Create a Debian 10/11 server with at least 4GB or RAM and setup SSH access to root user.
$ ssh
$ exit
Create 2 A/AAAA records for and pointing to the AWX servers IP.
- Optionally, create a backup server. You should be able to access root using a IP that the AWX server can reach and the 'client_private_ssh_key', it should also contain a depriviledged user 'backup_server_user' and backup location 'backup_server_location'. Collect its SSH fingerprint and save it to 'backup_server_ssh_fingerprint', to collect it run this command:
$ ssh-keyscan -t ed25519 {{ backup_server_ip }} 2>/dev/null ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOdNgn7zqlpWIsiTV91QLEtRnXH18uMC27zVJYHsql/D
Create a A/AAAA record for pointing to the backup servers IP.
Install prometheus-node-exporter and export port 9100 on the backup server.
- Pre-setup, setup before the awx playbook is run, installs Docker and sets up TLS proxy for AWX, optionally website hooks and grafana are also setup.
$ git clone
Install prerequisite packages for ansible on the controller:
$ ansible-galaxy collection install community.grafana
Edit host into: ./inventory/hosts
Create folder for host at: ./inventory/host_vars/
Record these variables to ./inventory/host_vars/
- org_name (The name of your organisation.)
- hosting_url (The URL of your organisation.)
- awx_url (The URL for AWX.)
- grafana_url (The URL for Grafana.)
- certbot_email (The organisations email.)
- grafana_admin_password (Graphana admin users password.)
- prometheus_retention_period (Number of days to retain the monitoring data.)
- secret_key (Strong password for the AWX secrets.)
- pg_password (Strong password for the AWX database.)
- admin_password (Strong password for the AWX admin user.)
- delete_subscription_hours_delay (The number of hours to delay the subscription deletion.)
- update_schedule_start (The start time for scheduled client updates in 'YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS' format, for example '20211030T080000' which means the 30th of October 2021 at 8AM.)
- update_schedule_frequency (The time period for scheduled client updates, options are 'MINUTELY', 'HOURLY', 'DAILY', 'WEEKLY','MONTHLY')
- update_schedule_interval (The number of minutes/hours/days/weeks/months to schedule client updates to.)
- create_delete_source (Repository URL for 'Ansible Create Delete Subscription Membership'.)
- create_delete_branch (Branch of this repository to use.)
- provision_source (Repository URL for 'Ansible Provision'.)
- provision_branch (Branch of this repository to use.)
- deploy_source (Repository URL for 'matrix-docker-ansible-deploy'.)
- deploy_branch (Branch of this repository to use.)
- client_public_ssh_key (Location of public client key AWX will use.)
- client_private_ssh_key (Location of private client key AWX will use.)
- client_private_ssh_key_password (Strong password for this private key.)
- vault_unlock_ssh_password: (Strong password to vault the private_ssh_key_password.)
If you will be using the Mailgun relay (recommended), define:
- mg_sender_email_address (The Mailgun email address. eg: "")
- mg_sender_domain (The Mailgun email domain. eg: ""
- mg_relay_host_name (The Mailgun relay host name. eg: "")
- mg_api_url (The Mailgun API location. eg: "")
- mg_private_api_key (The Mailgun private API key.)
If you will be using a backup server (recommended), define:
- backup_server_enabled ('true' if using a backup server, otherwise 'false')
- backup_server_ip (IP address of the backup server.)
- backup_server_hostname (The hostname of the backup server.)
- backup_server_user (The username of the backup server.)
- backup_server_directory (The directory to backup to on the backup server.)
- backup_server_location: (The location of the backup server.)
- backup_awx_encryption_passphrase (Strong password for the AWX borg backup.)
- backup_server_ssh_fingerprint (The host SSH fingerprint of your backup server.)
- backup_schedule_start (The start time for scheduled client backups in 'YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS' format, for example '20211030T080000' which means the 30th of October 2021 at 8AM.)
- backup_schedule_frequency (The time period for schedules client backups, options are 'MINUTELY', 'HOURLY', 'DAILY', 'WEEKLY','MONTHLY')
- backup_schedule_interval (The number of minutes/hours/days/weeks/months to schedule client backups to.)
If you want to spawn Matrix servers using DigitalOcean, define:
- do_api_token (Your DigitalOcean API token/)
- do_spaces_access_key (Your DigitalOcean Spaces Access Key.)
- do_spaces_secret_key (Your DigitalOcean Spaces Secret Key.)
- do_image_master (eg: debian-10-x64)
If you will be using this setup commercially (with WordPress/MemberPress), define:
- radius_secret (Strong password for authenticating AWX against FreeRadius.)
- oauth_client_id (client_id from WP Oauth Server WordPress plugin.)
- oauth_client_secret (client_secret from WP Oauth Server WordPress plugin.)
- wp_url (The URL of the front-end WordPress site.)
- wp_username (The front-end WordPress username you SSH into.)
Run the script:
$ ansible-playbook -v -i ./inventory/hosts -t "setup,setup-monitor" pre_setup.yml
- Run the AWX deployment script.
$ cd ..
$ wget
$ tar -xf 17.1.0.tar.gz
$ cd ./awx-17.1.0/
From the above variables, copy the following:
- secret_key
- pg_password
- admin_password
^ Edit these into ./installer/inventory, also add project_data_dir line and change host_port:
Next comment out the first line and edit the awx_url into ./installer/inventory
#localhost ansible_connection=local ansible_python_interpreter="/usr/bin/env python3"
Next, run the playbook to install the Ansible AWX with the following command:
$ ansible-playbook -i ./installer/inventory ./installer/install.yml
- Post-setup, configures existing AWX system and adds community packages if 'configure-awx' tag set, also configures the AWX systems backup if 'setup-backup' and 'enable-backup' tag is included. Note that the backup machine will need SSH access to root.
Install prerequisite packages for ansible on the controller:
$ ansible-galaxy collection install community.crypto
$ ansible-galaxy collection install --force awx.awx:17.1.0
Run the script:
$ ansible-playbook -v -i ./inventory/hosts -t "generate-token,configure-awx,setup-webhooks,setup-radius,setup-swatchdog,setup-backup,enable-backup" post_setup.yml
- If using a backup server, perform the initial SSH handshake from AWX to backup server.
From AWX:
# ssh {{ backup_server_hostname }}
Note the command-line here is restricted, so you won't be able to do anything besides connnect.
6A) If using this setup commercially (with WordPress/MemberPress), perform the initial SSH handshake from AWX to the wordpress site:
From AWX:
# runuser -u freerad -- /usr/bin/ssh {{ wp_url }} ./ admin test
This should print the following error:
Error: Invalid user ID, email or login: 'admin'
6B) check webhook.service status:
# systemctl status webhook.service
● webhook.service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/webhook.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2022-01-06 00:35:33 UTC; 10min ag
- Connect AWX to FreeRADIUS server
In the 'Authentication' > 'Radius' page:
RADIUS SERVER: Public IP of the AWX server. RADIUS PORT: 1812 RADIUS SECRET: "{{ radius_secret }}"
- Set base URL in AWX
Settings > Miscellaneous System Settings > Edit
Change 'Base URL of the Tower host' to your AWX systems URL.
- Setup grafana.
The Grafana needs extra configuration to work, follow the in the docs/ directory.