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Installation instructions for OpenImageIO

Table of Contents

  1. OpenImageIO's Dependencies
  2. Installing binaries from package managers
  3. Building OIIO from source


NEW or CHANGED MINIMUM dependencies since the last major release are bold.

Required dependencies -- OIIO will not build at all without these

  • C++14 or higher (also builds with C++17, and C++20)
    • The default build mode is C++17. This can be controlled by via the CMake configuration flag: -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=14, etc.
    • ADVISORY: We expect that OIIO 2.6 in 2024 will require C++17 or higher.
  • Compilers: gcc 6.1 - 13.1, clang 3.4 - 17, MSVS 2017 - 2019, Intel icc 17+, Intel OneAPI C++ compiler 2022+.
  • CMake >= 3.15 (tested through 3.28)
  • OpenEXR/Imath >= 2.4 (recommended: 3.1 or higher; tested through 3.2 and main) (ADVISORY: We expect that OIIO 2.6 in 2024 will require OpenEXR >= 3.1)
  • libTIFF >= 3.9 (recommended: 4.0+; tested through 4.6)
  • libjpeg >= 8 (tested through jpeg9e), or libjpeg-turbo >= 2.1 (tested through 3.0)
  • Boost >= 1.53 (recommended: at least 1.66; tested through 1.84)
  • fmtlib >= 7.0 (tested through 10.1). If not found at build time, this will be automatically downloaded unless the build sets -DBUILD_MISSING_FMT=OFF.

Optional dependencies -- features may be disabled if not found

  • If you are building the iv viewer (which will be disabled if any of these are not found):
    • Qt5 >= 5.6 (tested through 5.15) or Qt6 (tested through 6.6)
    • OpenGL
  • If you are building the Python bindings or running the testsuite:
    • Python >= 2.7 (tested against 2.7, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11)
    • pybind11 >= 2.4.2 (Tested through 2.11. Note that pybind11 v2.10+ does not support Python < 3.6.)
    • NumPy
  • If you want support for camera "RAW" formats:
    • LibRaw >= 0.18 (tested though 0.21.2; if building with C++17 or higher, LibRaw >= 0.20 is necessary)
  • If you want support for a wide variety of video formats:
    • ffmpeg >= 3.0 (tested through 6.1)
  • If you want support for jpeg 2000 images:
    • OpenJpeg >= 2.0 (tested through 2.5; we recommend 2.4 or higher for multithreading support)
  • If you want support for OpenVDB files:
    • OpenVDB >= 5.0 (tested through 11.0). Note that using OpenVDB >= 10.0 requires that you compile OIIO with C++17 or higher.
  • If you want to use TBB as the thread pool:
    • TBB >= 2018 (tested through 2021 and OneTBB)
  • If you want support for converting to and from OpenCV data structures, or for capturing images from a camera:
    • OpenCV 3.x, or 4.x (tested through 4.9)
  • If you want support for GIF images:
    • giflib >= 4.1 (tested through 5.2; 5.0+ is strongly recommended for stability and thread safety)
  • If you want support for HEIF/HEIC or AVIF images:
    • libheif >= 1.3 (1.7 required for AVIF support, 1.16 required for correct orientation support, tested through 1.17.6)
    • libheif must be built with an AV1 encoder/decoder for AVIF support.
    • Avoid libheif 1.10 on Mac, it is very broken. Libheif 1.11+ is fine.
  • If you want support for DICOM medical image files:
    • DCMTK >= 3.6.1 (tested through 3.6.8)
  • If you want support for WebP images:
    • WebP >= 0.6.1 (tested through 1.3.2)
  • If you want support for OpenColorIO color transformations:
    • OpenColorIO >= 1.1 (tested through 2.3; 2.0+ is recommended)
  • If you want support for Ptex:
    • Ptex >= 2.3.1 (probably works for older; tested through 2.4.2)
  • If you want to be able to do font rendering into images:
    • Freetype (minimum unknown, tested 2.8 through 2.13)
  • We use PugiXML for XML parsing. There is a version embedded in the OIIO tree, but if you want to use an external, system-installed version (as may be required by some software distributions with policies against embedding other projects), then just build with -DUSE_EXTERNAL_PUGIXML=1. Any PugiXML >= 1.8 should be fine (we have tested through 1.14).

Supported platforms at present include Linux (32 and 64 bit), Mac OS X, and Windows.

