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Bubblewrap CLI

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Bubblewrap is a Command Line Interface (CLI) that helps developers to create a Project for an Android application that launches an existing Progressive Web App (PWA) using a Trusted Web Activity (TWA).


Setting up the Environment

When running Bubblewrap for the first time, it will offer to automatically download and install external dependencies. This is the recommended setup, but it's possible to manually setup the environment.


As an alternative to running the cli on your machine with Node.js directly you can use this container image which got the cli and all dependencies pre-installed. To use the cli run docker run --rm -ti [cmd] as you would normally use bubblewrap [cmd].

Quickstart Guide

Installing Bubblewrap

npm i -g @bubblewrap/cli

⚠️ Warning: Don't use sudo npm i -g @bubblewrap/cli to install Bubblewrap. Using npm commands with sudo can create different kinds of problems and should be avoided (see here and here).

Initializing an Android Project

Generate an Android project from an existing Web Manifest:

bubblewrap init --manifest

When initalizing a project, Bubblewrap will download the Web Manifest and ask you to confirm the values that should be used when building the Android project.

It will also ask you for the details needed to generate a signing key, used to sign the app before uploading to the Play Store.

❕ Even though we recommend Bubblewrap for building and generating a signed APK, the output from the init command is a regular Android project that can be opened and built using Android Studio. Please, refer to the documentation to build and sign applications using Android Studio.

Building the Android Project

bubblewrap build

When building the project for the first time, the Android Build Tools will need to be installed. The tool will invoke the installation process for the build tools. Make sure to read and accept the license agreement before proceeding. This process will install the other required files inside the directory/decompressed root directory of the android CLI package.

As a result of the build step, the tool will generate a signed APK (app-release-signed.apk) that can be used for testing the app and a signed AppBundle (./app-release-bundle.aab) that can be uploaded to the Play Store. You will also need to deploy a Digital Asset Links file to validate your domain. The TWA Quick Start Guide explains how to extract the information needed to generate it.


Overview of bubblewrap commands

The diagram above shows which commands (in the black boxes) take as input or produce as output various files (in white ovals). An arrow leading to a file means "creates or modifies" and an arrow leading to a command means "is used as input".



Initializes an Android project for Trusted Web Activity from a Web Manifest. The init script will parse the Web manifest and generate default values for the Android project, where possible. It will prompt the user to confirm or input values where one could not be generated.

bubblewrap init --manifest="<web-manifest-url>" [--directory="<path-to-output-location>"] [--chromeosonly] [--metaquest]


  • --directory: path where to generate the project. Defaults to the current directory.
  • --chromeosonly: this flag specifies that the build will be used for Chrome OS only and prevents non-Chrome OS devices from installing the app.
  • --metaquest: this flag specifies that the build will be compatible with Meta Quest devices.
  • --alphaDependencies: enables features that depend on upcoming version of the Android library for Trusted Web Activity or that are still unstable.


Builds the project into a final APK that can be uploaded to the Play Store.

The command will ask the user for they key store passwords. Alternatively, users can set the passwords as enviromental variables, which allows running build as part of a continuous integration. Set BUBBLEWRAP_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD for the key store password and BUBBLEWRAP_KEY_PASSWORD as the key password.


bubblewrap build [--skipPwaValidation] [--skipSigning] [--manifest="<path-twa-manifest>"] [--signingKeyPath="<path-to-signing-key>"] [--signingKeyAlias="<key-alias>"]


  • --skipPwaValidation: skips validating the wrapped PWA against the Quality Criteria.
  • --skipSigning: skips signing the built APK and App Bundle. Other signing-related flags are ignored when this is used.
  • --signingKeyPath: path to keystore to use for signing the built APK and App Bundle. Overrides signingKey.path specified in twa-manifest.json.
  • --signingKeyAlias: key name. Overrides signingKey.alias specified in twa-manifest.json.
  • --manifest: directory where the client should look for twa-manifest.json.


Regenerates the Android project files from a twa-manifest.json file.

⚠️ Warning: Bubblewrap doesn't expect the generated Android project to be updated using external editors. Any files added manually to the Android project will be deleted or overwritten when update is executed. Changes to twa-manifest.json are preserved.


bubblewrap update [--appVersionName="<version-string>"] [--skipVersionUpgrade] [--manifest="<path-twa-manifest>"]


  • --appVersionName: version name to be used on on the upgrade. Ignored if --skipVersionUpgrade is used.
  • --skipVersionUpgrade: skips upgrading appVersion and appVersionCode.
  • --manifest: directory where the client should look for twa-manifest.json.


Validates a PWA agains the Quality Criteria for being using in a Trusted Web Activity.


bubblewrap validate --url=[pwa-url]


Install the application generated in the output command to a device connected for debugging.


bubblewrap install [--apkFile="/path-to-apk/apkfile.apk"]


  • --apkFile: path to the APK file to be installed. Defaults to ./app-release-signed.apk.
  • --verbose: prints the adb command being executed.


