This repository consists of a single python program, This script is designed to parse the HELICS C API header files which currently consist of helics.h and is designed to generate language specific bindings. The current supported language conversions are Python and MATLAB.
- the libclang-11-dev package.
sudo apt install libclang-11-dev
- Please refer to the requirements.txt file for required python packages.
python -p -m <full path to HELICS installation locaction>/include/helics/helics.h
-p tells the script to generate the HELICS Python language bindings.
-m tells the script to generate the HELICS MATLAB bindings
- HELICSHeaderClangParseLog.log: a log file for troubleshooting and debugging purposes.
- the HELICS Python language binding file to be used in pyhelics. This file is only generated if the -p option is provided.
- +helics: the folder containing all the .m functions for the MATLAB bindings. This folder is only generated if the -m option is provided.
- helicsMex.cpp: the mex file for the HELICS MATLAB bindings. This file is only generated if the -m option is provided.