# Install decorate
# first, check for Bioconductor
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)){
cat("Please install Bioconductor before continuing:\n")
install_github('GabrielHoffman/decorate', repos=BiocManager::repositories())
Depending on your system, you may need to install these system dependencies first:
- udunits
- proj
- gdal
- geos
brew install udunits proj gdal geos
apt-get install libudunits2-dev libproj-dev proj-data proj-bin libgeos-dev libgeos-c1v5 libgdal-dev
yum install udunits2-devel
yum install proj-devel
yum install gdal-devel
yum install geos-devel
decorate should install on Windows without needing to install these dependencies.