The Send2KindleBot Terms of Service is a legally binding agreement between you ("you" and "your") and Send2KindleBot ("we", "our").
By using Send2KindleBot service you are indicating that you have read these Terms of use and our privacy policy and you understand, and you consent to be bound by, all the terms and conditions of the agreement. These Terms of use set forth your rights and obligations with respect to your use of any version of the Send2KindleBot. If you do not agree to all of the terms contained in these Terms of use and the Terms of the agreement, you should not use Send2KindleBot.
Subject to your compliance with these Terms, you may use Send2KindleBot to send documents to your registered Kindle device, supported Kindle reading applications, and your Library as directed by you. You may only deliver documents in a file size of 50MB or less (before compression in a ZIP file). You may only use the Service to send documents to your devices. You may use the Service only as permitted by law.
You may not use the Service to send stolen, unauthorized, or otherwise illegal content. You may not misuse the Service.
You are responsible for all content that is delivered to your Kindle via the Service. We may make changes to our Service, policies, and these Terms at any time. We may discontinue the Service or your participation in the Service at any time in our sole discretion. The permission we grant you to use the Service terminates if you do not comply with these Terms.
We collect your personal information in order to provide and continually improve our products and services. Here are the types of personal information we collect:
Information you give us
: We receive and store any information you provide to allow the service to work. You can choose not to provide certain information, but then you might not be able to take advantage of Send2Kindlebot. We use your personal e-mail and your device's e-mail, both provided by you, to send an e-mail using Amazon Send to Kindle E-mail service. We also collect parts of file name and extension in order to have usage statistics.
Automatic information
: We automatically collect and store certain types of information about your Telegram Account, including your name, app language and user id. The user id is stored on our database with the e-mails addresses to identify you and send the file to your device as requested.
Users information are not shared with third parties.