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Releases: Geforce132/SecurityCraft

Camera update

02 Jun 07:01
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*** New blocks/items: ***

  • Added security cameras
  • Changed the name of the keypad frame to "Frame"
  • Changed the name of the reinforced iron fence gate to "Electrified Iron Fence Gate"
  • Added taser
  • Added reinforced stone and wood stairs
  • Added electrified iron fence (hurts any entity (except dropped items) when touched, except the owner)
  • Added I.M.S.
  • Added reinforced glass, stained glass, and stained glass panes
  • Added storage module
  • Added SecurityCraft manual
  • Added the universal owner changer
  • Added the universal block reinforcers

*** Changes: ***
--- Hefty code cleanup:

  • Deleted org.freeforums.geforce.securitycraft.timers and all the classes in it
  • Moved all the classes in org.freeforums.geforce.securitycraft.lookingglass to org.freeforums.geforce.securitycraft.imc.lookingglass
  • Did some code formatting
  • Simplified TileEntity and ID checks in GuiHandler
  • Deleted unused texture .png files
  • Deleted unused Access Transformer
  • Deleted the ItemWithInfo and TileEntityMineLoc classes
  • Renamed the BlockKeypadFrame class to BlockFrame
  • Renamed the BlockReinforcedGlass class to BlockReinforcedGlassPane
  • Renamed the ItemRemoteAccess class to ItemMineRemoteAccessTool
  • Moved SecurityCraft's TileEntitySpecialRenderer classes to org.freeforums.geforce.securitycraft.renderers
  • Deleted the PacketCUpdateOwner, PacketCUpdateCooldown, PacketCheckRetinalScanner, and the CameraAnimatorCompactCamera classes
  • Moved all SecurityCraft code from "org.freeforums.geforce..." packages to "net.geforcemods..."
  • Renamed BlockBogusLavaBase to BlockFakeLavaBase
  • Renamed BlockBogusLavaBase to BlockFakeLavaBase
  • Renamed BlockBogusLava to BlockFakeLava
  • Renamed BlockBogusWaterBase to BlockFakeWaterBase
  • Renamed BlockBogusWater to BlockFakeWater
  • Renamed BlockUnbreakableBars to BlockReinforcedIronBars
    --- Simplified password-protected block's password setup process:
  • Deleted some GuiContainer, Container, and IMessage classes
  • Added setPassword() and activate() methods to IPasswordProtected
    --- Worked on the SecurityCraft API:
  • Added the IViewActivated interface (works along with TileEntitySCTE.viewActivated())
  • Added comments to methods in IPasswordProtected, IOwnable, and IExplosive, and CustomizableSCTE.
  • Moved all the classes in org.freeforums.geforce.securitycraft.interfaces to org.freeforums.geforce.securitycraft.api
  • Moved CustomizableSCTE from org.freeforums.geforce.securitycraft.tileentity to org.freeforums.geforce.securitycraft.api
  • Modified the build.gradle file to also generate deobfuscated and raw source .jar files when building
  • New: Added Waila support
  • New: Added VersionChecker update support
  • New: SecurityCraft now requires LookingGlass v0.2.00+ as a dependency
  • New: Password-protected chests now have a custom christmas texture
  • New: Added new Creative Tab for decoration blocks (Reinforced blocks/iron fence etc.)
  • New: Keycard readers now emit redstone particles like laser blocks when active
  • New: Alarms can now be placed on all sides of a block
  • New: Keeping a username logger powered now constantly logs players instead of just logging once when receiving a redstone pulse
  • New: Codebreakers can now be used on password-protected furnaces
  • New: Claymores now have crafting recipes
  • New: Inventory scanners now have a built-in inventory to store deleted items in
  • New: New tips
  • New: The track mine is now "ownable", and can be remotely detonated using the Mine Remote Access Tool
  • New: Added Portuguese translation
  • New: Messages sent by SecurityCraft can now be customized in the .lang file
  • New: The alarm now lights up when powered
  • Change: Electrified Iron Fence Gates now hurts any entity except dropped items and its owner
  • Change: Changed keypad recipe to use iron ingots instead of iron blocks
  • Change: Right-clicking the frame with a key panel now creates a keypad. Right-clicking the frame with a bound camera monitor now shows the camera's view
  • Change: The frame now uses an iron block texture instead of a stone texture
  • Change: Removed the keypad's recipe (unless the "useOldKeypadRecipe" config option is selected)
  • Change: Changed the frame's recipe to use iron ingots instead of stone blocks
  • Change: Changed the password-protected furnace recipe
  • Change: Your entire inventory is now shown while looking in the inventory scanner GUI
  • Change: You now can't bind mines to a mine remote access tool if they don't belong to you
  • Change: Mines can now be configured to not explode if the player who broke it is in Creative mode
  • Change: Adapted the keypad frame's model to the one used in SecurityCraft for Minecraft 1.8
  • Change: All mobs and dropped items get damaged by Fake Water now
    Change: LookingGlass world views are now created when right-clicking a camera with a monitor, not when the camera is placed
  • Change: SecurityCraft now doesn't require LookingGlass v0.2.00+ to run
  • Change: Removed the tooltip for the Universal Block Modifier in favour of the SecurityCraft manual
  • Change: Reinforced blocks can no longer be crafted, and must be made by using the universal block reinforcers
  • Change: Reinforced block textures now look identical to the vanilla texture, except it is darker
  • Change: The SecurityCraft manual now displays bl4ckscor3 as an author
  • Fix: Lasers could be broken by players who didn't place them
  • Fix: Using different window sizes and resolutions caused the buttons in the Universal Block Modifier GUI to move
  • Fix: Rotation of keypad frames and password-protected furnaces in inventory
  • Fix: Bouncing Betty's owners got set to "owner"
  • Fix: Mines are now "ownable"
  • Fix: Mines now explode when the block underneath it is broken
  • Fix: The password-protected furnace and password-protected chest could be "hacked" using the codebreaker if it's disabled in the config file
  • Fix: Fixed bug that causes a crash when right-clicking a keycard reader after setting the keycard level in the GUI without interacting with another GUI afterwards
  • Fix: The password-protected furnace and password-protected chest could be "hacked" using the codebreaker if it's disabled in the config file
  • Fix: Crash when receiving a message containing a '%' from IRC
  • Fix: Fake Lava ignored doFireTick gamerule
  • Fix: Fixed a ownership bug that causes an "ownable" block to not be able to be broken if placed when using SecurityCraft v1.7.0 or older, then updating
  • Fix: Although the cage trap was "ownable", it was still able to be broken by other players.
  • Fix: The SecurityCraft: Technical Creative tab is now better sorted
  • Fix: Fixed the defused version of the claymore not having a localized name in Waila
  • Fix: Improved rendering performance of the password-protected furnace
  • Fix: Security cameras now auto-break if the block they are attached to is broken
  • Fix: Updated German localization
  • Fix: The SecurityCraft manual now displays the name of any people who translated the English names of the stuff in SecurityCraft to another language
  • Fix: Waila no longer displays the password of a password-protected block if you are not the owner
  • Fix: The security camera animation no longer speeds up and down depending on how many times can re-render the camera, and are now in sync with LookingGlass views
  • Fix: Alarms can now be placed on the sides of laser blocks
  • Removed: BreakIn' Bad tips and URL

