Accessing Virtual Machine
- Set up Duo
- Enroll smart phone in Duo
- Visit http://classroom.dcmb.med.umich.edu and log in with your sponsored affiliate umich ID and password
- Once you're in for the first time, change your password to something you will remember
- You and your group are within a user group within the file system too so that you can access each others files
- Open Terminal and cd /class/projects/gwc
- Each group has a folder gwcX with X=[1..7]
Directions for using jupyter notebook
Directions for using the virtual machine
Directions for using command line
- http://teohm.com/blog/shortcuts-to-move-faster-in-bash-command-line/
- https://programminghistorian.org/lessons/intro-to-bash
- Some example commands
#change directory cd #change to one directory up cd ../ #change to specific directory cd /path/to/directory/i/want #print current directory pwd #list what is in directory ls #make new folder mkdir <name> #delete BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THIS rm <file> rm -r <directory>
Directions for using vim
Directions for using emacs
Directions for using github
Python syntax cheat sheets
- Example project
- Instructions for coming up with a project
- What are classes?