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A Survey on Language, Multimodal, and Scientific GPT Models: Examing User-Friendly and Open-Sourced Large GPT Models

Continuously updating

The original paper is released on arxiv.


The advent of GPT models has brought about a significant transformation in the field of NLP. These models, such as GPT-4, demonstrate exceptional capabilities in various NLP tasks. However, despite their impressive capabilities, large GPT models have inherent limitations that restrict their widespread adoption, usability, and fine-tuning. The need for user-friendly, relatively small, and open-sourced alternative GPT models arises from the desire to overcome these limitations while retaining high performance. In this survey paper, we provide an examination of alternative open-sourced models of large GPTs, focusing on user-friendly and relatively small models (near 10B) that facilitate easier deployment and accessibility.

  • Investigate the architecture, design principles, and trade-offs of user-friendly and relatively small alternative GPT models, focusing on their ability to overcome the challenges posed by large GPT models.
  • Present the data collection and analyze the pre-training data source, data quality, quantity, diversity, and finetuning data including instruction data, alignment data, and also the domain-specific data for domain-specific models.
  • Survey the techniques for efficient deployment and fine-tuning of these GPT models.
  • Introduce ongoing open-source projects and initiatives for user-friendly GPT model reproduction and deployment.
  • Provide a thorough analysis of benchmark evaluations and offer human evaluations of these relatively small GPT models to give some human-liked recommendations in real usage.
  • Explore the extension of GPT models to multimodal settings, focusing on models that integrate NLP with computer vision, and also place special focus on user-friendly scientific GPT models and biomedical domains

The overview of the content is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: Overview of the content

GPT and GPT-like models

Related papers/links for open LLMs (List is updating)

Language Domain

  1. Exploring the limits of transfer learning with a unified text-to-text transformer. JMLR 2020. [paper] [code & models] [Huggingface models]
  2. mT5: A massively multilingual pre-trained text-to-text transformer. NAACL 2021. [paper] [code & models] [Huggingface models]
  3. GPT-Neo: Large Scale Autoregressive Language Modeling with Mesh-Tensorflow. [code & models] [Huggingface models]
  4. Gpt-neox-20b: An open-source autoregressive language model. arxiv 2022. [paper] [code] [original models] [Huggingface models]
  5. GPT-J-6B: A 6 Billion Parameter Autoregressive Language Model. [code & models] [Huggingface models]
  6. Opt: Open pre-trained transformer language models. arxiv 2022. [paper] [code] [Huggingface models]
  7. BLOOM: A 176b-parameter open-access multilingual language model. arxiv 2022. [paper] [Huggingface models]
  8. Crosslingual Generalization through Multitask Finetuning. arxiv 2022. [paper] [Huggingface models]
  9. Glm: General language model pretraining with autoregressive blank infilling. ACL 2022. [paper] [code & models] [Huggingface models]
  10. GLM-130B: An Open Bilingual Pre-trained Model. ICLR 2023. [paper] [code & models]
  11. ChatGLM-6B [code & models] [Huggingface models]
  12. ChatGLM2-6B [code & models] [Huggingface models]
  13. LLaMA: Open and Efficient Foundation Language Models. arxiv 2023. [paper] [code & models]
  14. OpenLLaMA: An Open Reproduction of LLaMA. [code & models]
  15. Stanford Alpaca: An Instruction-following LLaMA Model. [code & models]
  16. Vicuna: An Open-Source Chatbot Impressing GPT-4 with 90% ChatGPT Quality. [blog] [code & models]
  17. StableLM: Stability AI Language Models. [code & models]
  18. Baize. [code & models]
  19. Koala: A Dialogue Model for Academic Research. [blog] [code & models]
  20. WizardLM: Empowering Large Pre-Trained Language Models to Follow Complex Instructions. [code & models]
  21. Large-scale, Informative, and Diverse Multi-round Dialogue Data, and Models. [code & models]
  22. YuLan-Chat: An Open-Source Bilingual Chatbot. [code & models]
  23. Pythia: Interpreting Transformers Across Time and Scale. arxiv 2023. [paper] [code & models]
  24. Dolly. [code & models]
  25. OpenChatKit. [code & models]
  26. BELLE: Be Everyone's Large Language model Engine. [code & models]
  27. RWKV: Reinventing RNNs for the Transformer Era. arxiv 2023. [paper] [code & models] [Huggingface models]
  28. ChatRWKV. [code & models]
  29. MOSS. [code & models]
  30. RedPajama-INCITE. [blog] [Huggingface models]
  31. Introducing MPT-7B: A New Standard for Open-Source, Commercially Usable LLMs. [blog] [code] [Huggingface models]
  32. Introducing Falcon LLM. [blog] [Huggingface models]
  33. InternLM. [code & models]
  34. Baichuan-7B. [code & models]
  35. Llama 2: Open Foundation and Fine-Tuned Chat Models. arxiv 2023. [paper] [code & models]
  36. Introducing Qwen-7B: Open foundation and human-aligned models. code & models]
  37. XVERSE-13B. [code & models]

