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Allow loading interfaces.
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When loaded an interface is treated like an empty functor.
Adding this capability would also be useful if we generalize
interfaces to allow for definitions, as discussed in #1457

This also fixes #1456
  • Loading branch information
yav committed Oct 14, 2022
1 parent 8de5a79 commit 8922877
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Showing 10 changed files with 95 additions and 49 deletions.
13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions src/Cryptol/ModuleSystem/Base.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Env ( lookupModule
, lookupTCEntity
, LoadedModuleG(..), lmInterface
, meCoreLint, CoreLint(..)
, ModContext(..)
, ModContext(..), ModContextParams(..)
, ModulePath(..), modulePathLabel)
import Cryptol.Backend.FFI
import qualified Cryptol.Eval as E
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ checkModule isrc m = do
, tcPrims = prims }

tcm <- typecheck act (R.rmModule renMod) mempty (R.rmImported renMod)
tcm <- typecheck act (R.rmModule renMod) NoParams (R.rmImported renMod)

rewMod <- case tcm of
T.TCTopModule mo -> T.TCTopModule <$> liftSupply (`rewModule` mo)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ data TCAction i o = TCAction

typecheck ::
(Show i, Show o, HasLoc i) =>
TCAction i o -> i -> T.FunctorParams -> IfaceDecls -> ModuleM o
TCAction i o -> i -> ModContextParams -> IfaceDecls -> ModuleM o
typecheck act i params env = do

let range = fromMaybe emptyRange (getLoc i)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ typecheck act i params env = do
typeCheckingFailed nameMap errs

-- | Generate input for the typechecker.
genInferInput :: Range -> PrimMap -> T.FunctorParams -> IfaceDecls ->
genInferInput :: Range -> PrimMap -> ModContextParams -> IfaceDecls ->
ModuleM T.InferInput
genInferInput r prims params env = do
seeds <- getNameSeeds
Expand All @@ -668,7 +668,10 @@ genInferInput r prims params env = do
, T.inpCallStacks = callStacks
, T.inpSearchPath = searchPath
, T.inpSupply = supply
, T.inpParams = params
, T.inpParams = case params of
NoParams -> T.allParamNames mempty
FunctorParams ps -> T.allParamNames ps
InterfaceParams ps -> ps
, T.inpPrimNames = prims
, T.inpSolver = solver
, T.inpTopModules = topMods
Expand Down
41 changes: 37 additions & 4 deletions src/Cryptol/ModuleSystem/Env.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -193,10 +193,15 @@ hasParamModules = not . null . lmLoadedParamModules . meLoadedModules
allDeclGroups :: ModuleEnv -> [T.DeclGroup]
allDeclGroups = concatMap T.mDecls . loadedNonParamModules

data ModContextParams =
InterfaceParams T.ModParamNames
| FunctorParams T.FunctorParams
| NoParams

-- | Contains enough information to browse what's in scope,
-- or type check new expressions.
data ModContext = ModContext
{ mctxParams :: T.FunctorParams
{ mctxParams :: ModContextParams -- T.FunctorParams
, mctxExported :: Set Name
, mctxDecls :: IfaceDecls
-- ^ Should contain at least names in NamingEnv, but may have more
Expand All @@ -208,7 +213,7 @@ data ModContext = ModContext
-- This instance is a bit bogus. It is mostly used to add the dynamic
-- environemnt to an existing module, and it makes sense for that use case.
instance Semigroup ModContext where
x <> y = ModContext { mctxParams = mctxParams x <> mctxParams y
x <> y = ModContext { mctxParams = jnPs (mctxParams x) (mctxParams y)
, mctxExported = mctxExported x <> mctxExported y
, mctxDecls = mctxDecls x <> mctxDecls y
, mctxNames = names
Expand All @@ -217,9 +222,15 @@ instance Semigroup ModContext where

