Releases: Gabriel-Alves-Cunha/muse
Releases · Gabriel-Alves-Cunha/muse
- media.isSelected to not be an item on media object. Added window mediaSession. (Gabriel Alves Cunha)
- search media is now refactored to have less rerenders, still have to fix the layout. FIX: ctx menu now has proper disabled items. (Gabriel Alves Cunha)
- hole app translation to pt-BR and possible others. FIX: layout of Popovers. ADDED: open metadata on search results. (Gabriel Alves Cunha)
- loader on lyrics search. (Gabriel Alves Cunha)
- how audio currentTime seeker works to resemble Youtube's one. REFACTORED: MediaPlayer to more files so it's easier to reason about. CHANGED: mouse events to pointer events. Almost ready for version bump, just want to real test the sharing of medias. (Gabriel Alves Cunha)
- position of search results. REFACTOR: mouse events to pointer events. (Gabriel Alves Cunha)