Multimodal Domain

  1. Flamingo: a Visual Language Model for Few-Shot Learning. NeurIPS 2022. [paper]
  2. BLIP-2: Bootstrapping Language-Image Pre-training with Frozen Image Encoders and Large Language Models. arxiv 2023. [paper] [code]
  3. MiniGPT-4: Enhancing Vision-Language Understanding with Advanced Large Language Models. arxiv 2023. [paper] [website, code & models]
  4. Visual Instruction Tuning. arxiv 2023. [paper] [website, code & models]
  5. mPLUG-Owl: Modularization Empowers Large Language Models with Multimodality. arxiv 2023. [paper] [code & models]
  6. Transfer Visual Prompt Generator across LLMs. arxiv 2023. [paper] [webste, code & models]
  7. Otter: A Multi-Modal Model with In-Context Instruction Tuning. arxiv 2023. [paper] [code & models]
  8. MultiModal-GPT: A Vision and Language Model for Dialogue with Humans. arxiv 2023. [paper] [code & models]

Scientific Domain

  1. BioGPT: Generative Pre-trained Transformer for Biomedical Text Generation and Mining. Bioinformatics 2022. [paper] [code & models]
  2. Galactica: A Large Language Model for Science. arxiv 2022. [paper] [models]
  3. BiomedGPT: A Unified and Generalist Biomedical Generative Pre-trained Transformer for Vision, Language, and Multimodal Tasks. arxiv 2023. [paper] [code & models]
  4. MolXPT: Wrapping Molecules with Text for Generative Pre-training. ACL 2023. [paper] [code & models]
  5. Translation between Molecules and Natural Language. EMNLP 2022. [paper] [code & models]

Figure 2: Model Evolution

Table 1. Statistical overview of open large language models in recent years, categorized by base models Outer pipes Cell padding No sorting

Model #Param Backbone Release Date Training Data Size
T5 (enc-dec) [github] 60M, 220M, 770M, 3B, 11B Base Model 2019-10 1T tokens
mT5 (enc-dec) [github] 300M, 580M, 1.2B, 3.7B, 13B Base Model 2020-10 1T tokens
GPT-Neo [github] 125M, 350M, 1.3B, 2.7B Base Model 2021-03 825GB
GPT-NeoX [github] 20B Base Model 2022-02 825GB
GPT-J [github] 6B Base Model 2021-06 825GB
OPT [github] 125M, 1.3B, 2.7B, 6.7B, 13B, 30B, 66B, 175B Base Model 2022-05 180B tokens
BLOOM 560M, 1.1B, 1B7, 3B, 7.1B, 176B Base Model 2022-07 366B tokens
BLOOMZ 560M, 1.1B, 1B7, 3B, 7.1B, 176B BLOOM 2022-11 -
GLM [github] 110M, 335M, 410M, 515M, 2B, 10B, 130B Base Model 2021-03
English Wikipedia -
GLM-130B [github] 130B Base Model 2022-08 -
ChatGLM [github] 6B GLM 2023-03 -
ChatGLM2 [github] 6B GLM 2023-06 -
LLaMA [github] 7B, 13B, 33B, 65B Base Model 2023-02 1.4T tokens
OpenLLaMA [github] 3B, 7B Replicate of LLaMA 2023-05
Alpaca [github] 7B LLaMA 2023-03 52K
Vicuna [github] 7B, 13B LLaMA 2023-03 70K
StableVicuna [github] 13B LLaMA Vicuna -
BAIZE [github] 7B, 13B, 30B LLaMA 2023-04 54K/57K/47K
Koala [github] 13B LLaMA 2023-04 -
WizardLM [github] 7B, 13B, 30B LLaMA 2023-06 250k/70k
UltraLM [github] 13B LLaMA 2023-06 -
Pythia [github] 70M, 160M, 410M, 1B, 1.4B, 2.8B, 6.9B, 12B Base Model 2023-01 299.9B tokens/207B tokens
Dolly-v2 [github] 12B Pythia 2023-04 \textasciitilde 15k
Openchatkit [github] 7B Pythia 2023-03
BELLE-7B [github] 7B Pythia 2023-03 1.5M
StableLM-Alpha [github] 3B, 7B Base Model 2023-04 1.5T tokens
StableLM-Tuned-Alpha [github] 7B StableLM 2023-04 -
RWKV [github] 169M, 430M, 1.5B, 3B, 7B, 14B Base Model - 825GB
ChatRWKV [github] 7B, 14B RWKV 2022-12 -
moss-moon-003-base [github] 16B base model 2023-04 700B tokens
moss-moon-003-sft [github] 16B moss-moon-003-base 2023-04 1.1 million
RedPajama-INCITE 3B, 7B Base Model 2023-05 1.2T tokens
MPT-7B [github] 7B Base Model 2023-05 1T tokens
MPT-7B-Chat [github] 7B MPT-7B 2023-05 -
Falcon LLM 7B, 40B Base Model 2023-06 1T tokens
InternLM [github] 7B Base Model 2023-06 trillions of tokens
InternLM Chat [github] 7B InternLM 2023-06 -
Baichuan [github] 7B Base Model 2023-06 1.2T tokens
LLAMA 2 [github] 7B, 13B, 70B Base Model 2023-07 2T tokens
LLAMA 2-CHAT [github] 7B, 13B, 70B LLAMA 2 2023-07 27,540 instruction tuning data, 2,919,326 human preference data
Qwen [github] 7B Base Model 2023-08 2.2T tokens
Qwen-Chat [github] 7B Qwen 2023-08 -

