This directory contains Python scripts and configuration examples that convert some commercial distribution feeder models to OpenDSS. After that, the tools on this site can produce Common Information Model (CIM) files, and then GridLAB-D files.
These converters have been tested on a relatively small number of real feeders, but the data cannot be provided to others by PNNL. Instead, users will need to already have their own feeder model files, and then modify one of the example JSON converter configuration files in order to use it.
This converter has been tested on a sample of electric utility feeder models in versions 7.1, 7.2, 8.0 and 8.1 of CYMDIST. Inputs are a self-contained study (SXST) file from CYMDIST, and a JSON configuration file created by the user as described below. You also have to manually create the substation source model for OpenDSS, in part because this converter has not been tested with models from the CYMDIST substation add-on module. For SXST files without this add-on, a commented version of the new circuit definition will be written to the substation model file.
To execute the conversion script on Windows:
python SampleCyme1.json
For Mac/Linux:
python3 SampleCyme1.json
The JSON configuration file attributes are:
- DefaultDir; path to the SXST file
- OutDir; path to the generated OpenDSS files
- xmlfilename; base file name of the SXST file, should exist in DefaultDir
- RootName; root file name for the OpenDSS output files
- SubName; root file name for the substation model to be included in OpenDSS
- LoadScale; scaling factor from CYMDIST to OpenDSS loads, usually 1.0
- LoadModel; load model to use in OpenDSS, usually 1 for constant power or 2 for constant impedance
- DefaultBaseVoltage; should be the feeder primary line-to-line kV
- BaseVoltages; array of one or more voltages, in kV, to use for OpenDSS voltage bases. Should include the DefaultBaseVoltage, plus any transmission, secondary or other voltage bases expected in the model. OpenDSS uses these for per-unit voltage output, and also to set nominal voltages for load and generation through its "SetLoadAndGenkV" command.
- CoordXmin; minimum X coordinate value for circuit plots in OpenDSS, used to exclude outliers
- CoordXmax; maximum X coordinate value for circuit plots in OpenDSS, used to exclude outliers
- CoordYmin; minimum Y coordinate value for circuit plots in OpenDSS, used to exclude outliers
- CoordYmax; maximum Y coordinate value for circuit plots in OpenDSS, used to exclude outliers
- CYMESectionUnit; unit for section lengths in CYMDIST, only "m" has been tested
- CYMELineCodeUnit; unit for section lengths in CYMDIST, only "km" has been tested
- DSSSectionUnit; unit for line section lengths in OpenDSS; only "ft", "kft", "mi" and "m" have been tested
- OwnerIDs; array of one or more OwnerID values, i.e., feeders, to convert from the SXST file
The output model files for OpenDSS are:
- RootName_catalog.dss; the line and transformer codes used
- RootName_master.dss; the top-level OpenDSS model file to run; it includes the others in this list, plus SubName.sub and RootName.edits
- RootName_xy.dat; the XY coordinates for circuit plots
- OwnerID_loads.dss; the nominal loads for each converted OwnerID, i.e., feeder
- OwnerID_network.dss; the lines, transformers, capacitors, switches and other devices for each converted OwnerID, i.e., feeder
The two model files you must manually create for OpenDSS are:
- RootName.edits; this is included after the feeder backbone has been created, and before calculating voltage bases in OpenDSS. You can start with an empty file. Typical contents include control and protection settings, parameter adjustments, and creation of DER for study. This file is not over-written if you run the converter again.
- SubName.sub; at minimum, this file needs to create the new circuit for OpenDSS. You may also add transmission lines, substation switchgear, substation regulator, energy meter, or other components before the feeder backbone is included. This file is not over-written if you run the converter again.
Please review any WARNING messages produced by this converter; they may cause incorrect power flow results or failure to solve the model in OpenDSS. Manual edits may be necessary to correct them.
- phases > 2 for a line that does not match its linecode; you should manually create a valid linecode in RootName_catalog.dss
- inserting duplicate mid-section node; please report this as an issue.