names = mctxNames x `R.shadowing` mctxNames y
jnPs as bs =
case (as,bs) of
(NoParams,_) -> bs
(_,NoParams) -> as
(FunctorParams xs, FunctorParams ys) -> FunctorParams (xs <> ys)
_ -> panic "(<>) @ ModContext" ["Can't combine parameters"]

instance Monoid ModContext where
mempty = ModContext { mctxParams = mempty
mempty = ModContext { mctxParams = NoParams
, mctxDecls = mempty
, mctxExported = mempty
, mctxNames = mempty
Expand All @@ -237,13 +248,31 @@ modContextOf mname me =
-- XXX: do we want only public ones here?
loadedDecls = map (ifDefines . lmInterface)
$ getLoadedModules (meLoadedModules me)

params = ifParams localIface
pure ModContext
{ mctxParams = ifParams localIface
{ mctxParams = if Map.null params then NoParams
else FunctorParams params
, mctxExported = ifsPublic (ifNames localIface)
, mctxDecls = mconcat (ifDefines localIface : loadedDecls)
, mctxNames = localNames
, mctxNameDisp = R.toNameDisp localNames
do lm <- lookupSignature mname me
let localNames = lmNamingEnv lm
-- XXX: do we want only public ones here?
loadedDecls = map (ifDefines . lmInterface)
$ getLoadedModules (meLoadedModules me)
pure ModContext
{ mctxParams = InterfaceParams (lmData lm)
, mctxExported = Set.empty
, mctxDecls = mconcat loadedDecls
, mctxNames = localNames
, mctxNameDisp = R.toNameDisp localNames

dynModContext :: ModuleEnv -> ModContext
dynModContext me = mempty { mctxNames = dynNames
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -396,6 +425,10 @@ isLoaded mn lm = mn `Set.member` getLoadedNames lm
isLoadedParamMod :: ModName -> LoadedModules -> Bool
isLoadedParamMod mn ln = any ((mn ==) . lmName) (lmLoadedParamModules ln)

-- | Is this a loaded interface module.
isLoadedInterface :: ModName -> LoadedModules -> Bool
isLoadedInterface mn ln = any ((mn ==) . lmName) (lmLoadedSignatures ln)

lookupTCEntity :: ModName -> ModuleEnv -> Maybe (LoadedModuleG T.TCTopEntity)
Expand Down
12 changes: 7 additions & 5 deletions src/Cryptol/REPL/Browse.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Type as T
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (OrigName(..), modPathIsNormal, identIsNormal)

import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Env(ModContext(..))
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Env(ModContext(..),ModContextParams(..))
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.NamingEnv(namingEnvNames)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Interface
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,10 +54,11 @@ data DispInfo = DispInfo { dispHow :: BrowseHow, env :: NameDisp }

browseMParams :: NameDisp -> T.FunctorParams -> [Doc]
browseMParams disp params
| Map.null params = []
| otherwise =
browseMParams :: NameDisp -> ModContextParams -> [Doc]
browseMParams disp pars =
case pars of
NoParams -> []
FunctorParams params ->
ppSectionHeading "Module Parameters"
$ [ "parameter" <+> pp (T.mpName p) <+> ":" <+>
"interface" <+> pp (T.mpSignature p) $$
Expand All @@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ browseMParams disp params
, let names = T.mpParameters p
] ++
[" "]
InterfaceParams ps -> [pp ps] -- XXX
ppParamTy p = nest 2 (sep ["type", pp (T.mtpName p) <+> ":", pp (T.mtpKind p)])
ppParamFu p = nest 2 (sep [pp (T.mvpName p) <+> ":", pp (T.mvpType p)])
Expand Down
7 changes: 2 additions & 5 deletions src/Cryptol/REPL/Command.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1214,13 +1214,10 @@ loadHelper :: M.ModuleCmd (M.ModulePath,T.TCTopEntity) -> REPL ()
loadHelper how =
do clearLoadedMod
(path,ent) <- liftModuleCmd how
m <- case ent of
T.TCTopModule mo -> pure mo
T.TCTopSignature {} -> raise CannotLoadASignature