Training/fintuning Data sources

Deployment and fine-tuning technique

Efficient Deploy

Related papers

  1. ZeroQuant: Efficient and Affordable Post-Training Quantization for Large-Scale Transformers. arxiv 2022. [paper]
  2. LUT-GEMM: Quantized Matrix Multiplication based on LUTs for Efficient Inference in Large-Scale Generative Language Models. arxiv 2022. [paper]
  3. LLM.int8(): 8-bit Matrix Multiplication for Transformers at Scale. Neurips 2022. [paper]
  4. GPTQ: Accurate Post-Training Quantization for Generative Pre-trained Transformers. ICLR 2023. [paper]
  5. SmoothQuant: Accurate and Efficient Post-Training Quantization for Large Language Models. ICML 2023. [paper]
  6. LLM-QAT: Data-Free Quantization Aware Training for Large Language Models. arxiv 2023. [paper]

3.2 Efficient Finetuning

Related papers

  1. Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning for NLP. ICML 2019. [paper]
  2. LoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models. ICLR 2022. [paper]
  3. The power of scale for parameter-efficient prompt tuning. EMNLP 2021. [paper]
  4. GPT Understands, Too. arxiv 2021. [paper]
  5. Prefix-Tuning: Optimizing Continuous Prompts for Generation. ACL 2021. [paper]
  6. P-Tuning: Prompt Tuning Can Be Comparable to Fine-tuning Across Scales and Tasks. ACL 2022. [paper]
  7. QLoRA: Efficient Finetuning of Quantized LLMs. arxiv 2023. [paper]

Open-sourced tools

TABLE 5: Overview of open-source efforts and tools development I have swapped the "tool" and "category" columns in the markdown table as requested:

Category Tool Application Released by Link
Deployment Transformers LLM training and deployment Huggingface
Colossal-AI Unified system to train and deploy large-scale models HPC-AI Tech
GPT4all Large and personalized language models training and deployment on common hardware Nomic AI
PandaLM System providing automated and reproducible comparisons among various LLMs Westlake University
MLC LLM Solution allowing LLMs to be deployed natively MLC AI
Accelerating Deepspeed Accelerating training and inference of large-scale models Microsoft
Megatron-LM Accelerating training and inference of large-scale models Nvidia
Reproduction MinGPT Re-implementation of GPT which is clean, interpretable and educational Stanford University
RedPajama An effort to produce reproducible and fully-open language models ETH Zurich
Framework LangChain Framework for integration of LLMs with other computational sources and knowledge LangChain
xTuning Framework providing fast, efficient and simple fine-tuning of LLMs Stochastic
Evaluation Open LLM Leaderboard LM evaluation leaderboard Huggingface
Framework Scikit-LLM Framework integrating LLMs into scikit-learn for enhanced text analysis tasks Tractive
AlpacaFarm Simulation framework for methods that learn from human feedback Stanford
h2oGPT LLM finetuning framework and chatbot UI with document(s) question-answer capabilities
Software Open-Assistant Customized and personalized chat-based assistant LAION AI
MetaGPT Multi-agent framework to tackle tasks with multiple agents Open-Source Community
Finetuning PEFT Library for finetuning LLMs with only part of parameters Huggingface

Benchmark evaluations

Upcoming soon ...


TABLE 16. ChatGPT Alternatives on Different Applications

Field Software Backbone Url
Writing ChatSonic GPT-4
Jasper Chat GPT 3.5 and others
Search Engines ChatSonic on Opera GPT-4
NeevaAI ChatGPT
Coding Copilot Codex
Tabnine GPT-2
Codewhisperer -
Language Learning Elsa -
DeepL Write -
Research Elicit -
Copilot in Azure Quantum GPT-4
Productivity (team work) CoGram -
Otter -
Chatexcel -
AI Anywhere ChatGPT, GPT-4
Conversation Replika A model with 774M parameters
Character AI GPT-4
Poe Multiple Models (GPT-4, LLaMA, ...)
Building customized AI Botsonic AI chatbot GPT-4


If you find our paper/repository useful, please kindly cite our paper.

      title={Examining User-Friendly and Open-Sourced Large GPT Models: A Survey on Language, Multimodal, and Scientific GPT Models}, 
      author={Kaiyuan Gao and Sunan He and Zhenyu He and Jiacheng Lin and QiZhi Pei and Jie Shao and Wei Zhang},