Hotfix for Portable Radar crash

02 Jun 07:10
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  • Fixed crash with Portable Radar
  • Tiny cleanup

Password-protected furnaces, new items + fixes

02 Jun 07:12
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  • Added Claymores
  • Added Key Panel.
  • Added Password-protected Furnace.
  • Added new Keypad recipe
  • Added Level 4 and Level 5 Keycards
    -Added Admin Tool which allows server administrators to see the owner of
    the block, installed modules and, if available, its code
  • Added tooltips to the module gui, no more guessing which module does what in which block ;)
  • Added death message when a player dies from a harming module
  • Added death message when a player dies from Fake Water
  • Updated /sc help block/item descriptions
  • Changed the look of Lasers
  • Prevented Cage Trap's Reinforced Iron Bars from turning into regular Iron Bars after a few seconds
  • Block Mines and Bouncing Betties can now get bound to the Mine Remote Access Tool
  • The Whitelist module can now be used for the portable radar
  • Improvements to the Mine Remote Access Tool:
  1. Mines can't be detonated via the MAT when defused anymore
  2. Mines can't be deactivated when being already deactivated
  3. Mines can't be activated when being already activated
    -The laser is no longer a transparent block, which means redstone no
    longer passes through it and torches can now be placed on it
  • Added damage sound to Fake Water
  • Fake Water damages you slower and is not as annoying as before
  • Fixed a dupe glitch involving Lasers and Modules
  • Fixed Cage Traps having no hitbox for the player
  • Fixed a crash involving Keypads and Codebreakers
  • Fixed Harming Module recipe, it now requires an arrow instead of a player head
  • Fixed faulty retract sound on Panic Button
  • Fixed Fake Water/Lava recipe not working with some potions
  • Fixed Keypad/Laser getting broken if water touches it
  • Fixed Reinforced Doors not being able to be removed
  • Fixed the sound of Reinforced Iron Bars
  • Fixed serious Username Logger bug on servers
  • Fixed Fake Water/Lava needing a block update to flow
  • Fixed some issues with placing/breaking lasers when other blocks are inbetween
  • Fixed speling mistake in Keycard Reader's GUI
  • Fixed overlapping text in Keycard Reader's GUI when using custom fonts
  • Fixed crash involving Reinforced Doors, KeycardReaders and Inventory Scanners
  • Fixed Exceptions showing up in log