Displays a list of commands and options.


bubblewrap help


Validates that the jdk and the androidSdk are located at the path specified in your config and that they are at the correct version.


bubblewrap doctor


Sets the paths of the jdk or the androidSdk to the given paths.


bubblewrap updateConfig  --jdkPath="/path-to-jdk" --androidSdkPath="/path-to-androidSdk"


  • --jdkPath: sets the jdk's path to the path given.
  • --androidSdkPath: sets the androidSdk's path to the path given.


Merges the user's web manifest into their twaManifest.json.


bubblewrap merge --ignore [fields-list]


  • --appVersionName: version name to be used on on the upgrade. Ignored if --skipVersionUpgrade is used.
  • --skipVersionUpgrade: skips upgrading appVersion and appVersionCode.
  • --ignore: Ignores all of the fields on the list. Accepts all of the possible fields in the Web Manifest.


Manages the list of fingerprints used to generate the Digital Asset Links file for the web application.


bubblewrap fingerprint [subcommand]

Global flags:

  • --manifest=<manifest>: path to the Trusted Web Activity configuration.',



Adds a fingerprint to the project configuration.


bubblewrap fingerprint add [SHA-256 fingerprint] <flags>

Additional flags:

  • --name=<name>: optionally set a name to help identify the fingerprint. The name is printed along with the fingerprint when using the list subcommand.


Removes a fingerprint from the project configuration.


bubblewrap fingerprint remove [SHA-256 fingerprint] <flags>


Lists the fingerprints in the project configuration.


bubblewrap fingerprint list <flags>


Generates an AssetLinks file from the project configuration


bubblewrap fingerprint generateAssetLinks <flags>


  • --output=<filename>: path from where to load the project configuration.


Manages the artifacts for your Google Play Project.


bubblewrap play [subcommand]

Note: These feature requires a service account file to work correctly. Please see this documentation for setting up a service account.

Global flags (can be applied to all of the features commands):

  • --serviceAccountFile: sets the service account json file location in the twa-manifest.
  • --manifest: specifies the manifest file to use if not in the current directory.



Publishes provided bundle to the Play Store.


bubblewrap play publish --serviceAccountFile="/path/to/service/account.json" --track="beta" --appBundleLocation="/home/appBundle.aab"


  • --track: publishes the prebuilt file to the Google Play Store specificed track (defaults to internal track).
  • --appBundleLocation: specifies the location of the appbundle to upload to Google Play (defaults to current directory).


⚠️ This is an experimental feature.


bubblewrap play retain --add=86


  • --add: specifies the bundles to retain for release (this would be Android only bundles if releasing a Chrome OS only release).
  • --remove: removes the specified bundle if no longer relevant.
  • --list: shows a list of existing retained bundles in the twa-manifest.json, not what is listed as retained from play.



bubblewrap play versionCheck --serviceAccountFile="/path/to/service/account.json"  --targetDirectory="/home/my/app/dir"


  • --targetDirectory: the directory that versionCheck should run in (defaults to the current directory). This should be your bubblewrap project directory.

twa-manifest.json reference

The twa-manifest.json file is generated as by the init comand and contains the configuration of Android application.

Developers who want to change their application configuration after running init can do so by editing this file then running the update command.


Name Type Required Description
additionalTrustedOrigins string[] false A list of additional origins owned by developer and validated with Digital Asset Links. The user will remain in fullscreen mode when navigating to those origins inside the application.
alphaDependencies AlphaDependencies false Enables the Android application to use alpha version of dependencies. Defaults to false.
appVersion string false versionName for the Android application. Check the Android docs for details.
appVersionCode number false versionCode for the Android application. Check the Android docs for details.
backgroundColor string true Color used for the splash screen background.
display 'standalone' | 'fullscreen' | 'fullscreen-sticky' false The initial display mode for the Android application. fullscreen-sticky corresponds to Android's Immersive Sticky. Defaults to standalone.
enableNotifications boolean true Set to true to enable notification delegation.
enableSiteSettingsShortcut boolean false Adds a shortcut to the site settings in the application launcher. Defaults to true.
fallbackType 'customtabs' | 'webview' false Fallback strategy used when a browser that supports Trusted Web Activity is not available on the users device. Defaults to 'customtabs'.
features Features false Enables optional features in the Android application. Read the Features section for details.
fingerprints Fingerprint[] false List of fingerprints used to generate the Digital Asset Links file. Read the Fingerprint section for details.
generatorApp string false Identifier for tool used to generate the Android project. Bubblewrap uses bubblewrap-cli. Should only be modified by generator apps.
host string true The origin that will be opened in the Trusted Web Activity.
iconUrl string true Full URL to an the icon used for the application launcher and splash screen. Must be at least 512x512 px.
isChromeOSOnly boolean false Generates an application that targets only ChromeOS devices. Defaults to false.
isMetaQuest boolean false Generates an application that compatible with Meta Quest devices. Defaults to false.
launcherName string false A short name for the Android application, displayed on the Android launcher
maskableIconUrl string false Full URL to an the icon used for maskable icons, when supported by the device.
monochromeIconUrl string false Full URL to a monochrome icon, used when displaying notifications.
name string true Name for the Android application, displayed on vairous places when installed on an Android device.
navigationColor string true The color used for the navigation bar.
navigationColorDark string false The color used for the navigation bar when the device is in dark mode. Defaults to #000000.
navigationDividerColor string false The color used for the navigation bar divider. Defaults to #000000.
navigationDividerColorDark string false The color used for the navigation bar divider when the device is dark mode. Defaults to #000000.
orientation 'default' | 'any' | 'natural' | 'landscape' | 'portrait' | 'portrait-primary' | 'portrait-secondary' | 'landscape-primary' | 'landscape-secondary' false Initial orientation used to launch the Android application. Defaults to 'default'.
packageId string true The application id for the output Android app.
retainedBundles Array false These are the bundles of app bundles that you want to retain when publishing a new bundle.
serviceAccountJsonFile string false The Play Store serviced account information. Guide to setting up
shareTarget ShareTarget false Web Share Target configuration for the application.
shortcuts ShortcutInfo[] false Shortcuts configuration for the application.
signingKey SigningKeyInfo true Signing key and alias used to sign the Android application. Read the SigningKeyInfo section for details.
splashScreenFadeOutDuration number true Duration for the splash screen fade out animation.
startUrl string true The start path for the TWA. Must be relative to the domain.
themeColor string true The color used for the status bar.
themeColorDark string true The color used for the dark status bar.
webManifestUrl string false Full URL to the PWA Web Manifest. Required for the application to be compatible with Chrome OS and Meta Quest devices.
fullScopeUrl string false The navigation scope that the browser considers to be within the app. If the user navigates outside the scope, it reverts to a normal web page inside a browser tab or window. Must be a full URL. Required and used only by Meta Quest devices.
minSdkVersion number false The minimum Android API Level required for the application to run. Defaults to 23, if isMetaQuest is true, and 19 otherwise.


