This folder contains various examples of using the rptha package. The scripts can be used to see how the package works, and may be adapted to new applications.
Template codes used for the 2018 Australian Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment (PTHA18). Includes code for generating unit-source tsunami, running hydrodynamic models, creating stochastic and uniform slip events, and hazard computation.
Example script to make random slip tsunami from unit source initial conditions.
Example of making source-zone contours from fault trace information
Example of smoothly combining high-resolution and low-resolution DEMs, which can be useful for hydrodynamic modelling.
Contains an example script to compute the rate of earthquake events on a source.
Although not heavily using the rptha package, this contains example scripts to make hazard points (i.e. offshore points where the tsunami tide-gauges are recorded)
Code which uses the 2018 Australian PTHA geometries to compute the unit-source easting/northing/vertical Okada displacements. This is modified from code used in the Australian PTHA (here). Modification was necessary because the latter only stored the Kajiura-smoothed vertical displacement.
This contains example_code to make tsunami unit sources from source contours and a tutorial on its usage.