Our build system is based upon 'CMake'. If you don't already have it installed on your system, you can get it from

If certain dependencies (robin-map and fmtlib) are not found, their sources will be retrieved and built into libraries, as part of the build process. The sources of those dependencies are cloned from their Git repo, hence git must be available as a command.

After you build OpenImageIO, if you compiled with the EMBEDPLUGINS=0 flag you will need to set the environment variable OIIO_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the 'lib' directory where OpenImageIO is installed, or else it will not be able to find the plugins.

Installing from package managers

If all you want to do is install the OIIO libraries, headers, and command line tools as quickly as possible (don't need OIIO source or any custom build options), maybe one of these packages managers will do it for you:

If these work for you and it's all you need, bingo! You are done.

You may find this guide to versions carried by distributions helpful:

OpenImageIO packaging status

Building from source

Dependency control and disabling components

Hints for finding dependencies

For each external dependency PkgName, our CMake build system will recognize the following optional variable:


to specify a hint about where the package is installed. It can either be a CMake variable (set by -DPkgName_ROOT=... on the CMake command line), or an environment variable of the same name, or a variable setting on the Make wrapper (make PkgName_ROOT=...).

Disabling optional dependencies and individual components

USE_PYTHON=0 : Omits building the Python bindings.

OIIO_BUILD_TESTS=0 : Omits building tests (you probably don't need them unless you are a developer of OIIO or want to verify that your build passes all tests).

OIIO_BUILD_TOOLS=0 : Disables building all the command line tools (such as iinfo, oiiotool, maketx, etc.).

ENABLE_toolname=0 : Disables building the named command line tool (iinfo, oiiotool, etc.). This works both as a CMake variable and also as an environment variable.

ENABLE_formatname=0 : Disables building support for the particular named file format (jpeg, fits, png, etc.). This works both as a CMake variable and also as an environment variable.

ENABLE_PkgName=0 : Disables use of an optional dependency (such as FFmpeg, OpenVDB, Webp, etc.) -- even if the dependency is found on the system. This will obviously disable any functionality that requires the dependency. This works both as a CMake variable and also as an environment variable.

Building OpenImageIO on Linux or OS X

The following dependencies must be installed to build the core of OpenImageIO:

  • Boost
  • libjpeg
  • libtiff
  • libpng
  • OpenEXR.

These can be installed using the standard package managers on your system. Optionally, to build the image viewing tools, you will need Qt and OpenGL.

On OS X, these dependencies can be installed using Fink, MacPorts or Homebrew. After installation of any of these package installers, use the "fink", "port" or "brew" commands (respectively) to install the dependencies (e.g. "fink install libpng16", "port install qt4-mac" or "brew update; brew doctor; brew install qt") before invoking make as described below.

On OS X, Fink can also be used to directly compile and install the OpenImageIO tools directly with the command "fink install openimageio-tools". On OS X releases where Fink has a binary distribution (10.8, 10.9, and 10.10 as of 2015), the command "apt-get install openimageio-tools" will fetch prebuilt binaries.

Dependent libraries can be installed in either the system default locations or in custom directories. Libraries installed in custom directories must notify the CMake system using environment variables. For example, set QTDIR to point at the root of the Qt library location so that CMake can find it (see CMake configuration output).

On Linux and OS X, you can build from source from the top-level directory by just typing 'make'. (Yes, we have a 'make' wrapper around our CMake build, it simplifies things.)

During the make, various temporary files (object files, etc.) will be put in build/PLATFORM, where 'PLATFORM' will be the name of the platform you are building for (e.g., linux, linux64, macosx).

The result of the make will be a full binary distribution in dist/PLATFORM.

Make targets you should know about:

Target Command
make Build an optimized distro in dist/PLATFORM, with temp files created while building in build/PLATFORM.
make debug Build a debugging (symbols, not stripped) distro, will end up in dist/PLATFORM.debug
make clean Get rid of all the temporary files in build/PLATFORM
make realclean Get rid of both build/PLATFORM and dist/PLATFORM
make nuke Get rid of all build/ and dist/, for all platforms
make profile Build a profilable version dist/PLATFORM.profile
make help Print all the make options

Additionally, a few helpful modifiers alter some build-time options:

Target Command
make VERBOSE=1 ... Show all compilation commands
make STOP_ON_WARNING=0 Do not stop building if compiler warns
make EMBEDPLUGINS=0 ... Don't compile the plugins into libOpenImageIO
make USE_OPENGL=0 ... Skip anything that needs OpenGL
make USE_QT=0 ... Skip anything that needs Qt
make MYCC=xx MYCXX=yy ... Use custom compilers
make USE_PYTHON=0 ... Don't build the Python binding
make BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=0 Build static library instead of shared
make LINKSTATIC=1 ... Link with static external libraries when possible
make SOVERSION=nn ... Include the specified major version number in the shared object metadata
make NAMESPACE=name Wrap everything in another namespace

The command 'make help' will list all possible options.