whenDebug (rPutStrLn (dump m))
whenDebug (rPutStrLn (dump ent))
setLoadedMod LoadedModule
{ lName = Just (T.mName m)
{ lName = Just (T.tcTopEntitytName ent)
, lPath = path
-- after a successful load, the current module becomes the edit target
Expand Down
41 changes: 27 additions & 14 deletions src/Cryptol/REPL/Help.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -226,8 +226,9 @@ showSummary k name doc info =

showTypeHelp :: T.FunctorParams -> M.IfaceDecls -> NameDisp -> T.Name -> REPL ()
showTypeHelp fparams env nameEnv name =
showTypeHelp ::
M.ModContextParams -> M.IfaceDecls -> NameDisp -> T.Name -> REPL ()
showTypeHelp ctxparams env nameEnv name =
fromMaybe (noInfo nameEnv name) $
msum [ fromTySyn, fromPrimType, fromNewtype, fromTyParam ]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -263,15 +264,21 @@ showTypeHelp fparams env nameEnv name =
doShowDocString (T.atDoc a)

allParamNames =
[ (\x -> (p,x)) <$> T.mpnTypes (T.mpParameters ps)
| (p, ps) <- Map.toList fparams
case ctxparams of
M.NoParams -> mempty
M.FunctorParams fparams ->
[ (\x -> (Just p,x)) <$> T.mpnTypes (T.mpParameters ps)
| (p, ps) <- Map.toList fparams
M.InterfaceParams ps -> (\x -> (Nothing ,x)) <$> T.mpnTypes ps

fromTyParam =
do (x,p) <- Map.lookup name allParamNames
pure do rPutStrLn ""
doShowParameterSource x
case x of
Just src -> doShowParameterSource src
Nothing -> pure ()
let ty = "type" <+> pp name <+> ":" <+> pp (T.mtpKind p)
rPrint (runDoc nameEnv (indent 4 ty))
doShowDocString (T.mtpDoc p)
Expand All @@ -286,9 +293,9 @@ doShowTyHelp nameEnv decl doc =

showValHelp ::
T.FunctorParams -> M.IfaceDecls -> NameDisp -> P.PName -> T.Name -> REPL ()
M.ModContextParams -> M.IfaceDecls -> NameDisp -> P.PName -> T.Name -> REPL ()

showValHelp fparams env nameEnv qname name =
showValHelp ctxparams env nameEnv qname name =
fromMaybe (noInfo nameEnv name)
(msum [ fromDecl, fromNewtype, fromParameter ])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -316,15 +323,21 @@ showValHelp fparams env nameEnv qname name =
return $ return ()

allParamNames =
[ (\x -> (p,x)) <$> T.mpnFuns (T.mpParameters ps)
| (p, ps) <- Map.toList fparams
case ctxparams of
M.NoParams -> mempty
M.FunctorParams fparams ->
[ (\x -> (Just p,x)) <$> T.mpnFuns (T.mpParameters ps)
| (p, ps) <- Map.toList fparams
M.InterfaceParams ps -> (\x -> (Nothing,x)) <$> T.mpnFuns ps

fromParameter =
do (x,p) <- Map.lookup name allParamNames
pure do rPutStrLn ""
doShowParameterSource x
case x of
Just src -> doShowParameterSource src
Nothing -> pure ()
let ty = pp name <+> ":" <+> pp (T.mvpType p)
rPrint (runDoc nameEnv (indent 4 ty))
doShowFix (T.mvpFixity p)
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/Cryptol/REPL/Monad.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -225,10 +225,11 @@ mkPrompt rw
case lName =<< eLoadedMod rw of
Nothing -> show (pp I.preludeName)
Just m
| M.isLoadedParamMod m (M.meLoadedModules (eModuleEnv rw)) ->
modName ++ "(parameterized)"
| M.isLoadedParamMod m loaded -> modName ++ "(parameterized)"
| M.isLoadedInterface m loaded -> modName ++ "(interface)"
| otherwise -> modName
where modName = pretty m
loaded = M.meLoadedModules (eModuleEnv rw)

