In this project I will be using webpack to bundle my code, the project is about using multiple APIs to show and manipulate data. Styling is done with sass. Jest testing is used for the project. It will include mainly JS, HTML, Sass, and JSON
- Module 2 Capstone Pokemon
- 📗 Table of Contents
- 📖 Module 2 Capstone Pokemon<
- 🚀 Live Demo
- 📖 Module 2 Capstone Pokemon<
Module 2 Capstone Pokemon<e In this project I will be using webpack to bundle my code, the project is about using multiple APIs to show and manipulate data. Styling is done with sass. Jest testing is used for the project. It will include mainly JS, HTML, Sass, and JSON.
🛠 Built With HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- Webpack
- Jest
- Sass
To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps:
- Open your Terminal in your VSCode.
- Navigate to the desired directory[folder] to which you want to clone the repository to
- [Copy & Paste] git clone you find in the code button
In order to run this project you need:
- General Understanding of HTML & CSS
- basic Knowledge of Git Commands
- basic Knowledge of the Terminal Commands
- General Understanding of bundling and webpack
Clone this repository to your desired folder:
Example commands:
cd my-folder
git clone
👤 GeekyHacks
- GitHub: Geekyhacks
- Twitter: Geekydart
- LinkedIn: Abdullah Nasser
- Adding more webpack deps
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
If you like this project please don't hesitate to support me with your valued contribution and don't forget to star the repo to reach more people.
I would like to thank...
- Microverse Review Team
- My Coding Partner @firstpj
- Microverse Community in Slack
- my Mentor @Strangeal
- Pokemon API
Can I clone this project ?**
- Of course you can as long as you fork it and star it
Can I contribute to this project?**
- definitely you can
This project is MIT licensed.