You can also ignore the top level Makefile wrapper, and instead use CMake directly:

cmake -B build -S .
cmake --build build --target install

If the compile stops because of warnings, try again with

make nuke

or, if you are using CMake directly,

rm -rf build
cmake -B build -S . -DSTOP_ON_WARNING=0
cmake --build build --target install

Building on Windows

Method 1 - from source

You will need to have Git, CMake and Visual Studio installed.

The minimal set of dependencies for OIIO is: Boost, zlib, libTIFF, OpenEXR, and libjpeg or libjpeg-turbo. If you have them built somewhere then you skip the section below, and will only have to point OIIO build process so their locations.

  • Boost: get the boost source archive, extract into {BOOST_ROOT}.
    cd {BOOST_ROOT}
  • zlib: this will build it, and then delete the non-static library, so they don't get picked up:
    cd {ZLIB_ROOT}
    git clone .
    cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=.
    cmake --build build --config Release --target install
    del build\lib\zlib.lib
  • libTIFF:
    cd {TIFF_ROOT}
    git clone .
    cmake --build build --target install
  • libjpeg-turbo:
    cd {JPEG_ROOT}
    git clone .
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake --build build --config Release --target install
  • OpenEXR: you'll have to point it to your {ZLIB_ROOT} location from the above. If copy-pasting the multi-line command (with lines ending in ^) into cmd.exe prompt, make sure to copy all the lines at once.
    cd {EXR_ROOT}
    git clone .
    cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=dist ^
    cmake --build build --target install --config Release

Now get the OIIO source and do one-time CMake configuration step. Replace {*_ROOT} below with folders where you have put the 3rd party dependencies.

git clone .
cmake -S . -B build -DVERBOSE=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ^
  -DOpenEXR_ROOT={EXR_ROOT}\build\dist ^
  -DImath_DIR={EXR_ROOT}\build\dist\lib\cmake\Imath ^

This will produce {OIIO_ROOT}/build/OpenImageIO.sln that can be opened in Visual Studio IDE. Note that the solution will be only for the Intel x64 architecture only; and will only target "min-spec" (SSE2) SIMD instruction set.

Optional packages that OIIO can use (e.g. libpng, Qt) can be build and pointed to OIIO build process in a similar way.

In Visual Studio, open {OIIO_ROOT}/build/OpenImageIO.sln and pick Release build configuration. If you pick Debug, you might need to re-run the CMake command above with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug and also have all the dependencies above built with Debug config too.

The main project that builds the library is OpenImageIO. The library is built into {OIIO_ROOT}/build/lib/{CONFIG} folder. The various OIIO command line tools (oiiotool, iconvert etc.) are projects under Tools subfolder in VS IDE solution explorer. They all build into {OIIO_ROOT}/build/bin/{CONFIG} folder.

There's a CMakePredefinedTargets/INSTALL project that you can build to produce a {OIIO_ROOT}/dist folder with bin, include, lib, share folders as an OIIO distribution.

The instructions above use options for building statically-linked OIIO library and tools. Adjust options passed to CMake to produce a dynamic-linked version.

Method 2 - Using vcpkg

  1. Visit Microsoft's vcpkg GitHub page: Also note that the openimageio package is located here:

  2. Follow vcpkg installation instructions and complete the install. Please note vcpkg has its own list of prerequisites listed on their page.

  3. Execute the PowerShell command from where vcpkg is located in directory. vcpkg install openimageio

Test Images

There are several projects containing sets of sample images for testing OpenImageIO.

They are kept separate in order to make the main source code tree smaller and simpler for people who don't need the test suite. Additionally, some of these packages are maintained outside the OpenImageIO project by their respective organizations.

Download Directory Placement Notes
git clone <path>/../oiio-images CMake will download if not present
git clone <path>/../openexr-images CMake will download if not present <path>/../fits-images Manual download required <path>/../j2kp4files_v1_5 Manual download required
Where <path> is the location of the main OpenImageIO repository.

You do not need any of these packages in order to build or use OpenImageIO. But if you are going to contribute to OpenImageIO development, you probably want them, since it is required for executing OpenImageIO's test suite (when you run "make test").