  • Added new Keypad recipe
  • Added Level 4 and Level 5 Keycards
    -Added Admin Tool which allows server administrators to see the owner of
    the block, installed modules and, if available, its code
  • Added tooltips to the module gui, no more guessing which module does what in which block ;)
  • Added death message when a player dies from a harming module
  • Added death message when a player dies from Fake Water
  • Updated /sc help block/item descriptions
  • Changed the look of Lasers
  • Prevented Cage Trap's Reinforced Iron Bars from turning into regular Iron Bars after a few seconds
  • Block Mines and Bouncing Betties can now get bound to the Mine Remote Access Tool
  • The Whitelist module can now be used for the portable radar
  • Improvements to the Mine Remote Access Tool:
  1. Mines can't be detonated via the MAT when defused anymore
  2. Mines can't be deactivated when being already deactivated
  3. Mines can't be activated when being already activated
    -The laser is no longer a transparent block, which means redstone no
    longer passes through it and torches can now be placed on it
  • Added damage sound to Fake Water
  • Fake Water damages you slower and is not as annoying as before
  • Fixed a dupe glitch involving Lasers and Modules
  • Fixed Cage Traps having no hitbox for the player
  • Fixed a crash involving Keypads and Codebreakers
  • Fixed Harming Module recipe, it now requires an arrow instead of a player head
  • Fixed faulty retract sound on Panic Button
  • Fixed Fake Water/Lava recipe not working with some potions
  • Fixed Keypad/Laser getting broken if water touches it
  • Fixed Reinforced Doors not being able to be removed
  • Fixed the sound of Reinforced Iron Bars
  • Fixed serious Username Logger bug on servers
  • Fixed Fake Water/Lava needing a block update to flow
  • Fixed some issues with placing/breaking lasers when other blocks are inbetween
  • Fixed speling mistake in Keycard Reader's GUI
  • Fixed overlapping text in Keycard Reader's GUI when using custom fonts
  • Fixed crash involving Reinforced Doors, KeycardReaders and Inventory Scanners
  • Fixed Exceptions showing up in log
  • Made Reinforced Iron Doors stackable up to 64
  • Fixed Fake Lava hurting the player
  • Fixed crash when placing down red laser
  • Claymores can now get bound to the Mine Remote Access Tool

Translations + small fixes

02 Jun 07:14
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  • Fixed inventory scanner crash
  • Minecraft now shows a feedback message after using /module add or /module remove
  • Modules now ignore the letter-casing of added players
  • Block mines are now able to be removed
  • Added German, French, and Russian translations.

Module update, 1.8 port + fixes

02 Jun 07:20
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v1.7.0 an v1.7.1 were broken, this changelog contains changes from v1.7.0 although the version is v1.7.2.

  • Ported to 1.8
  • Added panic button
  • [1.8] Added claymore
  • [1.8] Added password-protected furnace
  • Added Limited Use Keycards
  • Added the Module system
  • Added Wire Cutters
  • Added Reinforced Wood Planks
  • Added Universal Block Modifier
  • Added a "back" button to the keypad, password-protected chest, and password-protected furnace GUIs
  • Added an animated texture to the username logger (thanks, BlackHawk8100!)
  • Fixed codebreaker hand rendering issue, where it would be held like a sword/pickaxe
  • Fixed bug when sending a message to the player via IRC, adding a comma after the message instead of a colon will not send the message
  • Decreased alarm sound volume
  • The Universal Block Remover now has a durability level