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Gjum edited this page Oct 14, 2016 · 22 revisions

How to contribute claims

How to contribute VoxelMap data

Note that this will contain only the terrain data, and no waypoints

  • Windows: go to %appdata%.minecraft\mods\VoxelMods\voxelMap\cache
  • Mac: go to ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/mods/VoxelMods/voxelMap/cache

Then create a .zip archive with the directory (or whatever address you use to connect to the server, also just sending the\world directory is enough), upload it to a file hosting service of your choice (people seem to like PixelDrain), and send the link to /u/Gjum on Reddit.

Latest combined cache (2016-10-14)

When you use this, please make sure the timestamps on the x, files are set correctly, or I won't be able to take your data. If they are all a bit in the past, and not all the same (i.e. the time you unpacked them), you're good.

Why VoxelMap?

VoxelMap caches the visited, but not loaded parts of the worlds in a way that is very useful for drawing custom maps. VoxelMap stores per x/z coordinate up to four kinds of blocks, the height, and both light levels, and generates the map images on the fly, making it possible to change any settings after you visited a region.

Because VoxelMap stores the rendered blocks, and not just images, it is possible to combine multiple caches into one, even if there are conflicts between them. For example: a new contribution contains old data for a region, but the current main cache has more recent data, so we use the more recent data instead of overwriting it with the older data.

Why not JourneyMap? JourneyMap only saves the generated PNGs, and only for day/night mode. While it is possible to combine the rendered images of VoxelMap and JourneyMap, it makes it very difficult to update the map later with more recent data.

Why not Xaero/MapWriter/...? If you have considerable amounts of new map data in any format, I'll gladly take a look at it and try including it. However, many formats are not documented anywhere and thus are more difficult to use properly if at all.

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