This repository contains LookML model, views, and dashboards for MFG ML. This is an adaptation of the Manufacturing Data Engine LookML Template.
An active Looker instance.
A Looker account with permissions to:
- Add database connection to MDE BigQuery tables.
- Create new LookML projects and setup Git integration.
An active MDE environment with the latest version.
A GCP account with permissions to:
- Create new BigQuery datasets
- Create new service accounts
- Assign roles to service accounts
The LookML model is optimized to use Looker's persistent derived tables (PDT). Hence, dedicated dataset for storing the PDT in BigQuery is recommended. You can create it in Cloud Shell using the code snippet below:
export LOCATION=US export BQ_DATASET_LOOKER_PDT="mde_looker_pdt" bq --location=${LOCATION} mk --dataset ${BQ_DATASET_LOOKER_PDT}
A service account with a SA key is required. You can create a service account with the required permissions using the code snippet below:
export PROJECT_ID="customer-mdeproject-h123" export SA_LOOKER="mde-looker" export SA_LOOKER_EMAIL="${SA_LOOKER}@${PROJECT_ID}" gcloud iam service-accounts create $SA_LOOKER \ --display-name "MDE Looker account" gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \ --member serviceAccount:${SA_LOOKER_EMAIL} \ --role "roles/bigquery.connectionUser" gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \ --member serviceAccount:${SA_LOOKER_EMAIL} \ --role "roles/bigquery.dataEditor" gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \ --member serviceAccount:${SA_LOOKER_EMAIL} \ --role "roles/bigquery.jobUser" gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \ --member serviceAccount:${SA_LOOKER_EMAIL} \ --role "roles/bigtable.user" # Creation of SA key export SA_LOOKER_KEY=~/projects/$PROJECT_ID/${SA_LOOKER}_key.json gcloud iam service-accounts keys create $SA_LOOKER_KEY \ --iam-account ${SA_LOOKER_EMAIL} cat <<EOF =========================================== Connection credentials to be used in Looker =========================================== Connection Name: mde Project Name: ${PROJECT_ID} Dataset: sfp_data Dataset PDT: ${BQ_DATASET_LOOKER_PDT} Service Account Email: ${SA_LOOKER_EMAIL} Service Account JSON File: upload of ${SA_LOOKER_KEY} EOF
Create BigQuery connection to the MDE Config Manager database.
export CLOUD_SQL_NAME=$(gcloud sql instances list \
--filter=name:"imde-config-manager*" \
export CLOUD_SQL_REGION=$(gcloud sql instances list \
--filter=name:"imde-config-manager*" \
export CLOUD_SQL_PASS=$(gcloud secrets versions access \
--secret=cloudsql-config-manager-root-password \
gcloud services enable;
gcloud sql instances patch $CLOUD_SQL_NAME --assign-ip;
bq mk --connection \
--display_name='mde-cfg-sql' \
--connection_type='CLOUD_SQL' \
--properties="{\"instanceId\":\"${CLOUD_SQL_ID}\",\"database\":\"configuration-manager\",\"type\":\"POSTGRES\"}" \
--connection_credential="{\"username\":\"root\",\"password\":\"${CLOUD_SQL_PASS}\"}" \
--project_id=${PROJECT_ID} \
--location=${LOCATION} \
The deployment of the MFG ML LookML is done in 2 steps:
- Create BigQuery connection in Looker
- Create LookML project and configure Git integration
For setting up the connectivity between Looker and MDE BigQuery, please follow the Looker BigQuery documentation.
An example of database connection settings is provided on the screenshot below:
You can deploy the LookML into your Looker instance by:
Once Git integration is configured, you should be able able to access your MDE dashboards by selecting from the top menu: Browse -> All Folders -> LookML dashboards
For convenience, it is recommended to set up a Board and pin the MDE LookML dashboards to this Board.
To customize the LookML, you will have to follow these steps: