by Gene Ting-Chun Kao
VirtualBox. (Tested with version 5.2.6 r120293 Qt5.6.3)
Vagrant. (Tested with 2.0.2)
Windows: Use the Git Bash program (installed with Git) to get a Unix-style terminal. Other systems: Use your favorite terminal program.
From the terminal, run:
git clone ledger-app
This will give you a directory named ledger-app complete with the source code for the flask application, a vagrantfile, and a file for installing all of the necessary tools.
Register and login to your Google Console and create a new project.
Go to APIs & Services / Credentials then add http://localhost:8000 to your Authorized JavaScript origins.
Download JSON and save it to ledger-app/app as client_secrets.json.
Using the terminal, change directory to oauth (cd ledger-app), then type vagrant up to launch your virtual machine.
Once it is up and running, type vagrant ssh. This will log your terminal into the virtual machine, and you'll get a Linux shell prompt. When you want to log out, type exit at the shell prompt. To turn the virtual machine off (without deleting anything), type vagrant halt. If you do this, you'll need to run vagrant up again before you can log into it.
Now that you have Vagrant up and running type vagrant ssh to log into your VM. change to the /vagrant directory by typing cd /vagrant. This will take you to the shared folder between your virtual machine and host machine.
Type cd app to go to applicaiton folder.
Type ls to ensure that you are inside the directory that contains,, and two directories named 'templates' and 'static'.
Now type python3 to initialize the database.
Type python3 to run the Flask web server. In your browser visit http://localhost:8000 to view the restaurant menu app. You should be able to view, add, edit, and delete menu items and restaurants.
The started code was from Full stack Foundations's repo: Udacity Restaurant Menu App and from my OAuth2.0 exercise .
Any suggestion please contact me.