withFocus =
case eLoadedMod rw of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -329,7 +330,6 @@ data REPLException
| TooWide WordTooWide
| Unsupported Unsupported
| ModuleSystemError NameDisp M.ModuleError
| CannotLoadASignature
| EvalPolyError T.Schema
| InstantiationsNotFound T.Schema
| TypeNotTestable T.Type
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -372,7 +372,6 @@ instance PP REPLException where
SBVException e -> text "SBV exception:" $$ text (show e)
SBVPortfolioException e -> text "SBV exception:" $$ text (show e)
W4Exception e -> text "What4 exception:" $$ text (show e)
CannotLoadASignature -> "Cannot load interfaces"

-- | Raise an exception.
raise :: REPLException -> REPL a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -565,6 +564,7 @@ validEvalContext a =
-- XXX: Changes if focusing on nested modules
M.GlobalName _ I.OrigName { ogModule = I.TopModule m }
| M.isLoadedParamMod m (M.meLoadedModules me) -> Set.insert nm bs
| M.isLoadedInterface m (M.meLoadedModules me) -> Set.insert nm bs

_ -> bs

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Cryptol/TypeCheck/AST.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -459,4 +459,4 @@ instance PP (WithNames TCTopEntity) where
case ent of
TCTopModule m -> ppWithNames nm m
TCTopSignature n ps ->
hang ("interface module" <+> pp n <+> "where") 2 (ppWithNames nm ps)
hang ("interface module" <+> pp n <+> "where") 2 (pp ps)
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Cryptol/TypeCheck/Monad.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ data InferInput = InferInput
-- When typechecking a module these start off empty.
-- We need them when type-checking an expression at the command
-- line, for example.
, inpParams :: !(FunctorParams)
, inpParams :: !ModParamNames

, inpNameSeeds :: NameSeeds -- ^ Private state of type-checker
, inpMonoBinds :: Bool -- ^ Should local bindings without
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ runInferM :: TVars a => InferInput -> InferM a -> IO (InferOutput a)
runInferM info m0 =
do let IM m = selectorScope m0
counter <- newIORef 0
let allPs = allParamNames (inpParams info)
let allPs = inpParams info

let env = ExtVar (inpVars info)
<> (ExtVar . newtypeConType) (inpNewtypes info)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Cryptol/TypeCheck/Sanity.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ runTcM env (TcM m) =
(Left err, _) -> Left err
(Right a, s) -> Right (a, woProofObligations s)
allPs = allParamNames (inpParams env)
allPs = inpParams env

ro = RO { roTVars = Map.fromList [ (tpUnique x, x)
| tp <- Map.elems (mpnTypes allPs)
Expand Down
14 changes: 6 additions & 8 deletions src/Cryptol/TypeCheck/Type.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1286,24 +1286,22 @@ instance PP TypeSource where
FunApp -> "function call"
TypeErrorPlaceHolder -> "type error place-holder"

instance PP (WithNames ModParamNames) where
ppPrec _ (WithNames ps ns) =
instance PP ModParamNames where
ppPrec _ ps =
let tps = Map.elems (mpnTypes ps)
vcat $ map pp tps ++
if null (mpnConstraints ps) then [] else
[ "type constraint" <+>
parens (commaSep (map (ppWithNames ns . thing)
(mpnConstraints ps)))
parens (commaSep (map (pp . thing) (mpnConstraints ps)))
] ++
map (ppWithNames ns) (Map.elems (mpnFuns ps))
map pp (Map.elems (mpnFuns ps))

instance PP ModTParam where
ppPrec _ p =
"type" <+> pp (mtpName p) <+> ":" <+> pp (mtpKind p)

instance PP (WithNames ModVParam) where
ppPrec _ (WithNames p ns) =
pp (mvpName p) <+> ":" <+> ppWithNames ns (mvpType p)
instance PP ModVParam where
ppPrec _ p = pp (mvpName p) <+> ":" <+> pp (mvpType p)

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