- ascii image of my pixel art?
- toggle on and off opacity to show and not show image (yabai?)
- change cd to z from zoxide
- nvim fix config for Nix
- change bottom bars (nvim and tmux)
- install automatically Determinate System’s Nix Installer for the shell
- change symlinks to use $DOTFILES for point to folder consistency
- create wallpaper folder
- use wezterm instead of kitty? (+ binds?)
- rofi (wind and app manager)
- window tiling manager (hyperland and sway)
- astal
- dunst
- yabai
- simple-bar
- sk-hd?
- theme pure
- starship
- oh my posh?
rectangle + sketchybar
- defaults write com.knollsoft.Rectangle screenEdgeGapTop -int 45
- make sketchybar lua based
- check plugins FelixKratz/SketchyBar#12
- FelixKratz/SketchyBar#12