Some basic code examples for Economics and Finance Open Source Software.
Bond Calculator (directory bondcalc) A library for calculating the yield to maturity for plain vanilla bonds.
Holy Days Calculator (directory holydays) A library for calculating movable and immovable bank holidays.
European Statistics (directory eurostat) An app that downloads and visualizes json-stat data.
Newton-Raphson method (directory newtonraphson) An app that resolves equation systems with the Newton-Raphson method.
Surface Chart (directory surfacechart) An app that draws a three-dimensional surface graph for a function.
PD Estimation (directory pdestimation) An app that estimates probability of default for low default portfolios.
Margin Calls (directory margincalls) An app that calculates margin calls for a sample set of option deals,
Each example is a separate Scala application. Navegate to its directory (for example bondcalc), compile and run with sbt.
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