An educational app about things fish-rlated.
Please run the following commands:
git submodule add box2d-src
git submodule update --init --recursive
To import the project into QT Creator, just select the CMakeLists.txt and build. Please see the previous
section on how to get box2d building.
If you want to build it outside of QT Creator, run cmake .
followed by make
to build an executable.
There is an easter egg in the project. For some reason it was driving us bananas
This entire project contains its own game engine. Meaning that we can easily create new objects and quests.
- Git repository manager
- Bug fixer
- CMake(r)
- Level design
- Jack of all trades, master of all.
- Game engine
- Resident fish
- Sprites
- Game engine design
- Physics integration
- GameObject handling
- Level design
- Mouse input
- View controller
- Debug mode
- Unity copy-cater
- Start/End screen
- Quest implementation
- UI design
- Level design
- Backbone of the project
- Render area
- Mouse input
- Professional Mouse Charmer
- Quest implementation/design
- Callbacks
- Level design
- Instructions
- View controller
- Game engine
- Stinky ADHD God