Developers can enable additional features in their Android application. Some features may include more dependencies into the application and increase the binary size.

Name Type Required Increases Binary Size Description
appsFlyer AppsFlyerConfig false true Read the AppsFlyerConfig section for details.
firstRunFlag FirstRunFlagConfig false false Read the FirstRunFlagConfig section for details.
locationDelegation LocationDelegationConfig false true Read the LocationDelegationConfig section for details.
playBilling PlayBillingConfig false true Read the PlayBillingConfig section for details.


Enables the AppsFlyer SDK in the Android application. Includes additional libraries and is not compatible with Chrome OS.

Name Type Required Description
appsFlyerId boolean true The appsflyer id.
enabled boolean true Set to true to enable the feature.


Delegates the location permission dialog to the Android system, instead of showing the browser dialog. Recommended when the application requests the location permission, but not enabled by default as it includes additional dependencies in the application.

Name Type Required Description
enabled boolean true Set to true to enable the feature.


Enables the Play Billing integration in the application and allows the web application to use the Digital Goods API to receive payments. Includes additional dependencies in the Android app.

Name Type Required Description
enabled boolean true Set to true to enable the feature.


Adds an extra query parameter when launching the application, indicating if the application is run for the first time.

Name Type Required Description
enabled boolean true Set to true to enable the feature.
queryParameterName string true The query parameter name used to attach the first run information to the start-url.


Name Type Required Description
enabled boolean false When set to true enables the application to use an alpha version of android-browser-helper.


Information on filesystem location and alias used to sign the Android application.

Name Type Required Description
path string true Path to the keystore file in the local filesystem
alias string true Alias for the key used to sign the application in the keystore


Information on the signature fingerprints for the application. Use to generate the assetlinks.json file and managed by the fingerprint command.

Name Type Required Description
name string false An optional name for the fingerprint.
value string true The SHA-256 value for the fingerprint.

Manually setting up the Environment

Get the Java Development Kit (JDK) 11.

The Android Command line tools requires the correct version of the JDK to run. To prevent version conflicts with a JDK version that is already installed, Bubblewrap uses a JDK that can unzipped in a separate folder.

Download a version of JDK 17 that is compatible with your OS from Adoptium and extract it in its own folder.

⚠️ Warning: Using a version lower than 17 will make it impossible to compile the project and higher versions are incompatible with the Android command line tools.

Get the Android command line tools

Download a version of Android command line tools that is compatible with your OS from Create a folder and extract the downloaded file into it. This will further install the androidSdk and android SDK manager without needing to install the whole Android IDE.

Tell Bubblewrap where the JDK and Android command line tools are

When running bubblewrap for the first time, it will ask where it can find the JDK and Android command line tools. So, take note of the location where both were decompressed.

To ensure if you are taking note of the correct location, check if each directory contains the following files:

  • On Windows and Linux, the correct OpenJDK path should contain bin, include ,lib, etc. On MacOS, the directory should contain the Contents subdirectory.
  • The AndroidSDK path should contain tools which should have bin, cli

Updating the location of the JDK and / or the Android command line tools.

If the location for the JDK or the Android command line tools have been setup with the wrong path or if their location has changed after the initial configuration, the location for either of those can be changed by editing the configuration file at ${USER_HOME}/.bubblewrap/config.json.

Sample config.json


(Note : Make sure you don't have spaces in the androidSdkPath. Check this link for more details.)


See CONTRIBUTING for more.


See LICENSE for more.


This is not a Google product.