Gong, Yue-Jiao},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems}, 
  title={Deep Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Algorithm Selection: A Proof-of-Principle Study on Differential Evolution}, 

Parameter setting

Edit line 112 ~ 155 in (main entrance) to modify the setting of algorithm:

  • VectorEnv: The environment structure, can be env.DummyVectorEnv for serial environment or env.SubprocVectorEnv for parallel environment (only for Linux).
  • problem: The problem to be solve, can be a str (e.g. "Schwefel") or a list of str (e.g. ["Schwefel"] and ["Schwefel", "Bent_cigar"])
  • subproblems: The list of suubproblems of Composition and Hybrid problem (e.g. ['Rastrigin', 'Happycat', 'Ackley', 'Discus', 'Rosenbrock'])
  • sublength: The partition of Hybrid problem dimensions (e.g. [0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3] with sum = 1)
  • Comp_lamda: The lamda parameters for Composition problemns
  • Comp_sigma: The sigma parameters for Composition problemns
  • indicated_dataset: Indicate a mixed dataset with a problem collection in env/, it will overwrite problem, subproblems and sublength above. None for not to indicate.
  • shifted: A Bool type indicates whether to shift or not
  • rotated: A Bool type indicates whether to rotate or not
  • Train_set: The size of training set
  • Test_set: The size of testing set
  • rl: A str indicates the using of PPO agent ("PPO") or DQN agent ("DQN")
  • buf_size: The size of replay memory for DQN
  • rep_size: The size of replay sample size for DQN
  • dim: The dimension of problems
  • batch_size: The size of problem batches
  • MaxFEs: The maximum number of function evaluations
  • period: The period for switching optimization algorithms
  • Epoch: The number of training epoches
  • epsilon: The epsilon for epsilon-greedy for DQN
  • epsilon_decay: The decay of epsilon
  • lr: The learning rate for DQN or actor of PPO
  • critic_lr: The learning rate for critic of PPO
  • lr_decay: The decay rate of learning rate ofr lr and critic_lr
  • sample_times: The number of samples in state generation
  • sample_size: The size of sampled population in state generation, -1 for "be the same of current population"
  • k_epoch: The number of training of PPO in each trajectory segment
  • testing_repeat: The number of runs for each test
  • testing_internal: The internal between two tests. Minus number for disable testing.
  • testing_seeds: The random seed of testing
  • data_gen_seed: The random seed of dataset generation
  • optimizers: The name of backboned algorithms (e.g. ['NL_SHADE_RSP', 'MadDE', 'JDE21'])
  • terminal_error: The error value of costs indicating the end of optimization
  • state_dict: The loaded model of agent, None to disable it
  • device: The device of network (e.g. 'cuda:0')


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