- ... will be a closed switch; this just indicates where to find the recloser or breaker in the converted OpenDSS model. Further edits would be needed to represent protection settings.
- unhandled ReverseSensingMode or SettingOption for regulator; manually create an OpenDSS regcontrol in RootName.edits
- line section lengths, or line code lengths, or DSSSection unit refers to choices of CYMESectionUnit, CYMELineCodeUnit or DSSSectionUnut that were not tested. You can choose a different DSSSectionUnit in the JSON configuration file. If you are able to provide the SXST for testing, it may be possible to support its length units in the converter.
- AverageGeometricalArrangment stores geometric mean distance in the SXST, but not the number of phases. The converter may guess wrong, and the result will be an error message from OpenDSS about WireData, because the phase counts don't match. To fix this, you should edit or create LineSpacing entries in RootName_catalog.dss
This converter has been tested on feeder models from two different utilities. Inputs are the Microsoft Access database (MDB) file from Synergi, and a JSON configuration file created by the user as described below. First, install a light-weight driver to read MDB files:
pip install pypyodbc
Then, to run the conversion
python SampleSynergi1.json
If this fails, you may need to either install Microsoft Access, or download a Microsoft driver by searching the internet for "Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable". However, there are some important constraints. If your Python is 32-bit the MDB driver must also be 32-bit. If your Python is 64-bit the MDB driver must also be 64-bit. If you already have Microsoft Office installed, you may not be allowed to install a MDB driver that matches your Python installation. In that case, you would have to run this converter on a different platform.
The JSON configuration file attributes are:
- DefaultDir; path to the MDB file
- MDBName; name of the Synergi model file, should exist in DefaultDir
- OutDir; path to the generated OpenDSS files
- BaseVoltages; array of one or more voltages, in kV, to use for OpenDSS voltage bases. Should include any transmission, secondary or other voltage bases expected in the model. OpenDSS uses these for per-unit voltage output, and also to set nominal voltages for load and generation through its "SetLoadAndGenkV" command.
- AllocateLoads; set 1 if the load kva values are actually transformer kva. Set 0 if the actual peak or nominal load values will be found in the MDB file.
- SubOrFeeder; set 1 if the source is a substation, or 0 if the source is a feeder (see Synergi documentation)
- InsertSwitchgear; set 1 to insert switchgear in padmounts (see Synergi documentation)
The output model files for OpenDSS are:
- Master.dss; compile this in OpenDSS, then solve. Includes all the files below, plus three you must create
- Buscoords.csv; XY coordinates of all the buses
- Breakers.dss; circuit breakers
- CatalogStub.dss; spacings, wires, cables and transformer codes actually used. You have to edit this and save as Catalog.dss. The catalog data conversion has not been implemented.
- Fuses.dss; fuses
- LargeCust.dss; large customer loads, which may include large DER
- Lines.dss; underground and overhead lines
- Loads.dss; loads
- Reclosers.dss; transformers
- Sectionalizers.dss; sectionalizers
- Switches.dss; switches
- SwitchGears.dss; switchgear
- Transformers.dss; transformers
- VSource.dss; source equivalent at the substation or feeder head
The three model files you must manually create for OpenDSS are:
- Catalog.dss; the CatalogStub.dss file, with attributes added per the OpenDSS documentation or on-line help.
- CustomEdits.dss; this is included after the feeder backbone has been created, and before calculating voltage bases in OpenDSS. You can start with an empty file. Typical contents include control and protection settings, parameter adjustments, and creation of DER for study. This file is not over-written if you run the converter again.
- InitialConditions.dss; the last file included, may have load allocation, load scaling, switching operations and a solve command.
Please review any WARNING messages produced by this converter; they may cause incorrect power flow results or failure to solve the model in OpenDSS. Manual edits may be necessary to correct them.
- cap control not implemented; you should manually create one in CustomEdits.dss
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